Mr Sam Khoza – Director Information and Communication Technology
The University of Venda has appointed Mr Sam Khoza as the Director Information and Communication Technology with effect from 01 February 2019. Before joining UNIVEN, Sam Khoza worked as Group ICT Manager at Foskor overseeing the ICT department, Director: Cooperate...
Prof Vhonani Olive Netshandama, Director: Directorate of Community Engagement Entrepreneurship Inclusive Innovation and Commercialization
Professor Vhonani Olive Netshandama has over 15 years of experience as Director of Community Engagement at the University of Venda. She is a Participatory action researcher and action learner, immersed into lifelong learning principles. A DST Distinguished Woman...
Mr Johannes Magadani – Online Technologist (SharePoint Developer) – Department of Information Technology Services
Throughout his employment history it has become evident, that his strengths and passion lie in Front-End Development and the ability to think Out of the Box. Johannes Magadani is able to solve problems in a cost-effective manner. In addition to this, He has proven...