Full name: Prof Tshitangano Takalani Grace
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualifications: Bcur(UNISA), MPH (Univen), MBA (MANCOSA) PhD (UNIVEN)
Email address: Takalani.Tshitangano@univen.ac.za
Office No: Office 3 Health Sciences Caravans


Prof Takalani Grace Tshitangano is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health. She has worked for over ten years in the higher education sector. She specializes in health promotion and has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:

1) Nthanyiseni Rangolo, Takalani Grace Tshitangano, Foluke Comfort Olaniyi. Compliance of Professional Nurses at Primary Health Care Facilities to the South African Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines. Nursing Reports. 2021; 11(4): 741-749.

2) FC Olaniyi, JS Ogola, TG Tshitangano. Challenges of effective management of medical waste in low-resource settings: perception of healthcare workers in Vhembe district healthcare facilities, South Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, 2021, Vol. 76(1), 81-88.

3) Tshivhase SE, Khoza LB, Tshitangano TG. Application of the information-motivation-behavioral skills model to strengthen eye care follow-up amongst glaucoma patients. Africa Vision Eye Health. 2021;80(1), a642. https://doi. org/10.4102/aveh. v80i1.642.

Prof Tshitangano has never written books and book chapters. She has supervised to graduation 34 Masters and 7 PhD students. Prof Tshitangano is the former head of the public health department and currently Chairperson of the COVID-19 response team at the University of Venda.

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