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Dr Violet Kankane Moselakgomo is a Lecturer in the Department of Biokinetics, Recreation & Sport Science. In her academic career spanning thirteen years in the higher education sector, Dr Moselakgomo was involved in teaching and pioneered several Research Projects funded by National Research Foundation and published extensively in national and international accredited journals.  Her passion for research and innovation led to numerous awards, achievements, grants and international recognition. Some highlights include projecting her groundbreaking work at different international conferences as honorary speaker, including recently published articles,  Moselakgomo VK, Toriola AL, & Onagbiye S. (2020) Relationship between aerobic fitness cardiometabolic disease risk in South African children. Journal: Gazzetta Medica Italiana (Minerva Edizioni), DOI 10.23736/S0393-3660.18.03955-4-

Moselakgomo VK & Van Staden M (2019). Diagnostic accuracy of the tri-ponderal mass index and body mass index in estimating overweight and obesity in South African children. Journal: African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine (AJPHCFM), DOI: v11:1.1949.   Moselakgomo VK & Van Staden M (2018). Physical activity and cardiometabolic disease risks in South African children. Journal: Asian Journal of Scientific Research (AJSR) DOI: 103923/ajsr.2018.)  Pages 498-505. Dr VK Moselakgomo currently serves on Asian Journal for Scientific Research in Nursing & Health and International Society for Physical Education and Sport Science (ISPESS) as Editorial Board Member. Other recognitions include the International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport (ISCPES) based in China and the International Society for Childhood Obesity (ISCO), Portugal, of which she has been a member since the year 2010. She also serves at Research Committees on both advisory capacity and as board member, which includes the Research Publication Committee (RPC), Research Ethics Committee (REC), Executive School/Faculty/ Higher Degree Committee (ES/FHDC & S/FHDC) at University of Venda.

Full name: Dr Violet Kankane Moselakgomo
Designation: Lecturer
Department of Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science
Qualifications: BA. (Kine & Phy Ed); BA.Hons (Kine & Phy Ed) (UL), MTech (Clinical Technology) (TUT); PhD (Human Movement Studies) (NWU).
Email address:
Office Address: Office No. 14- Sport Hall