Dr Thulani Zulu is a Lecturer in the Department of Music. He has worked for over two years in the higher education sector. He specialises in music theory, practical musicianship, and guitars; and has published in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among his current work: 1) Article: Shying away from musical revolution: A political perspective on South African contemporary musicians. Author: Dr Thulani Zulu. He is presently supervising a Masters student. Dr Zulu is an aspiring NRF rated researcher. Dr Zulu is the faculty’s website committee member. in the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda.
Links to other profiles:
Google Scholar http://hdl.handle.net/11602/1240
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/me/profile-views?midToken=AQElvZIpzFOl3w&midSig
Department: Department of Arts and Social Sciences
Designation: Junior Lecturer
Qualifications: BMus (Univen), MAAS (Univen), PhDAS (Univen)
Email: Thulani.Zulu@univen.ac.za
Office No: No.2, Music Building