Prof Mkhacani Thomas Chauke is an Associate Professor in the Department of African Languages. He has worked for over 24 years in the higher education sector. He specialises in Onomastics Modern and Traditional Literature, Historical and Comparative Linguistics, Sociolinguistics & Folklore, and has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among his/her recent publications are: 1) Chauke, MT & Babane, MT, The Stereotypical Portrayal of Female Characters in the Drama Mahlo ya Nkwahle by OR Chauke. Gender & Behaviour. 14(1) pp. 6975-6982; 2) Chauke, MT, Nicknaming and Nicknames in Xitsonga Culture: An Onomastic Study. Journal of Social Sciences. 49(3): 378-383; 3) Chauke, MT, The Demise of Xitsonga Oratorical Potency: Folktaling As A Case in Point. Southern African Journal for Folklore Studies. 28(2). 4) Mathebula, MM., Chauke, MT., & Nxumalo, NE. Ntivomavito: Towards a harmonized identity of Xitsonga Onomastics. In Maurice A. Amutabi (ed). 2024. Contemporary Research on Development in Africa. CEDRED Publishers, Nairobi, Kenya. 5)Tshavalala, DD., & Chauke, MT. Positive Portrayal of Women in Xitsonga Proverbs. In Maurice A. Amutabi (ed). 2024. Contemporary Research on Development in Africa. CEDRED Publishers, Nairobi, Kenya. Prof Chauke has supervised Honours, Masters and PhD students. He is the former head of the M.E.R Mathivha Centre for African Languages, Arts and Culture in the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda.


Prof Mkhacani Thomas Chauke
Department of African Languages
Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education

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