General Rules - Admission, Registration and Examination of Students
The Higher Education Act of 1997 (Act No.101 of 1997) and the University of Venda Statute determine the admission, registration and examination of students, as well as issues of student discipline, while the accompanying regulations, framed by the Council of the University, prescribe the application of these legal instruments.
- (a) No person shall be enrolled for a module for any degree, diploma or certificate unless she/he has satisfied all the requirements as determined in the rules of the School concerned.
- (b) Subject to the provisions of the Act and of the Statute and these regulations, a student shall comply with the following requirements for admission:
- (i) A person applying for admission as a student shall submit, together with his application form, testimonial of good conduct acceptable to the Council.
- (ii) A person applying for admission as a student shall sit for an admission examination, if the Council so requires.
- (iii) Before a student is permitted to register for a particular module, he may be required to submit satisfactory proof of good health.
- (iv) A Student shall produce a matriculation certificate or exemption certificate referred to in the Act, or any other certificate which serves as a requirement for admission to a particular module of study, to the Registrar before 15 May of the year in which s/he is registered as a student for the first time, unless the Registrar grants him/her an extension of time.
- (v) Any person who registers as a student at the University for the first time shall produce his/her identity document to the Registrar when s/he presents himself for registration.
- (vi) A student shall after registration be subject to the rules and regulations applicable to students on and off the campus.
- (vii) A student shall be registered when his application for admission as a student has been approved.
- (viii) Residential arrangements made by students for the duration of the University year shall be subject to the approval of the Council.
- (ix) Before a person has been registered as student, he may attend lectures only with the permission of the Registrar.
Acceptance of a student’s prior obtained qualification for admission
A person who has graduated at another university or who is able to provide satisfactory proof of his or her academic abilities may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, be specially exempted from compliance with the requirements prescribed for admission to study for a degree.
Admission to equivalent status
Subject to the provision of the Statute, the Council may on the recommendation of the Senate
- (a) Admit the graduate of any other university or university institution to a status at University equivalent to that which he possessed at such other university or university institution;
- (b) Admit a candidate for the honours degree or for the degree of master or doctor of the University any person who, at any other university institution or at any university considered by the Senate to be equivalent to the University, has passed such examinations as in the opinion of the Senate
- are equivalent to or higher than the examinations prescribed for a degree of the University which is a prerequisite for such honours.
Registration of and fees payable by students
- (1) The Council may, after consultation with the Senate, prescribe the minimum requirements of study with which any person shall comply before he or she may be permitted: i) to register as a student of the University;
- ii) to renew his/her registration as a student in accordance with subsection (3); or
- iii) if he or she is registered as a student of the University, to attend or to continue to attend the University as a student.
(2) The fees payable by a student to the University shall be determined by the Council.
(3) Every person registered as a student of the University shall from time to time cause his or her registration as a student to be renewed in accordance with the Statute.
(4) The Council may refuse to renew the registration of a student applying therefor if such student fails to comply with the minimum study requirements contemplated in subsection (1)
(5) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Statute, the Council may cancel the registration of a student if it considers such cancellation to be in the interest of the University: Provided that such cancellation shall be final and the Council shall if required furnish reasons therefor.
(6) The Council may, after consultation with the Senate, limit the number of persons who shall be permitted to register for any specific module of study and, where the number of applicants for admission to such a module of study exceeds the number so limited, the Senate may select from the number of applicants those who are to be admitted to register for such module.
(7) The rules relating to study programmes and syllabuses in regard to full-time and part-time studies shall be as determined by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate.
(8) The Council may refuse to admit or re-admit as a student of the University any person who applies for any such admission or re-admission if the Council considers it in the best interest of the University to do so and the Council shall furnish reasons for any such refusal.
Registration of students
(1) Every person registering as a student at the University must sign the official registration form or accept online rules and regulations, thereby binding himself or herself to such conditions and rules as the Council may determine.
(2) A person registered as a student of the University is registered for the ensuing academic year or semester or for such shorter period as may be determined by the Council after consultation with Senate generally or in any particular case.
(3) No person is enrolled for a module for any degree or diploma or certificate unless he or she has satisfied all the requirements laid down in the rules concerned.
(a) Conduct of students on campus
Subject to the provision of the Act and of the Statute and these regulations, the following general rules shall apply with regard to the conduct of students:
- (i) Students and their parents or guardians shall submit themselves to the Statute, SRC Constitution, regulations and rules of the University, as amended from time to time.
- (ii) A student is required to attend lectures, tutorials and practicals regularly and punctually, to perform all prescribed written and other work and write all prescribed class tests.
- (iii) A student shall submit the reason for failure to comply with paragraph (ii) to the lecturer concerned as soon as possible.
- (iv) A student who has been suffering from an infectious disease or who has been living in a house where such a disease has occurred, shall furnish the Registrar with a medical certificate, issued by a registered medical practitioner, stating that his state of health is such that his attendance at the University will not be hazardous to the health of his co-students or the University staff.
- (v) A student who contracts a serious illness during the course of the year shall notify the Registrar thereof as soon as possible, and submit a medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner.
- (vi) No student organisation may be established without the approval of the Director Student Affairs, an application for approval shall be accompanied by a constitution of the proposed student organisation.
- (vii) An approved student organisation may conduct meetings of registered students on the campus, in accordance with the constitution of the student organisation concerned, provided that such meetings shall take place outside the scheduled lecturing times, unless prior approval of the Director : Student Affairs has been obtained.
- (viii) Press statements or press interviews concerning the bodies or persons in the management of the University, or which may harm the good name of the University, shall not be issued or granted by a student or a student organisation.
- (ix) Alcoholic beverages may be supplied on the campus on occasions approved by the Director: Student Affairs.
- (x) A motor vehicle may be brought or kept on the campus by a student provided that the student have an access disc.
- (xi) A student who purposely or by negligence causes damage to the property of the University shall be liable for the damage.
- (xii) Money or goods may be collected on the campus only with the permission of the Director : Student Affairs
- (xiii) A student shall be subject to the particular rules applicable to any specific part of the grounds or to buildings of the University. 1. Misconduct
(xiv) A student found guilty of a contravention of a regulation or rule of the University applicable on or off the campus and expelled from the University or a hostel shall forfeit any claim to a refund or payment of moneys already paid by him or payable by him and any right to remission of money due to him, unless the Council determines otherwise.
(b) Suspension of classes
The Principal may, if he/she deems it necessary in the interest of the University, and if possible after consultation with the executive committee of the Senate, suspend classes wholly or partially.
A student of the University is subject to the disciplinary provisions contained in the regulations in respect of disciplinary action as determined by the Council and the Vice Chancellor and Principal or Council may cancel or, for a specified period suspend registration of a student or admission to and accommodation in any student hostel or residence of the University or his or her right or entitlement to utilise any other University facilities if, at any time after due inquiry, the Vice Chancellor and Principal or Council is satisfied that such disciplinary measures are in the best interest of the University.
- a. A student shall, after registration, be subject to the disciplinary authority of the Vice Chancellor and Principal or Council.
- b. A student shall render himself/herself liable to the disciplinary action if he/she is guilty of misconduct, on or outside the campus of the University, in terms of the provisions of the Statute, Regulations or Rules of the University.
- c. No student who is facing a disciplinary hearing may graduate until the case is finalized
- d. A student shall be guilty of misconduct if he/she:
- (i) violates any rules/ regulations of the University or attempts to do so;
- (ii) conducts himself/herself in a manner which is or may be detrimental to the good name of the University or to the maintenance of order or discipline at the University;
- (iii) intentionally and negligently damages, destroys, misuses or wrongfully appropriates property of the University or of any other person or body or attempts to do so;
- (iv) furnishes false information to a member of the teaching or administrative staff of the University;
- (v) possesses or uses or attempts to use a habit-forming drug without a prescription from a doctor;
- (vi) Sells dagga or similar habit-forming drugs.
- (vii) is found in unlawful possession of a fire-arm or any dangerous weapon
- (viii) Violates any order of court
- (ix) Kills, assaults or injures or intends to injure a fellow student or staff member or member of the public
- (x) Sexually assault or harasses students, staff or member of the public. 2. Chief Disciplinary Officer
The Principal shall be the Chief Disciplinary Officer of the University and shall be empowered, in the event of any infringement of discipline or misconduct by a student, to exercise discipline himself/herself and may:
- (i) if a charge of misconduct against a student is under investigation, under certain circumstances immediately suspend the student from the University until the date of the hearing;
- (ii) Review, confirm, alter or set aside any finding or sentence imposed by anybody set out in these regulations provided any finding of the Council shall be final and cannot be confirmed, altered or set aside by the Principal.
- (iii) Instruct any disciplinary body to institute disciplinary action in terms of these regulations.
- (iv) Refer any disciplinary inquiry instituted by any disciplinary body for hearing to another disciplinary body: provided that a disciplinary body may recommend to the Principal that an inquiry instituted by it be referred to another disciplinary body for further investigation and hearing. 3. Disciplinary Enquiry
The decision of the Principal shall be final.
The Vice Chancellor and Principal or Council shall appoint a Chairperson who is a jurist to chair the disciplinary enquiry.
A student found guilty of misconduct shall have endorsed, on his/her academic record, the words: “Not certified for good conduct”.
4. The procedure at a hearing by the Disciplinary Enquiry
- a) The Registrar or his/her nominee shall notify a student in writing to appear before the Disciplinary Enquiry;
- b) The notice shall be served on the student at least 48 hours before the time set down for his/her hearing;
The notice shall specify the place, date and time of the hearing;
- c) The notice shall call upon the student to file his/her plea or statement in answer to the charge with the Registrar at least 24 hours before the time fixed for his/her hearing;
- d) Legal representation shall be allowed, at the hearing of a student on a charge of misconduct, and a minor shall be assisted at his/her hearing by a parent or guardian;
- e) The Registrar shall appoint a member of the administrative staff to act as secretary;
- f) A student disciplinary enquiry shall be held in camera;
- g) The hearing of a student may be held in absentia if he/she fails to appear before the Disciplinary Enquiry after having been served with a notice;
- h) If a student fails to file a plea or statement in accordance with paragraph (d), the chairperson of the Disciplinary enquiry shall call upon the student to plead;
- i) The Pro-forma Prosecutor may submit any documentary evidence at a hearing and call witnesses to substantiate the allegations, and any witnesses called by the Pro-forma Prosecutor and the student may be questioned by the chairperson of the enquiry; The chairperson of the Disciplinary Enquiry may recall a witness or call any witness to clarify an issue.
- j) A student who is charged with misconduct may:-
- i) address the Enquiry at the start of the proceedings to explain the basis of his/her defence;
- ii) put questions to any of the witnesses called by the pro-forma prosecutor or the chairperson;
- iii) inspect any document or exhibit submitted as evidence at his/her hearing;
- iv) tender evidence himself/herself as regards his/her defence or in mitigation of sentence;
- v) call witnesses and submit documentary evidence in support of his/her defence or in mitigation of sentence;
- vi) Address the Committee in defence or in mitigation of sentence after all evidence has been tendered.
- k) Previous convictions of misconduct may be taken into consideration by the
Disciplinary Enquiry when recommending sentence.
- l) The Chairperson of the Enquiry shall inform the student of the verdict and not the recommended sentence, but shall prepare a full report to the Vice Chancellor and Principal with his/her recommendations. The Vice Chancellor and Principal shall after considering the evidence led at the hearing, including evidence in mitigation and/or aggravation of sentence, determine an appropriate sentence.
5. Penalties of misconduct
- a. If the Disciplinary Enquiry finds a student guilty of misconduct, the Principal may impose one or more of the following penalties:-
– a warning;
– a reprimand;
– a fine,
– payable within such period as the Principal may determine;
– suspension;
– expulsion;
– a directive to apologise in writing to any person or body in a manner determined by the Principal;
– payment of an amount to make good any loss, damage or costs caused
– to the University or any other person or body;
– exclusion from any further participation in any or all tests or examinations of the University;
– forfeiture of a bursary, loan or student appointment of whatever nature;
– cancellation of the result of a test or examination or registration in a particular module;
– divestment of the right to bring to or use a motor vehicle of any kind on the campus;
– Divestment of any right or privilege vested in the student as a registered student of the University.
- b. The Principal may suspend any punishment on such conditions as he/she may deem fit.
- c. The Principal may postpone the passing of sentence for any period determined by himself/herself.
6. Students Representative Council’s Disciplinary Enquiry
- a. The Council or the Principal may, subject to the provisions of the Higher Education Act, the University of Venda Statute and Regulations, appoint and authorise a Students’ Representative Council’s Disciplinary Committee to try students for less serious cases of misconduct as determined and set out by the Council or the Vice Chancellor and Principal.
- b. All decisions of the Students Representative Council’s Disciplinary Committee shall be subject to ratification by the Principal before implementation.
7. Appeal against a decision of the Principal
- a. A student shall have the right to appeal in writing to a committee of Council against a decision given by the Disciplinary Enquiry or the Principal in the application of the regulations, and may submit written arguments or explanations of the grounds of his/her appeal to the Principal together with the appeal, and any such appeal shall be lodged within seven (7) days of the notification at the outcome of the Disciplinary Hearing by the Registrar to the student.
- b. The Principal shall submit the appeal to a Committee of Council and may, with the assistance of the pro-forma prosecutor, submit to the Committee any argument or; explanation in substantiation of the grounds on which the student concerned was convicted by the Disciplinary Enquiry or on which the penalty was imposed.
- c. The Committee of Council may, at the hearing of an appeal, confirm, alter or set aside the conviction by the Principal or Disciplinary Enquiry, or confirm, set aside or reduce any penalty imposed by the Principal; or refer the matter back to the Principal for reconsideration with or without recommendations.
- d. The Principal or any person who served on the Disciplinary Enquiry shall not attend the meeting at which the Committee of Council or Council hears such appeal.
- e. The decision of the Committee of Council shall be submitted to Council for approval and Council’s decision shall be final.
8. Discipline in the Library and Lecturing Rooms
- a. The University Librarian may summarily debar a student who has infringed any rule applicable to the library from making use of library facilities for a maximum period of 14 days.
- b. A member of the teaching staff may suspend a student who behaves in a disorderly manner from attending a period, lecture, tutorial and / or group discussion : provided that if such member of the teaching staff is not the Head of the Department, he/she shall report such disciplinary action to the Head of the Department within a reasonable period.
- (1) Subject to the Statute, the examinations and or other forms of assessment of the University shall be conducted under the control of the Senate.
- (2) The University may, for the purpose of any examination or other form of assessment determined by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate, make use of external examiners or moderators appointed by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate.
9. Disciplinary action against minors
Before any disciplinary action is taken by the Students Representative Assembly’s Disciplinary Committee or by the Principal against a minor, his/her parents/guardian shall be informed wherever possible of the steps that will be taken.
10. Forfeiture of fees paid or payable
In cases of conviction on account of misconduct, the student concerned shall forfeit all claims to a refund or rebate of fees paid or payable to the University by reason of any interference with or interruption or termination of his/her studies at the University, solely as a result of any action against such student in terms of the provisions of these regulations.
Written and Oral Examinations and other forms of Assessment and Tests
(i) Subject to the provisions of the Act and the Statute, a candidate shall pass in an examination or other form of assessment of the University in every module that he/she is required to take towards a degree, diploma or certificate.
(ii) A student shall not be admitted to any form of assessment unless he has paid all fees or any fines imposed by the University: provided that the Senate may exempt a student from this provision.
(iii) A student shall, in accordance with the rules laid down by the departments and Schools attend lectures and tutorials satisfactorily and obtain a semester marks which shall be taken into consideration in admitting the student to assessment and determining his final mark.
(iv) Progress within the curriculum for a degree, diploma or certificate shall be prescribed in the respective rules.
(v) Continuation of studies for a specific degree, diploma or certificate during a year of study may be changed or cancelled by the Senate if it deems it necessary in the interests of the University.
(b) Written and Oral Examination Centres
Written and oral examinations shall be conducted at such places as the Senate may approve as assessment centres.
(c) Dates and times of assessment
The date and time of an assessment shall be determined by the Senate and it may determine different dates and times for assessment. 71
(d) Absence owing to illness
(i) A candidate who, owing to illness, is prevented from presenting himself/herself for assessment shall inform the Dean or have him informed, in writing, of such illness before the start of the assessment, and such a notice must be supported within seven days from his date by a certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner.
(ii) The Senate may decide that a student mentioned in d (I) must present himself/herself for assessment on a date and at a place as determined by the Senate.
(e) Assessment rules and instructions
(i) Any student shall strictly adhere to the assessment rules which the Senate may issue, as well as to any instruction referred to which the Senate may make known to him/her through the assessor (lecturer)
(ii) The Senate may issue rules (in these regulations referred to as “assessment rules”) to a student in connection with the writing of an examination and any other form of assessment and such rules refer to;
– matters referred to in these regulations;
– the execution of instruction of the invigilator;
– times to report for an assessment;
– late reporting to the assessment room;
– objects which may be taken into the assessment room;
– the identification of a candidate and proof of entry for the assessment; and
– Any other assessment matter which the Principal may deem necessary.
(f) Assessment security
(i) Unless specifically otherwise provided in these regulations, no person shall prior to the date determined in terms of article (c) for the assessment concerned, have in his possession, buy, sell, reproduce or in whatsoever way copy or have copies made of the question paper referred to.
(ii) Any person who contravenes the provision of sub-article (f) (i) shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding R500.
(iii) In case of a written examination no person except the chief invigilator, or an invigilator by direction of the chief invigilator, shall open the sealed envelope containing the examination papers and the chief invigilator or the invigilator referred to shall open it only on the date and at the time fixed in terms of regulations for the examination paper concerned in the presence of students in the assessment room.
(iv) No person, except the invigilators, the students for the examination concerned or any person authorised thereto by the Senate shall be permitted in the assessment room during the time fixed for the examination.
(g) Irregularities by students
If any student
(i) unless otherwise provided by an authorised person for an assessment, takes into the assessment room or has in his possession while he is in the room, any book, memorandum, notes, card or other document or paper other than such as may be supplied to him by the invigilator, his admission card and identification document; or
(ii) in any irregular manner helps or attempts to help another student, obtains or attempts to obtain help or communicates or attempts to communicate with any person (except the invigilator); or
(iii) disregards the assessment rules or examination instructions and, after being warned by the invigilator, continues to disregard the rules and regulations referred to; or
(iv) creates a disturbance in an assessment room or behaves in an improper or unbecoming manner and refuses, after being warned by the invigilator, to stop causing the disturbance or his improper or unbecoming behaviour; or
(v) disregards the arrangements of the invigilator and, after being warned by the invigilator, continues to disregard the arrangements referred to:
The invigilator shall immediately bring such irregularity to the notice of the chief invigilator.
The chief invigilator may, after he has confronted the student concerned with the alleged irregularity and has afforded him the opportunity to present his side of the case in writing, or verbally, in the presence of an invigilator or other witness confiscate the student’s script, make a note of the time and circumstances surrounding this action and allow the student to continue with the written examination in a new script.
A student who continues to create a disturbance for other students in spite of a warning by the invigilator may be expelled from the assessment room by the chief invigilator in the presence of an invigilator or another witness.
The chief invigilator shall, immediately after the written examination, submit a complete report, together with the student’s written statement (or, in the case of a verbal statement, the chief invigilator’s written version thereof) and any other evidence regarding the matter, to the Principal.
(h) Action by the Principal
(i) the contents of a assessment question for which a student or group of students have entered have become known to him or them prior to the date and time on which the assessment is conducted; or
(ii) any of the provision of (g)(i)-(v) has been contravened;
(iii) another person pretend to be the student concerned at the assessment session;
(iv) some irregularity or other has occurred in connection with the writing of such examination or the handling of a script after such assessment has been conducted, the Principal may take one or more of the following steps:
Should the Principal be of the opinion that a student or group of students has obtained an unfair advantage because
– prohibit the student or group of students from entering the assessment room or from further writing the examination;
– refuse to recognise the results obtained by the student or group of students in the written examination;
– refuse any person referred to admission to an assessment for such period as the Principal may determine;
– instruct that any success in a module or an examination as a whole with which such student has been credited be cancelled; or
– reject the examination script in respect of the subject concerned.
The Principal may require a student or group of students to rewrite the examination as a whole or in part on such date, time and place as he may determine.
The Principal may, within three months after cancellation of any success, by notice in writing require a person to whom a diploma or certificate has been issued on the grounds of such success to return such diploma or certificate to the Principal for cancellation within three weeks of such notice for cancellation. 73
(i) Consequences of suspension or expulsion from the University
(i) refuse to recognise the results obtained by the student in the assessment; or
(ii) prohibit the student from further writing the examination; or
(iii) instruct that any success in any subject or examination with which the student was credited at such examination be cancelled
If a student who is a candidate in terms of the Act is suspended or expelled from the University on account of misconduct after the assessment has begun, the Principal may take one or more of the following steps:
(j) Examination scripts
An examination script shall be the property of the University and shall be put at the disposal of a student only during the period determined for the examination paper concerned. Examination scripts shall be kept by the University for a period of at least 90 days after the results of the assessment concerned were made available.
(k) Assessment of Projects
Students individually or in groups shall be assessed on their performance on the approved projects. Marks obtained in this assessment should form part of the final mark.
(l) Re-marking of examination scripts
(i) have his examination scripts re-marked; or
(ii) have his marks for a separate subject or subjects as well as his total marks verified
Any undergraduate student who fails a written examination or does not achieve the required symbol or is of the opinion that he should have achieved a higher symbol in a subject where no external examiners are involved, may apply to Senate to
A decision by Senate after consideration of an application referred to in (k) in respect of the question whether a student failed or achieved a required standard or symbol shall be final and the Senate shall not consider any further applications in this regard.
An application referred to in (k) shall reach the Senate within 90 days after the examination results are made known and shall be accompanied by the prescribed examination fee for re-marking.
Remarking is not automatic. The Dean and the Vice-Dean of the School concerned will look at each application.
Re-marking of internally moderated supplementary and special examination scripts is permitted and it should be done within 90 days.
(m) Diplomas, certificates and statements
A diploma or certificate, without any erasure of alteration on it, shall be issued free of charge by the Vice-Chancellor to any student who has complied with the requirements for such diploma or certificate.
No person, except the Principal or an officer authorised by the Principal to do so, acting in terms of this article, shall issue any such diploma, certificate or statement which indicates or purports to indicate that a person has passed an examination or successfully completed a module or subject of such an examination. 74
If the original diploma or certificate is mislaid or destroyed or damaged, the Principal may on receipt of an application on a form approved by the Principal, and on payment of an amount determined by Council, state in writing that a person has passed an examination or successfully completed a module or subject of such examination.
Any diploma or certificate which has been amended or erroneously issued may be reclaimed, confiscated and cancelled by the Principal.
(n) Viewing of scripts
1. Application for admission 2. Residence regulations
(a) Allocation of rooms
(b) Control and authority
In exceptional cases, where a student is not satisfied with the outcome of the assessment, the examination script may be viewed in the presence of the examiner, Head of Department and Examination Officer, after he/she shall have obtained approval from the Dean, and paid applicable fees.
(a) Application for admission to a University residence must be made on the prescribed form to reach the University in September of the year which precedes the year in which he/she intends to register.
(b) By signing the application for admission a student undertakes to abide by the rules and regulations applying to residential students of the University of Venda as well as the disciplinary measure to be taken by the University in cases of infringement of these regulations.
(c) The University reserves the right to refuse admission to any student without supplying reasons for doing so.
Rooms are allocated by residence authorities with the assistance of House Representative Committee members. You are at liberty to choose your roommate during room allocation if you have been allocated a double room. You are not allowed to swap rooms without the knowledge and consent of residence authorities.
i) The control of and authority in the University residences is entrusted to the House Representative Committee and the Residence Wardens.
ii) The House Representative Committee
Students in each residence elect one representative to the House Representative Committee at the beginning of the academic year. The representatives elect a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary. The House Representative Committee is responsible for the general welfare of resident students and the maintenance of order and discipline in the residences. The committee works in cooperation with the Residence Wardens, who is accountable to Head: Student Housing. Problems in the residences are solved by the representatives with the help of the Warden. Only serious cases are referred to the Director: Student Affairs.
iii) The University’s Disciplinary code prevails.
(c) Attitude towards property
i) Resident students are expected to cultivate a positive attitude towards University property.
ii) Students who break, damage or destroy University property shall be compelled to make good the loss.
iii) Students must respect the property of the University.
iv) The cost (material and labour) of damaged or broken residence property will be distributed equally among students concerned.
v) In every case of damage to property, the Residence Wardens will assess the nature, extent of damage and the circumstances under which it occurred.
vi) If the name of the culprit is known to the Resident Warden, the culprit will bear the repair cost alone.
(d) Personal property
The University assume no responsibility for theft, damage to personal property, or loss of money, valuables or personal effects of any student or guest.
(e) Noise and disruption of studies
i) The period of silence in the residence, from 19:00 to 05:00, must be strictly observed for the purpose of study.
ii) Television sets, portable radio and tape recorders must be operated softly or switched off during evening study hours.
(f) Catering personnel
i) A professional catering company is in the service of this University.
ii) Catering personnel must be accorded the respect they deserve. They are not under the control of students.
iii) Apparent irregularities on the part of catering personnel should be reported promptly to members of the House Representative Committee for investigation.
iv) Students who tamper with computer system will be reported to the residence authorities for appropriate action.
(g) Visitors to Residence
i) For purposes of control and safety, no overnight visit or stay by non-residents without the knowledge or consent of the residence official is allowed in the residence.
ii) People who stay in the residence without the knowledge and the consent of the residence authorities will be referred to the Protection Services.
iii) Residents shall be responsible for their visitors and shall be responsible of informing them about the rules.
iv) The residents shall be held responsible for the conduct of their visitors.
(h) Room keys
i) The room keys remain the property of the University.
ii) Students are required to return their room keys to the Residence Wardens whenever the University closes for vacation
iii) Students who are bound to terminate their studies or wish to leave the residence of their own accord must return the room keys to the Warden.
iv) A resident student who loses or misplaces a residence room key or fails to return it to the Residence Wardens at the end of the academic year or at any time if required to do so, will have his/her results withheld or pay for the cost of lock replacement.
(i) Abuse of alcohol and habit-forming substances
i) Students must abstain from alcohol and drug abuse.
ii) Disruption of studies, which results from consumption of alcohol and drug abuse, will be viewed in a serious light.
iii) Students, who purchase, store and sell liquor and dependency-producing substances will be guilty of a serious offence.
(j) Aggressive and unruly behavior.
i) University students are expected to behave in a manner that befits the public image and dignity of the University.
ii) Fighting in the residence and the vicinity is forbidden.
iii) Students who are found guilty of assaulting others will be severely penalized.
(k) Unofficial stay in the residences
i) It is a serious offence to stay in the residence without official permission
ii) Students are not allowed to share beds or to accommodate friends and relatives without prior approval. Hiring of beds or rooms is strictly forbidden.
(l) Health matters
i) Students who fall ill, and feel that medical attention is necessary, should report the matter urgently to the Professional Nurse in the Campus Health Clinic.
ii) A consultation fee which is determined by Council is payable at the Campus Health Clinic.
iii) Smoking is not permitted in any public area in the residences including lounges, passages, lobbies etc.
(m) General behaviour and conduct
i) Wherever they may be, students are always expected to behave and conduct themselves in a manner which reflects respect and the dignity appropriate to University students.
ii) Disciplinary measures will be taken against students who distort, damage or misrepresent the good name and public image of the University.
(n) Voluntary termination of resident status
i) Students who intend to leave the residence must notify the Warden in time.
ii) A written declaration of intention to leave the residence must be accompanied by a room key.
iii) Closure of residences during winter and summer vacations;
Resident students will be required to leave the residences when the University closes for winter and summer vacations. Residences must be vacated at 10:00 following the day on which the University was closed. The University may request students to leave the residences during Easter holidays. Students are under no circumstances allowed to take room keys with when they leave for home.
(o) Use of residence facilities during winter and summer vacations.
Students who wish to remain in the university residences during winter and summer recess must notify residence authorities in writing a month prior to university closure. Such students shall be required to pay a daily fee which shall be determined by the relevant authorities from time to residences.
(p) Conducting of business activities on campus residences
Students are not allowed to conduct business activities, buying and selling of any commodity unless allowed to do so by the residence authorities.