Faculty of Science, Engineering and AgricultureWELCOME TO EXTENDED SCIENCE PROGRAMS
Historical background
Extended programs have been widely used by many institutions in South Africa. The use of these programs is greatly helping learners who did not obtain required points/grades in Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and/or Life Sciences from their high school level.
Purpose of Extended Programs
The main objective of extended programs is to lay a strong foundation by training learners from disadvantaged communities to obtain higher education qualifications in the field of science and technology. We believe that everyone deserves a second chance at every given level/stage in life.
Significance of extended programs:
- To the university;
- To the nation at large;
- To most importantly students enrolling into the program.
Approved qualifications for which students will be registered for in our extended programs.
- BSc (Bachelor of Sciences)
Opportunities found in the mainstream.
Students enrolled for BSc (Extended Programs) will be able to choose from quite a range of programs that are of high demand in the marketplace. These are:
- Botany, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Sciences, Microbiology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and Zoology.
N.B: As you register in a particular program, you must continue with it until completion of the degree. No change of degree is allowed.
How to proceed to the mainstream. (Proceed to first level of Mainstream)
- For a student to proceed to the 1styear (mainstream), he/she should have obtained at least 120 credits (i.e., he/she must pass at least 10 modules from the 12 modules enrolled for the year).
- Note: It is advisable to repeat the failed module in first year of the mainstream.
- A student who failed between 3, 4, or 5 modules can repeat the failed modules once, of which failure to reach the minimum required 120 credits he/she will be discontinued.
- A student who failed to pass at least 6 modules will not be allowed neither to repeat the failed modules nor to continue with his/her studies.
Teaching and learning activities.
- It is compulsory for all students to attend lectures, tutorials and/or practicals. Students are also advised to participate fully in the mini projects that will be provided to them by their respective lecturers.
- FBI and FCH students are always compelled to wear lab coats and safety spectacles when performing practicals.
- Students must feel free to consult their respective lecturers and/or the HOD should they experience any challenge or seek any help.
- GENERIC: 1 Corinthians 15:33 and Galatians 6:7

Prof Stanford Shateyi
Head of Department, Extended Science Programs
Full Professor, Mathematical and Computational Sciences.
Modules offered and the staff members.

Dr. Nekhubvi Vhutshilo 1st Mountaineer
Foundation Physics I and II (FPH 1140 and 1240)
Highest qualification:
PhD Physics (Univen)
I teach extended curriculum programme physics (ECP) . My major research interests lie in the renewable energy technologies teaching and learning. I am highly interested in Biogas and Solar energy.
Current Masters and PhD students:
1 PhD Student and 3 Masters Students
Publications https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vhutshilo-Nekhubvi/research
Community engagement Biogas monitoring and awareness, Secondary school support
Scientific membership/scholarly contribution
SABIA(South African Biogas industry association)
SAIP( South African Institute of Physics)
SAAEA (South African alternative energy association)
Contact Details
Office F18, Mathematics and Natural Science Building
Tel: 015 962 8445
Email: vhutshilo.nekhubvi@univen.ac.za

Dr. Mokganya Mokgaetji Georginah
Senior Lecturer
Foundation Biology I and II (FBI 1140 and 1240)
Highest qualification Doctor of Philosophy (Ethnobotany) (Univen)
Interests I am responsible for lecturing and conducting practicals for the Foundation Biology (FBI) module in the Extended Curriculum Programme (ECP). I am passionate about laying a strong fundamental foundational pedagogy and instilling door-opening knowledge in students. In addition, I supervise postgraduate students from the Biological Sciences Department and other related departments.
Current Masters and PhD students Currently supervising 5 Master of Science students and 1 PhD student.
Publications MOKGAETJI GEORGINAH Senior Lecturer MOKGANYA – Google Scholar
Community engagement
Train students to acquire data collection skills for community-based projects. High school outreach and primary school visits to give motivational talks during career guidance events.
Scientific membership/scholarly contribution
HELTASA (Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa )
SAAB (South African Association of Botanists)
IPUF (Indigenous Plant Use Form)
SEB (Society of Economic Botany)
CCB (Congress for Conservation Biology)
IBC (International Botanical Congress)
Contact Details
Office F2, Mathematics and Natural Science Building
Tel: 015 962 8929
Email: georgina.molotja@univen.ac.za

René S. Pearce
Foundation Chemistry I and II (FCH 1140 and 1240)
Highest Qualification M.Sc. Organic Synthetic Chemistry (UWC)
I am the Foundation Chemistry Lecturer.I am passionate about the overall well-being of my students and Chemistry. I strive to engage Chemistry and the importance thereof in our daily lives to my students.
I am also passionate about engaging students in various Chemistry Entrepreneurship ideas, i.e. the making of shower gels, body lotions, soaps, roll on’s and tooth paste; which they have to develop and package themselves.My second interest is Teaching with Technology. I am currently engaging myself in various training opportunities to equip myself to become a Chemistry Lecturer with IT ideas that will foster student engagement and success in my module.
Publications ResearchGate
Community Engagement
I am an active participant in the National Science Week Outreach Programme hosted by UNIVEN to various neighbouring secondary schools.
I also participate in the Nelson Mandela – UNIVEN collaboration which provides career guidance to grade 12 learners in Limpopo Province.
Scientific Membership HELTASA
Contact Details
Life Science Building
Tel: 015 962 8687
Email: rene.pearce@univen.ac.za

Mr. Matsilele Osca
Junior Lecturer
Foundation Information Technology I and II (FIT 1140 and 1240)
Highest qualification Hon. Computer Science and Information System (Univen)
Interests I lecture Information Technology (IT) in the Extended Curriculum Programme (ECP). My interests and areas of expertise are: Information systems, information technology, uses of computers, components of a computer, processor, memory, input devices, output devices, computer software, computer networks and the internet, an introduction to basic HTML, theoretical aspects of word processors, presentation, spreadsheets, databases, and introduction to basic concepts of C++ programming.
Current Masters and PhD students No supervisory responsibility as I am a novice researcher
Osca Matsilele (researchgate.net)
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1002242
Community engagement
Secondary School Support. I provide educational guidance and motivational class yearly to my former primary and secondary school. I help grade 12 learners with the applications and admissions to universities. I also run a program to encourage those who drop-out from school, to gain back momentum to further their studies.
Scientific membership/scholarly contribution N/A
Contact Details
Office G17, Mathematics and Natural Science Building
Tel: 015 962 8911
Email: osca.matsilele@univen.ac.za

Name Mr. Innocent Zitha
Junior Lecturer
Foundation English and Study skills I and II (FGS 1140 and 1240)
Highest qualification MA English (Univen)
Interests I lecture English Academic Literacy in the Extended Curriculum Programme (ECP). My interests and areas of expertise are esteemed in Error Analysis, Morphosyntactic, Innovative Pedagogy, and Academic Literacies.
Current Masters and PhD students No supervisory responsibility as I am a novice researcher
Community engagement
Academic Support services to Postgraduate students on Scientific Writing and High School Outreach
Scientific membership/scholarly contribution HELTASA (Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa ) Member and Univen Representative in the committee
SALALS (South African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies)
Contact Details
Office G20, Mathematics and Natural Science Building
Tel: 015 962 8922
Email: innocent.zitha@univen.ac.za

Mr. Vhutshilo Molaudzi
Foundation Mathematics I and II (FMT 1140 and 1240)
Highest qualification Msc in Mathematics (Univen)
I lecture Foundation Mathematics in the Extended Curriculum Programme (ECP). My interests and areas of expertise are esteemed in fluid dynamics, Mechanics, Numerical solutions, Pdes, and Odes.
Current Masters and PhD students No supervisory responsibility as I am a novice researcher
Publications https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vhutshilo-Molaudzi
Community engagement Secondary school support
Scientific membership/scholarly contribution N/A
Contact Details
Office G19, Mathematics and Natural Science Building
Tel: 015 962 8973
Email: vhutshilo.molaudzi@univen.ac.za