- Announcement of the second Biennial Conference of the JES and Call for Abstracts
- The Nurturing Emerging Scholars Programme information session
- Dear all 2025 Applicants
- Happy birthday Prof. Bernard Nthambeleni
- Good Luck to the Matric Class of 2024!
- First Memorial Lecture in Honour of Chief ERB Nesengani, First University of Venda Chancellor
- Vacant Post Student Counselling and Career Development Unit
- Funeral arrangements for our former University Deputy Vice-Chancellor Prof Dovhani Thakhathi
- Immediate changes concerning the University of Venda SEPTEMBER GRADUATION.
- 2024 Volunteer Placement
- You can now BOOK A SLOT for CHETL Services
In 2021 the former School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, School of Environmental Sciences and the School of Agriculture was merged to form the new Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture. The UNIVEN Strategic Plan 2021-2025, is enabling the Faculty to restructure in the academic and research environments through engagement with relevant stakeholders such as local communities, industries, NGO’s and government departments to produce graduates that are locally relevant and globally competitive.
The Faculty introduces our staff and students to national and international interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research opportunities to develop in new concepts, analytical and problem-solving skills, independent thinking and to enhance their skill competencies and make them locally relevant and globally competitive. The Faculty is actively engaged in various research projects and publish in high impact scientific journals. We have several NRF rated scientists of which 2 are B-rated scientists.
The programmes in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture, are designed to prepare our students to face the challenges in science, engineering and agriculture and be able to play a leading role in solving global challenges. Our graduates are trained to develop an innovative mindset, teamwork, communication skills and leave the University with a combination of advanced technical and professional skills valued by employers, and a qualification that is globally recognised.
I, therefore, want to welcome you to the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture and request that you make use of all the opportunities that the Faculty offers their staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students and grow into the next generation of scientists that will take South Africa to the forefront of technology and innovation on the Africa continent and beyond.
Prof Natasha Potgieter
Executive Dean
Office of the Executive Dean
Life Sciences and Chemistry Building: First Floor
University Road, Thohoyandou
Executive Secretaries:
Ms Bronia Mantshimuli
Email: bronia.mantshimuli@univen.ac.za
Tel: +27 15 962 8107
Ms Ndidzulafhi Mulovhedzi
Email: Ndidzulafhi.Mulovhedzi@univen.ac.za
Tel: +27 15 962 8107
About Our Faculty
Position yourself for a leading role solving global challenges with a science, engineering and agriculture degree at South Africa’s top university. At the University of Venda, our curriculum and programmes are designed to prepare you for tomorrow’s science, engineering and agriculture challenges. Future leaders will require more than technical skills – they’ll need an innovative mindset, teamwork and communication skills.
At Univen, you will graduate with the ideal combination of advanced technical and professional skills valued by employers, and a higher level qualification that is recognised around the world.

Prof Natasha Potgieter
Executive Dean
Tel: +27 15 962 8107 / 8317
Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology
Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
DST/NRF Chair in Biodiversity Value and Change
Institute for Rural Development
Vuwani Science Resource Center
Centre for Assisted Animal Reproduction
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Dr Sanet Hugo is a Lecturer in the Department of Biological Sciences. She has worked for over five years in the higher education sector. She specialises in ecological statistics and has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
1) Hugo, S. and Weyl, O.L.F. (2021) Proposed approaches to systematic planning of research and monitoring to support a South African inland fisheries policy. Water SA 47(3): 367–379.
2) Wasserman, R.J., Whitfield, A.K., Deyzel, S.H.P., James, N.C. and Hugo, S. (2020) Seagrass (Zostera capensis) bed development as a predictor of size structured abundance for a ubiquitous estuary-dependent marine fish species. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 238: 106694.
3) Bellingan, T.A., Hugo, S., Woodford, D.J., Gouws, J., Villet, M.H. and Weyl, O.L.F. (2019) Rapid recovery of macroinvertebrates in a South African stream treated with rotenone. Hydrobiologia 834(1): 1–11.
She has also contributed to several technical reports on inland fisheries. She has supervised two honours students and co-supervised a PhD student.
Links to other profiles:
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=xvEMziYAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sanet-Hugo
Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8636-3985
Qualifications: PhD in Zoology (University of Pretoria)
Email: Sanet.Hugo@univen.ac.za
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Dr. Lufuno Mavhandu-Ramarumo obtained a doctorate in Microbiology specializing in molecular virology from the University of Venda in 2014. In the course of her postgraduate training she had research fellowships at the Myles H. Thaler Center for AIDS and Human Retrovirus Research, University of Virginia, USA and at J. Craig Venter Institute, Maryland USA. She has been the recipient of the Pfizer International Fellowship Initiative; bursary and mobility grant from the National Research Foundation, and the South African AIDS Vaccine Initiative. In 2010, she was awarded the DST/TATA South African Women in Science Award, in the Young Scientist category. In 2015, she received training in grant management from the National Institutes of Health, USA.
Dr. Mavhandu-Ramarumo’s research interest is on molecular genetics with a focus on the molecular basis of HIV drug resistance and its implications on the efficacy and sustainability of first line antiretroviral therapy. She is also interested in the preclinical evaluation of compounds for anti HIV properties. She has co-authored several peer reviewed articles in reputable journals such AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, Archives of Virology, and South African Medical Journal. She is an awardee of the Thuthuka-NRF programme to investigate biomarkers of adherence to antiretrovirals, and to the phenotypic significance of observed but uncharacterized mutations that arise in HIV-1 subtype C upon drug exposure. She is the co-principal investigator of an MRC funded project on drug resistance in Limpopo Province.
Tel: 015 962 8962
Email: lufuno.mavhandu@univen.ac.za
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Pascal O. Bessong is a virologist, having trained in South Africa, France, and the United States. He is an experienced professor with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education sector for more than 17 years. His research focuses on microbiological investigations for translational science and global health, using innovative approaches and technologies. Specifically, he is interested on viral and human determinants of HIV drug resistance and the sustainability of antiretrovirals towards the UNAIDS 2030 target on viral suppression. He is also interested in the interactions of gut microbiota and antimicrobial resistance, and the interactions of gut infections with growth, cognitive development, and vaccine response in young children. He has more than 15 years of experience in the establishment and maintenance of prospective, community-based birth and adult cohorts for observational biomedical investigations.
A former Head of the Department of Microbiology, University of Venda, he is the Principal Investigator of the AIDS Virus Research Laboratory; Founding Head of the HIV/AIDS & Global Health Research Programme; Visiting Scholar at the School of Medicine, University of Virginia, USA; and Director of the SAMRC-UNIVEN Unit on Antimicrobial Resistance and Global Health Research. Professor Bessong is a C1 rated scientist of the National Research Foundation (2017); an elected member of the Academy of Science of South Africa; a Registered Natural Professional Scientist; and Associate Editor of the South African Journal of Science (Cell, molecular biology, and Health). He maintains a website and blog at https://bessongthemicrobiologist.com
Professor Bessong’s has published his scientific contributions and opinions in top tier and influential journals such as Science, The Lancet HIV, PLOS Medicine, Lancet Global Health, Clinical Infectious Diseases, BMJ Global Health, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, EBiomedicine, and Bulletin of the World Health Organization. He has hosted visiting scientists on antimicrobial resistance within the framework of the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship awards, and the US National Science Foundation fellowships. He has given research seminars at institutions in South Africa, Botswana, Cameroon, Kenya, Nigeria, and the United States. Professor Bessong has successfully trained more than 60 MSc/PhD students and postdoctoral fellows.
Rating: C1
Rating category: Established researcher
Research Specialization: HIV – Drug Resistance, HIV Genetic Diversity, HIV Molecular Genetics, HIV 99and AIDS Global Health, O1Opportunistic Infections, HIV/AIDS, Global Health
Faculty: Science, Engineering and Agriculture
Professor Bessong’s research profile can be viewed at:
Orcid: Pascal Bessong (0000-0003-0561-272X) – ORCID
Google scholar: Pascal O. Bessong, PhD, mASSAf – Google Scholar
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pascal-Bessong
PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=bessong
Tel: 015 962 8301
Email: bessong@univen.ac.za
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Prof Afsatou Ndama Traore is an Associate Professor in the newly formed Department of Biochemistry & Microbiology. She has worked for over 10 years in the higher education sector. Her research interests include Water quality, alternative medicine, infectious diseases, disease transmission pathway, TB resistance, risk factors to TB resistance, ADME and her areas of expertise are Biochemistry/Microbiology/Cellular Biology/Molecular Biology/Immunology/Audit clinical trial/Quality Assurance System. She teaches Immunological concepts to 2nd year and Honours students and Research Methodology to Honours students.
She has published in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
1. Taonameso S, Mudau LS, Traoré AN, Potgieter N. (2021) Urban water conundrums in Zimbabwe–the role of water policy and its implementation gaps. Water Supply; https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2021.386
2. Khumela R, Kabue JP, Traore AN, Potgieter N. (2021) Human Astrovirus in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Children: A Cross-Sectional Study on Hospitalized and Outpatients from Rural Communities of South Africa between 2017–2021. Pathogens; 10(11): 1398.
3. N Potgieter, NT Banda, PJ Becker, AN Traore-Hoffman. (2021) WASH infrastructure and practices in primary health care clinics in the rural Vhembe District municipality in South Africa; BMC Family Practice, 22 (1): 1-13.
4. Boukandou MMM, Aboughe Angone S, Potgieter N, Traore AN. (2021) Preliminary antifungal and antibacterial activities of Macaranga monandra Mull.Arg. extracts; Journal of PeerScientist, 4 (1): e1000032.
5. M Magwalivha, JPK Ngandu, AN Traore, N Potgieter. (2021) Prevalence and Genetic Characterisation of Human Sapovirus from Children with Diarrhoea in the Rural Areas of Vhembe District, South Africa, 2017–2020. Viruses, 13 (3): 393.
She has also written 2 book chapters and contributed as an editor to a book. Since joining the University of Venda, she has supervised to completion 53 Honours, 27 Masters and 4 PhD students. Prof AN Traore was the Head of the former Department of Microbiology. She is the Chair of the Departmental RPC and is a member of the Research and Publication committee in the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Agriculture at the University of Venda.
Full list of publications:
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=ylx7hBAAAAAJ&hl=en
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Afsatou-Traore
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7868-1075
Email address: Afsatou.traore@univen.ac.za
Telephone number: +27 (0)15 962 8474
Office: FF172, Life Sciences and Chemistry Building
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Mrs René S. Pearce-Okwuashi is employed as the Science Foundation Chemistry Lecturer in the Science Foundation Department. She has worked for 16 years in the Higher Education sector and two years in the Department of Basic Education as a Physical Science Teacher.
She is a dedicated Lecturer who is strongly engaged in the social and emotional wellbeing of her students. Her passion lies in teaching rather than lecturing and this can be seen in the annual pass rates of her students. She is also a mentor to some of her previous Science Foundation students who are currently pursuing their postgraduate studies at the University of Venda and some of which are already employed.
She is an Organic Chemist and has published in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Her publications include:
1. Lecturing versus Teaching in Foundation and First Year Chemistry.
René Pearce & Lawrence Okwuashi; Journal of Modern Education Review, July 2013, 3(7), 568-575.
2. Synthesis of 2‐Acetyl‐4‐hydroxynaphtho[2,3‐b]pyran‐5,10‐dione and the 4‐Deoxy Analogue as Models for Comparative Biological Evaluations.
Farouk Ameer ; Robin G. F. Giles ; Victor I. Hugo ; Samir Patel & René Pearce; SYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS; JAN. 2011, 34(14), 2565-2573.
3. Synthesis of Methoxy-2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthpquinone and Reaction of One Isomer with Aldehydes Under Basic Conditions.
Farouk Ameer; Robin G. F. Giles; Ivan Robert Green & René Pearce; SYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS; DEC. 2004, 34(7),1247-1258.
4. Synthesis of 2Acetyl4-hydroxynaphtho[2,3-b] pyran-5,10-dione and the 4-Deoxy Analogue as Models for Comparative Biological Evaluations.
Farouk Ameer; Robin G. F. Giles; Ivan R. Green & René Pearce; CHEMINFORM, DECEMBER 2004; 35(50).
5. Synthesis of Methoxy‐2‐hydroxy‐1,4‐naphthoquinones and Reaction of One Isomer with Aldehydes Under Basic Conditions
Farouk Ameer; Robin G. F. Giles; Ivan R. Green & René Pearce; CHEMINFORM, AUGUST 2004, 35(32).
She is a member of the SENATE committee at the University of Venda.
Links to other profiles:
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/RenePearce
Email address: rene.pearce@univen.ac.za
Work no: 015 962 9345
Office no: SF060, Life Sciences & Chemistry Building
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Qualifications: PhD (University of Witwatersrand), MSc (University of Witwatersrand) (Distinction), BSc (Hons) (University of Fort Hare) (Distinction), BSc (University of Zimbabwe)
Email address: nikita.tavengwa@univen.ac.za
Telephone number: +27 15 962 8279
Office number: SF009, Life Sciences and Chemistry Building
Research interests:
NRF rated researcher, interested in trace analysis of emerging organic pollutants using novel modern analytical techniques. Analytical method development. Chromatographic analysis (HPLC-(UV/MS), GC-(ECD/FID/MS).
List of selected publications:
[1] Herbert Musarurwa, Luke Chimuka, Nikita Tawanda Tavengwa, (2019) Green pre-concentration techniques during pesticide analysis in food samples, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B, 54 (9), 770-780 [2] Somandla Ncube, Nikita Tavengwa, Akhona Soqaka, Ewa Cukrowska, (2018) Development of a single format membrane assisted solvent extraction-molecularly imprinted polymer technique for extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in wastewater followed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry determination, J. Chromatogr. A, 1569, 36–43 [3] Lawrence Mzukisi Madikizela, Nikita Tavengwa, Luke Chimuka, (2017) Applications of molecularly imprinted polymers for solid-phase extraction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics from environmental waters and biological samples, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 147 (2018) 624–633 [4] Tavengwa, N.T., Cukrowska, E.M. and Chimuka, L. (2017) Application of magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers in selective extraction of 2,4-DNT explosive from aqueous solutions, Separation Science and Technology, 52(3), 467-475 [5] Nikita Tavengwa Tavengwa, Pardon Nyamukamba and Luke Chimuka, (2016) Miniaturized pipette tip–based electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers for micro–solid–phase extraction of nitro based explosive compounds, Journal of Separation Science, 39 (24), 4819-4827Full list of publications:
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Qualifications: PhD (North West University), MSc (North West University) (Distinction), BSc (Hons) (North West University), BSc (University of Venda)
Email address: lutendo.murulana@univen.ac.za
Telephone number: +27 15 962 8394
Office number: SF011, Life Sciences and Chemistry Building
Research interests:
Corrosion of Materials, Adsorption studies, Reactions kinetics and Thermodynamics of solutions
List of selected publications:
[1] Lutendo. C. Murulana, Mwadham. M. Kabanda and Eno. E. Ebenso (2016), Investigation of the adsorption characteristics of some selected sulphonamide derivatives as corrosion inhibitors at mild steel/hydrochloric acid interface surfaces: Experimental, quantum chemical and QSAR studies, Journal of Molecular Liquids. 215: 763-779 [2] Lutendo. C. Murulana, Mwadham. M. Kabanda and Eno. E. Ebenso (2015), Experimental and theoretical studies on the corrosion inhibition of mild steel by some sulphonamides in aqueous HCl, RSC Advances. 5: 28743-28761 [3] Mwadham M. Kabanda, Liliana Mammino, Lutendo C. Murulana, Henry M. Mwangi, Wilfred T. Mabusela (2015), Antioxidant Radical Scavenging Properties of Phenolic Pent-4-En-1-Yne Derivatives Isolated From Hypoxis Rooperi. A DFT Study in vacuo and in Solutio, International Journal of Food Properties. 18: 149-164 [4] Lutendo C. Murulana, Ashish K. Singh, Sudhish K. Shukla, Mwadham M. Kabanda and Eno E.Ebenso (2012) Experimental and quantum chemical studies of some bis (trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl) imide imidazolium-based ionic liquids as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in hydrochloric acid solution, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 51 (40): 13282–13299 [5] Eno E. Ebenso, Mwadham M. Kabanda, Lutendo C. Murulana, Sudhish K. Shukla and Ashish K. Singh (2012) Electrochemical and quantum chemical investigation of some azine and thiazine dyes as potential corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in hydrochloric acid solution, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 51: 12940-12958Full list of publications:
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Prof Ipfani David Isaiah Ramaite is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry
Prof Ipfani David Isaiah Ramaite is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry. He has worked for over 25 years in the higher education sector, lecturing undergraduate students in general, industrial and organic chemistry courses/modules. He is also involved in lecturing advanced organic chemistry to honours students. He specializes in synthetic organic and natural products chemistry research in search for new scaffolds for the treatment of TB, malaria and diabetes. He also conducts research in green chemistry and is working on projects for the valorisation of waste organic materials. He has supervised more than 20 honours projects, 8 masters and 1 Phd student to completion. He has served in NRF review panels and has been the HOD of chemistry and Science Foundation. He is currently supervising three honours, 5 masters and two PhD students research projects. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. His research findings have been presented at local and international conferences.
Among his recent publications are:
- Dorcas B Tlhapi, Isaiah D.I Ramaite, Teunis van Ree, Chinedu P Anokwuru, Taglialatela S Orazio and Heinrich C Hoppe, Isolation, Chemical Profile and Antimalarial activities of bioactive compounds, Molecules 2019, 24, 39; doi: 10.3390/molecules240100039
- Dorcas B. Tlhapi , Isaiah D. I. Ramaite, Chinedu P. Anokwuru, Teunis van Ree and Heinrich C. Hoppe, In Vitro Studies on Antioxidant and Anti-Parasitic Activities of Compounds Isolated from Rauvolfia caffra Sond, Molecules 2020, 25, 3781; doi:10.3390/molecules25173781
- Chinedu P Anokwuru, Sidonie Tankeu, Sandy van Vuuren, Alvaro Viljoen, Isaiah D. I Ramaite, Orazio Taglialatela-Scafati and Sandra Combrinck, Unravelling the Antibacterial Activity of Terminalia sericea Root Bark through a Metabolomic Approach, Molecules 2020, 25, 3683; doi:10.3390/molecules25163683
- Allen T. Gordon, Isaiah D.I. Ramaite, and Simon.S. Mnyakeni-Moleele, Synthesis and biological evaluation of chromone-3-carboxamides, Arkivoc 2020, part v, 148-160; doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p011.356
- Ndivhuwo R. Tshiluka, Mpelegeng V. Bvumbi, Isaiah I. Ramaite, and Simon S. Mnyakeni-Moleele, Synthesis of some new 5-arylidene-2,4-thiazolidinedione esters, Arkivoc, 2020, v. 161-175, org/10.1016/ j.jare.2020.01.008
- Dorcas B. Tlhapi , Isaiah D. I. Ramaite and Chinedu P. Anokwuru. Metabolomic Profiling and Antioxidant Activities of Breonadia Salicina Using1H-NMR and UPLC-QTOF-MS Analysis, Molecules 2021, 26, 6707. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26216707
Full list of publications:
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Dr Simon Mnyakeni Moleele
Designation: Senior Lecturer (Organic Chemistry)
Telephone: 0159628190
Email address: mnyakeni.moleele@univen.ac.za
Research interests:
Synthesis of antituberculosis and antimalarial drugs using triazine as a linker. Synthesis of antidiabetic drugs. Isolation of biologically active ingredients from natural products.
List of selected publications:
[1] Isaiah DI Ramaite, Musa D Maluleke, Simon S Mnyakeni Moleele “Synthesis and Evaluation of Isoflavones as Potential Anti-inflammatory inhibitors”, Arab. J. Sci. Eng. 2017, 42, 4263–4271 [2] Chigayo K, Mojapelo PEL, Mnyakeni Moleele SS, Misihairabgwi J ‘Phytochemical and antioxidant properties of different solvent extracts of Kirkia wilsii tubers,” Asian Pac J. Trop Biomed, 2016. 6, 1037-1043 [3] David Gravestock, Amanda L. Rousseau, Anna C. U. Lourens, Simon S. Moleele, Robyn L. van Zyl, Paul A. Steenkamp. “Expeditious synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 2, N6-disubstituted 1,2-dihydro-1,3,5-triazine-4,6-diamines as potential antimalarials” Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2011, 46, 2022-2030 [4] Moira L. Bode, David Gravestock, Simon S. Moleele, Christiaan W. van der Westhuyzen, Stephen C. Pelly, Paul A. Steenkamp, Heinrich C. Hoppe, Tasmiyah Khan and Lindiwe A. Nkabinde, “Synthesis and biological evaluation of imidazo[1,2-a]pyridin-3-amines as HIV-1 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs)”, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 2011, 19, 4227-4237 [5] S S Moleele, J P Michael and C B de Koning, “Tetralones as precursors for the synthesis of 2,2’-disubstituted 1,1’-binaphthyls and related compounds”, Tetrahedron, 2008, 64, 10573-10580Full list of publications:
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Prof. Jude J.O Odhiambo, C2-Rated
Prof. Jude Julius Owuor Odhiambo is a Professor of Soil Science in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences. He holds a BSc (Hons) Agriculture and MSc Agriculture (Soil Science) degrees from the University of Nairobi, Kenya and a PhD degree in Soil Science from The University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He has worked for over 33 years in the higher education sector. Prof Odhiambo is a C2 NRF rated researcher and his specialization is in Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition. He has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals and among his recent publications are:
1) Ogola, J.B.O., Macil, P.J. & Odhiambo, J.J.O. (2021). Biochar Application and Rhizobium Inoculation Increased Intercepted Radiation and Yield of Chickpea in Contrasting Soil Types. Int. J. Plant Prod. 15, 219–229.https://doi.org/10.1007/s42106-021-00141-9
2) Rötter, R., Scheiter, S., Hoffmann, M., Pfeiffer, M., Nelson, W., Ayisi, K., Taylor, P., Feil, J.-H., Yazdan Bakhsh, S., Isselstein, J., Linstaedter, A., Behn, K., Westphal, C., Grass, I., Odhiambo, J., Twine, W., Merante, P., Bracho-Mujica, G., Bringhenti, T., Lamega, S., Abdulai, I., Lam, Q., Anders, M., Linden, V., Weier, S., Foord, S., Erasmus, B.F. (2021): Modelling the multi-functionality of African savanna landscapes under global change. Land Degradation and Development 32(6):2077-2081 DOI:10.1002/ldr.3925
3) Lusiba SG, Odhiambo JJO, Adeleke R and Maseko ST. (2021). The potential of biochar to enhance concentration and utilization of selected macro and micronutrients for chickpea (Cicer arietinum) grown in three contrasting soils. Rhizosphere Journal https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rhisph.2020.100289
Prof Odhiambo has also presented his research work at several national and international conferences and supervised several Honours, Masters and PhD students. Prof Odhiambo is the former Dean of the former School of Agriculture, having also served as a Vice Dean of the former School for a period of 8 years and former Head of the Department of Soil Science. He is currently the Interim Chair for Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture at the University of Venda. Prof Odhiambo is an active researcher and a reviewer for several journals, and an external examiner and assessor for several universities and organizations, both nationally and internationally. He is the current president of the Soil Science Society of South Africa (SSSSA), a member of the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), International Union of Soil Science (IUSS), and a registered natural science practitioner (Soil Science) by the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP).
Email: Jude.odhiambo@univen.ac.za
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Ms. Thifhelimbilu Gloria Kutama is an experimental farm manager in the faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture. She worked for 10 years as a Lab Technician in the department of Plant Production before she took a position as farm manager in 2010. She studied both animal and crop science production. She specializes in Weed science and has published in a peer reviewed journal. Her recent publications are:
- Fourie, J.C., Kunjeku, E.C., Booyse, M., Kutama, T.G. and Sassman, L.W., 2017. Effect of Cover Crops, and the Management Thereof, on the Weed Spectrum in a Drip-irrigated Vineyard: 1. Weeds Growing During Winter and From Grapevine Bud Break to Grapevine Berry Set. South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 38(2), pp.167-181.
- Fourie, J.C., Kunjeku, E.C., Booyse, M., Kutama, T.G., Freitag, K. and Ochse, C.H., 2017. Effect of cover crops, and the management thereof, on the weed spectrum in a drip-irrigated vineyard: 2. weeds growing from grapevine berry set to post-harvest. South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 38(2), pp.182-191.
Full name: Ms. Thifheli Gloria Kutama
Designation: Farm manager
Qualifications: B.Agric Hon, BTAGMN, ND, Animal Science.
Phone: 015 962 8649 / 082 047 2510
Email address: Thifheli.kutama@univen.ac.za
Office no. 01

Dr Maluta has been involved in physics teacher’s development training workshop through the South Africa Institute of Physics from 2019. He has served as a council member of the South Africa Institute of Physics (SAIP) and he will be assisting SAIP to organise some of the activities to celebrate the International Year for Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD). Both SAIP and IUPAP are deeply committed to contribute towards the application of physics and other scientific disciplines to solve the problems of concern to humanity.
Coordinator of Vuwani Science Resource Centre- Dr. NE Maluta
Telephone: 0159628162
Email: eric.maluta@univen.ac.za