“I Believe that I have made the right decision by choosing to study at the University of Venda (UNIVEN),” these were the words from Vhonani Serongwa, a first time entering student of Bachelor of Science in Biokinetics while sharing her experience during admission and registration processes for academic year 2020.

Vhonani Serongwa, a first time entering student of Bachelor of Science in Biokinetics
This Bachelor of Science in Biokinetics student said that she chose UNIVEN as her first preferred institution of higher learning to further her studies because it is closer to her home and also looking at the fact that due to financial constraints, she won’t afford to study at any institution that is located far away from her home.
“From the rumours that I have heard, I was expecting to face a lot of challenges before I can be admited at UNIVEN, but my experiences proved me and the rumours wrong. I received the SMS immediately after the Department of Basic Education released the 2019 matric results. The SMS explained that I have been admitted at UNIVEN to register for the degree of my first choice. The SMS indicated the dates on which I was expected to come to the University to register. Indeed, it was not that difficult because I did not have to queue for admission” she explained.
Serongwa said that when she came for registration, the process was very fast, and she didn’t spend much time on the queues. “The well trained UNIVEN personnel and the student assistants assisted me very well by explaining every step until I got registered within a very short space of time.
After successfully registered as a UNIVEN student, Serongwa mentioned that she was very excited to be a registered UNIVEN student. She said she is even ready to start with classes and to work hard to make sure that she completes her studies on time.
“I believe that even on my academic journey everything will go well as planned. I also believe that I will receive enough support from the relevant offices so that I can flourish during my studies,” said Serongwa with a smile.
Issued by:
Department of Communications & Marketing
University of Venda
Tel: (015) 962 8525
Date: 04 February 2020