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Precicah Shuan Shibambu will be one of the contestants during Miss South Africa Plus World Queen competition in Bloemfontein. 

Precicah Shuan Shibambu (23), a student of the University of Venda (Univen) is set to try her luck again at the 2019/2020 Miss South Africa Plus World after being a finalist and first princess at the 2018/2019 Miss South Africa Plus World. The former Miss Venda Plus Size 2017/2018 and Univen Radio staff member is doing her final year of Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies in the School of Human and Social Sciences. She gives back to the community by tutoring Geography and Economics at high schools during winter school classes. 

Her journey as a plus size model was motivated by the perpetual discrimination against thick women inclusive of body shamming and bullying. Precicah, who is affectionately known as Preshy Lyon, took it upon herself to strive to change the status quo. On 6 April 2019, Preshy hopes to be crowned Miss South Africa Plus World Queen in Bloemfontein Civic Centre which will automatically set her up for an international competition that will be hosted in Texas, Atlanta in the United States of America in 2020. 

See her good works on the following social media networks: 

Instagram: Preshy_Lyon 

Facebook: Preshy Lyon 

Twitter: @ PreshyLyon 

Issued by: 

Department of Communications & Marketing University of Venda 

Tel: (015) 962 8525 
Date: 26 March 2019