UNIVEN Body Building honoured an invitation to compete with other universities and teams na-tionally at the Body Building South Africa National Championship, a competition sanctioned by the International Federation of Body Building (IFBB). The Championship was hosted in KwaZulu-Natal from 31 July – 04 August 2024.
A total of five (05) students who represented UNIVEN during the championships were crowned as winners and results of the competition were as follows:
Full Names Qualifying Category and Position
Mr. Honyini Gideon 1st on Men’s muscular Physique under 177cm
Mr. Patrick Maweto 1st on Senior Men Bodybuilding under 100kg
Mr. Joseph Mabulele 3rd Men’s muscular Physique over 178cm
Mr. Ntokozo Khoza 3rd Men’s muscular Physique under 178cm
Mr. Lennon Moguru 6th on Junior’s Under 23 Bodybuilding
In total, UNIVEN Body Building team obtained 2 Gold Medals, 1 Silver Medal and 2 Bronze Medals. The team is currently waiting for the Body Building South Africa to officially announce the team that will proceed to represent the country at the World Body Building Championships to be held in Israel during the month of September 2024

On the left picture: Mr Gideon Honyini and Patrick
Maweto displaying medal and trophy
The Body Building championships started with the Provincial Qualifiers wherein UNIVEN Body Building team was well represented with over eight students selected to proceed to the Nationla Championships.
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Department Marketing, Branding and Communication University of Venda
Tel: 082 868 2218 / 082 868 1811