On photo: Tshinanne Tshiololi, the (middle) standing with the Chancellor Adv Mojanku Gumbi (right) and Vice Chancellor and Principal, Dr Bernard Nthambeleni (left)
Tshinanne Edward Tshilololi became the winner of Senate Medallion and a Trophy, and he is the Overall Best Student in the University for the 2022 WInter graduation ceremonies which took place on 14 and 15 July 2022. Tshinanne Tshiololi graduated his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Statistics during session two of the graduation.
Tshiololi is the Best Student in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture; Best student in Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Statistics. Mr Tshiololi was flooded with the following awards namely: Dr T.A. Alidzulwi ; Fundi award; Alexander Forbes; NTT Toyota Louis Trichardt; Muofhe Graceland Lodge and Dr. M.E Makhwanya.
Tshiololi is currently a University of Venda student, doing BSc Honours in Statistics. When talking to Nendila Newsletter team, he said “graduating in record time makes me feel extremely excited. This doesn’t come easy, it requires a lot of sacrifices and good planning. As for being the overall best UNIVEN student, this brings the joy that one cannot be able to explain to anyone, you literally feel your knees shaking as if you fear something huge, whether done more than once or not you cannot get used to it”.
When asked about his secret for making him to achieve all these, he said that “ I had a good plan, and that plan was to be always ahead of my schoolwork. If I am given an assignment, I should not wait until the last minute to start working on it. If I have notes that need to be read, I should read them the day I got them, if I don’t understand, I should look at the recommended textbooks, if I still don’t understand, I should ask the lecturer, tutors or anyone who has taken the path before me. That means that I cannot rest until I understand the content I am failing to understand. Networking with people who know in the spirit of learning more from them is what made me better. And lastly having that plan was not enough, I had to be committed and determined to do everything in the plan at all costs, on top of that I needed to be consistent”.
“My message to fellow students is that , always challenge your yesterday self, preparing for a test starts at the beginning of the semester. When the exam comes, you have no pressure and you are less stressed. Once you start doing your schoolwork on time, consistency is key. If you don’t know something, ask somebody and the best gift anyone can give to you is explanation of how they get solutions not solutions themselves. We are all capable of doing amazing things with our minds, this world needs us”, said Tshiololi.
The Acting Executive Dean in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture, Prof Jude Odhiambo on behalf of the University congratulated Mr Tshiololi on his extraordinary achievement and for making the University proud against all odds.

On Photo: Tshinanne Tshiololi posing for a photo with the Chancellor, Executive Management, Executive Deans, PhD graduates and members of the academic procession during session two of the graduation ceremonies
Mr Tshinanne Edward Tshiololi was the overall best student during the Annual Vice-Chancellor’s Student Academic Excellence Awards held in February 2020, for the academic year 2019 top performers , and he became the best student of the then School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences for first level.
Tshilololi is from Tshimbupfe Mianzwi (Dindela) village, outside Vuwani.

Hard work pays: Mr Tshinanne Edward Tshiololi holding two trophies and certificates for his outstanding performance in the academic year 2019
Issued by:
Department of Marketing, Branding and Communication
University of Venda
Tel: (015) 962 8525 / 8710
Date: 17 July 2022