For the first time since its inception the University of Venda hosted the Registrars’ Imbizo, a platform designed to foster collaboration and exchange among university Registrars across South Africa. The Registrars’ Imbizo is an annual event bringing together Registrars across South African universities to share best practices, deliberate on common challenges confronting institutions of higher learning, as well as engaging on various issues impacting the higher education sector. The 2024 Imbizo was co-hosted by UNIVEN and Universities South Africa (USAf). This groundbreaking event was held at the University Research Conference Centre on 29 and 30 August 2024 under the theme ‘Opportunities, Risks, and Challenges for the University of the Future’.

On photo: Some of the delegates pose for a photo with the University Registrar, Dr Joel Baloyi (middle)
In his keynote address, the Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Venda, Professor Bernard Nthambeleni pointed out that this kind of gathering provides a unique opportunity for universities to come together, share knowledge and explore ideas for the benefit of our National System of Innovation. It is through collaboration and gatherings such as these that we can make significant contributions to the betterment of our higher education sector.
Professor Nthambeleni observed, “Our university is honoured to host such a diverse group of esteemed university leaders, administrators, professionals, educators and representatives from various institutions gathered here today in a quest for knowledge sharing.” He further noted, “Your gathering here is not just an intellectual endeavour; rather it is testament to our shared commitment to enhancing our country’s commitment to education for all, as espoused in the Constitution of our Republic.”
He further gave a brief background of the UNIVEN and Limpopo Province. Prof Nthambeleni shared that UNIVEN has long been a beacon of hope, a place where dreams
take flight and futures are shaped. “The University stands tall as a testament to the power of education to transform lives and empower individuals to make a positive impact in society”, added Prof Nthambeleni.
The Vice- Chancellor and Principal highlighted that the University is proud to be part of the beautiful Province of Limpopo. He reminded attendants that “this Province is the fruit and breadbasket of South Africa, producing up to 60% of the country’s fresh produce and grains. In addition, the Limpopo Province is the country’s leading tourist destination due to its rich biodiversity and wildlife.”
As he continued with his address, he talked about the role of a University Registrar which is multifaceted and crucial to the smooth operation of any institution. The Registrar forms an integral part of the Executive Management Committee to most universities here and elsewhere.
In terms of the South African context, the Registrar is the Secretary of Council and other governance structures of the university. In the UNIVEN context, Prof Nthambeleni mentioned that the Registrar is also the Chief Administrative and Compliance Officer of the University. Amongst others, the Registrar ensures that the university complies with academic policies and accreditation standards as well as managing the enrolment processes. The Registrar also ensures that all student records are accurate and up to date. The Registrar plays a vital role in ensuring the integrity of academic records and the efficient operation of the university’s administrative functions, and in our context, the University Registrar also looks after Ethics and Compliance, Campus Health and Records and Archives Management. In highlighting the importance of this role, he noted that in some universities in our Continent, the Registrar is referred to as Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Administration.
In his welcome remarks, the University Registrar, Dr Joel Baloyi expressed the fact that the University of Venda was honoured to receive the delegates in this part of the world, noting that this is truly a gateway to Africa. Dr Baloyi also took the opportunity to share with the delegates the rich attraction areas of the Vhavenda, such as “Dzata” which is a reference to the ancient abode of the Vhavenda people – the capital of an old kingdom constructed with dark blue stone, deeply reminiscent of the architectural style of Great Zimbabwe. He encouraged delegates to visit one of those places when they found time.
Dr Baloyi stated that the Imbizo affords Registrars the opportunity to engage on various issues impacting on higher education institutions, whether it is governance risks, Artificial Intelligence bots in meetings or navigating the increasingly complex terrain of the modern university. He observed that this is to be expected, seeing that universities are a central location for research, ideation, innovation and the creation of new knowledge, as we navigate the impacts and opportunities presented by new digital and related technologies.
Dr Baloyi emphasised the importance of the Registrar’s Imbizo, observing that it is through this gathering that the role of Registrars at universities is unpacked, demystified and concretised in order to forge long-lasting solutions and to make sense of the evolving nature of this role. He highlighted the fact that today, the Registrar has become a key, pivotal strategic official within the academia and a close confidant and support for the Vice- Chancellor and the Council, whose role must adapt to the ever-evolving higher education context. He noted that, without any doubt, the Registrar is the glue that binds the University system together towards the achievement of the common goal of academic excellence and achievement. In addition, he portrayed the Registrar as the driving force towards the achievement of the collective vision and mission of the University and must lead the governance dialogue in promoting adherence to good governance, while being able to lead in crises.
The delegates also received a message from the Director Operations and Sector Support, Mr Muhlubi Chief Mabizela from USAf, who addressed delegates virtually. On day two, Mr Mabizela presented on Ethical Clearence for National Research Projects.
The two-day Registrars’ Imbizo continued with discussions on various topics such as Digitalisation of Universities: Lessons Learned; Practice Standards in the Registrar’s Office; Governance Risk for the Registrar; Practice Standards in the Registrar’s Office; Governance Risk for the Registrar; Digitalisation of the University – challenges and opportunities – with specific presentations from representatives of the Department of Home Affairs; CHE; NSFAS; POPIA; Department of Higher Education; Department of Basic Education; Independent Examinations Board; Department of Social Development and others.
On day one of the Registrars’ Imbizo, the University Registrar, Dr Joel Baloyi hosted delegates at a social gathering dinner held at the Kalahari Waterfront, Nandoni Dam. In the end the delegates agreed that the event had been successful and that the objectives were met. Delegates further appreciated the warm welcome and hospitality that they received from the University.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor Teaching and Learning, Prof Eucebious (Sebi) Lekalakala-Mokgele briefly addressed the delegates at the social gathering dinner.

Delegates also enjoyed rousing performances by UNIVEN student traditional dancers
Issued by: Department Marketing, Branding & Communication.
University of Venda
Tel: 082 868 2218 / 082 868 1811
31 August 2024