The University of Venda held an interactive workshop to discuss the annual institutional targets and activities to address the 2025 Annual Performance Plan (APP) and Divisional Operational Plans (DOPs). The workshop held at the university Research Conference Centre on Tuesday, 17 September 2024, provided insight into key strategies and initiatives outlined in the 2025 Annual Performance Plan. Executive and Senior Management Committee members actively engaged in discussions aimed at driving institutional progress and excellence in the upcoming year. Attendees gained valuable perspectives on the objectives and actions required to achieve academic and operational goals. Overall, the workshop created a platform for innovative thinking and alignment towards a successful future for the university.
The University, as part of its 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, is on a transformative journey towards becoming an entrepreneurial, student-cantered institution.

UNIVEN Vice – Chancellor and Principal – Prof Bernard Nthambeleni


During his opening remarks, the Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Venda, Prof. Bernard Nthambeleni, emphasised that this is the fifth and final annual performance plan for the current strategic plan and highlighted that several strategic objectives have been met. He urged participants to review the 2025 APP and provide input on how to effectively get the plan implemented. Prof Nthambeleni said that since the implementation of the current strategic plan, there has been satisfactory performance of the strategic objectives and stressed the importance of exceeding the set target for this final year (2025), of implementing the strategic plan. He further expressed confidence that the 2025 APP would yield even better results and underscore that performance must be evidence-based, and not merely stated.

Dr Sannah Mativandlela, Director of Institutional Planning and Quality Assurance (IPQA), explained that the workshop’s purpose was to review the draft 2025 Annual Performance Plan. The session aimed to scrutinise the 2025 APP, relook at the annual targets, amend the technical indicator descriptors and to address any identified gaps. She emphasised that it is possible to exceed targets achieved previously and that, as the year 2025 concludes, the objective is to surpass the 72% target.

Dr Mutshinyalo Ratombo, Director Strategy and Risk explained the importance of the 2021-2025 institutional audited performance and for the university to make efforts on those targets that were not achieved for the past 3 years during the implementation of the current strategy. He further alluded to the new strategic trajectory of the university, which is underpinned by the local and global contexts. Amongst the other responsibilities, the long-term strategy will focus on positioning the university as an Entrepreneurial University, with a student-centred approach and a priority on engaged scholarship in entrepreneurship, innovation, and biodiversity.

Head Performance Reporting and Compliance, Mr Kholofelo Shaku highlighted a detailed three (3) year performance analysis: 2021 – 2023. He also presented the progress on the implementation of the current 2024 APP and Mid-Year Performance Report.

Head Institutional Planning, Mr Nkhetheni Gelebe took the members through the draft 2025 APP. This was for projecting inputs from all Divisions and confirmation of 2025 APP targets by Senior Management Committee (SMC) members. He presented on progress to date regarding the 2025 Divisional Operational Plans.

As he wraps up the workshop, the Chief Financial Officer and Acting Chief Operating Officer, Mr Botwe Kraziya advised all members present to be clear about what their intentions are to enhance the academic project, to deliver and to achieve set goals as a university.

Issued by:
Department of Marketing, Branding & Communication
University Of Venda
Tel: 082 868 2218 / 082 868 1811

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