It is with deep sorrow that we inform you of the passing of our esteemed former University of Venda Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Prof Dovhani Reckson Thakhathi. Prof Thakhathi died peacefully in the early morning on Friday, 30 August 2024. He joined the University on 1 April 1989 as a Senior Lecturer under the Department of Public Administration. He was promoted to an Associate Professor on 01 June 1994 and he was further promoted to a full professor on 01 November 1995 until 28 February 1997. He then rejoined the University as Deputy Vice-Chancellor from January 1999 to 30 June 2004.
Prof Thakhathi was a servant of God trailblazing academic, a caring philanthropist and selfless community leader. He made a mark in the lives of many, and his demise will be felt by multitudes, particularly in the academic sector.
His commitment to education for all as enshrined in our Constitution will be remembered.
The Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Bernard Nthambeleni on behalf of the University of Venda said “Our thoughts and prayers are with Prof Thakhathi’s family and loved ones during this challenging time. We will forever be grateful for his contributions and leadership.”
Further information regarding Prof Thakhathi’s final send-off proceedings will be announced in due course.
For further information, please contact Chief family Spokesperson, Mr Rendani Josiah Thakhathi at 079 356 6073.

Issued by: Dr Takalani Dzaga, APR
Director, Marketing, Branding and Communication University of Venda
Tel: 015 962 8112/8525 or 082 745 3090/ 064 828 9251

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