Tshinakaho Tshilamulele is on her journey to become an Advocate

Tshinakaho Tshilamulele is on her journey to become an Advocate

‘I was born to speak on behalf of other people’ In celebrating Women’s month, Ms Tshinakaho Vhahangwele Tshilamulele says “As an upcoming young female Advocate, means that I should use my voice to make a difference and positive impact in society by empowering and...

H. Examination processes

Examination procedure 1.1       Complete examination protocol Examination procedure.pdf Intention to submit for examination by master/doctoral student and supervisor(s) 2.1 Intention to submit form – must be done at least 3 months before submission INTENTION TO SUBMIT...

F. Final approval of research proposal by UHDC

1. Procedures 1. Preparation and Approval of Research Proposal (.pdf) 2. Proposal approval by Faculty Higher Degrees Committee (.pdf) 2. Forms to use UHDC Proposal Evaluation Reporting Template Updated (.docx) 3. Checklists to use Checklist 2- Approval of student...
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