Nduvho Madzivhandila
A University of Venda student, Nduvho Madzivhandila, will be flying the South African and UNIVEN flags high as part of the programme Seeds for the Future in Spain, in collaboration with Huawei, for a period of six days. Nduvho is a Student Assistant in the Department of Information Communication Technology (ICT) who participated in the Huawei programmes in 2022 when he was doing his final year in BCOM Business Information Systems.
He was nominated through our partnership with Huawei to represent South Africa in the Mobile World Congress that will be taking place in Barcelona from 27 February until 02 March 2023. The invitation came from the Association Internationale des étudiants en sciences économiques et commerciales (AIESEC), which is an international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential to generate a positive impact on society.
Nduvho said that he is excited to become part of the Seeds for the Future programme. “It is both satisfying and an honour to be chosen to be part of this Mobile World Congress, Barcelona 2023. Hardwork and sacrifices had finally paid off. I also feel that there is a sense of belief from my University for trusting me and allowing me to represent South Africa and my UNIVEN in particular”.
When congratulating Nduvho, the Chief Financial Officer, Mr Botwe Kraziya, on behalf of the Executive Management and the University Community, encouraged him to put UNIVEN at the forefront and further said that UNIVEN is proud to be producing world-class students like him.
AIESEC in Spain will cover Nduvho Madzivhandila for his maintenance and accommodation costs throughout his stay in Spain. He leaves South Africa for Spain on Saturday,25 February 2023. We wish Nduvho well on his trip and look forward to hearing about his experiences in Spain.
Issued by:
Department of Marketing, Branding and Communication
University of Venda
Tel: (015) 962 8525 / 8710
Date: 24 February 2023