Mr Rudzani Mamphweli from the Directorate of Community Engagement Entrepreneurship Inclu-sive Innovation and Commercialisation completed an intensive two-day course on Stakeholder and Community Engagement Exchange course hosted by the Conference Hub.

From L-R: Ms Christine Breet (one of the presenters during the training) and Mr Rudzani Mamphweli
The two-day stakeholder engagement and community exchange course, conducted recently in Johannesburg, was designed to provide participants with insights, strategies, and practical tools such as stakeholder mapping, communication,
planning, and impact measurement. The exchange course brought together community engagement and communication professionals from different industries, such as education, mining, manufacturing, and agriculture; it has equipped participants with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate the complexities of stakeholder engagement, maximise opportunities for collaboration, and drive sustainable success in their organisations and communities. It has also opened collaborative opportunities, making the participants feel included and part of a larger community striving for sustainable success.
Day 1 of the training focused on navigating complexity, unravelling the challenges, and seizing op-portunities in stakeholder engagement; advancing change: driving social impact through corporate social responsibility; measuring the impact of the stakeholder engagement strategy; and next-generation engagement: harnessing digital tools for stakeholder insights and interaction. Through a blend of theoretical insights and practical case studies, the presenter took participants through the dynamics of modern stakeholder relationships, emphasising how universities can adapt and thrive by embracing inclusivity, transparency, and strategic foresight in their engage-ment practices. The session took the participants back to the basics of understanding that the success of their organisations depends on their ability to integrate their stakeholders into their institutional strategies and practices meaningfully.
Day 2 of the training session focused on advancing community engagement strategies using the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) approach. ABCD is a strategy that enables com-munities to lead their own sustainable development by identifying and mobilising existing assets. Strategic communication and stakeholder engagement are vital components of ABCD, providing essential information and fostering inclusion and value among community members, organisa-tions, and agencies. Through the interactive discussions, participants understood ABCD principles, learned how to identify and leverage community assets, build meaningful relationships within the community, and mobilise resources for collective action. Participants also learned how to map community assets, engage residents, and facilitate community-driven initiatives. The stakeholder engagement and community exchange allowed the participants to learn about what other organi-sations are doing in implementing their community engagement strategies.
Issued by: Department Marketing, Branding and Communication
University of Venda
Tel: 082 868 2218 / 082 868 1811