In a significant milestone towards advancing renewable energy expertise, five staff members from the University of Venda (UNIVEN) recently participated in an intensive International Solar Energy Technology and Application Training at Hubei University of Technology (HBUT) in Wuhan, China. This programme is part of UNIVEN’s ongoing commitment to enhancing its capabilities in solar energy technologies.

The delegation comprised Drs. Fhulufhelo Nemangwele, Sophie Mulaudzi, and David Tinarwo from the Department of Physics, along with Mr Gift Masuku and Mr Derrick Sipoyo from the Department of Chemistry. The training was made possible through the bilateral academic collaboration between UNIVEN and HBUT. Participants from Egypt, Bangladesh, Malawi, Nigeria, Morocco, Ethiopia, as well as Ms Thuthukile Mthethwa from the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA), and representatives from several South African solar photovoltaic private companies, also attended the programme.

The training offered a comprehensive learning experience, incorporating not only technical and practical aspects of solar energy but also covering policy, financial modelling, and environmental considerations in the solar energy sector. Delegates gained insights into the latest advancements in solar panel technologies, received hands-on training with solar energy applications, and ex-plored the financial and environmental implications of large-scale solar energy projects.

A key focus of the programme was energy storage technologies, particularly their role in integrat-ing solar systems to enhance grid stability and ensure consistent electricity supply during periods of low solar generation. The delegation explored various storage technologies, with a special em-phasis on lithium-ion batteries and the importance of Battery Management Systems (BMS) for maintaining grid stability.
In addition to theoretical presentations, participants toured HBUT’s facilities to observe cut-ting-edge solar technologies in action. A highlight of the training was a visit to the Blue Electricity Centre, where delegates viewed electric vehicles designed and built by HBUT’s electrical and elec-tronic engineering students. Other site visits included Rexin Solar Company in Wuhan and Longi Company, a global leader in photovoltaic module manufacturing, which provided valuable insights into the solar panel manufacturing process and packaging.

Delegates also learned how to design a solar plant using the PVSyst software, a critical tool in so-lar energy project development. The knowledge and experiences gained during this training are already influencing the development of curricula, research projects, and the integration of solar energy solutions on the UNIVEN campus. The university is committed to incorporating solar energy topics into existing courses and forming strategic partnerships to implement solar projects, ensur-ing that the newly acquired skills and insights are translated into meaningful, practical outcomes.

Prof James Chakwizira visit to the Shanghai Institute of Space (Aerospace) Technology, Shanghai, China

In a separate initiative, Professor James Chakwizira from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (URP) attended a workshop on “Remote Sensing for Belt and Road Countries” at the Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST), Nanjing, China. Prof Chakwizira expressed that the workshop strengthened his ability to enhance teaching quality by integrating Beidou navigation technology and remote sensing applications into curriculum reviews, improve-ment plans, and postgraduate training in the Faculty of Science, Engineering, and Agriculture.

He highlighted that the workshop not only offered immediate benefits such as updating course guides and teaching materials but also laid the foundation for long-term strategies, including the incorporation of Beidou navigation technology and remote sensing applications in various dis-ciplines. These include Physics (e.g., Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Monitoring Technology), Geography and Earth Sciences (e.g., Meteorological Satellite Remote Sensing for Severe Weather Forecasting), Agriculture (e.g., Remote Sensing in Agriculture), and Urban and Regional Planning (e.g., Beidou Navigation in Aviation Technology, Transportation, and the Built Environment).

Prof Chakwizira emphasised that the workshop also served as an invaluable benchmarking exer-cise, allowing UNIVEN’s departments such as Earth Sciences, Agriculture, Physics, and Urban and Regional Planning to assess their curricula against international standards, identify gaps, and ex-plore opportunities for improvement.

In conjunction with the remote sensing workshop, Prof Chakwizira visited the Shanghai Institute of Space Technology, where he focused on applications of Beidou Satellite Navigation and Big Data technology in disaster prevention and relief, particularly in developing countries. This experience deepened his understanding of the role of satellite technology in disaster management, a critical area of interest for many developing nations.

Mr Tendayi Gondo, also from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, attended a training workshop on the application of Beidou Satellite and Integrated Remote Sensing Technology for disaster prevention and mitigation at the Guizhou Academy of Sciences in Guiyang, China, The workshop featured presentations on the application of Beidou technology in earthquake disaster relief and geological disaster prevention. Mr Gondo and his fellow participants also visited the Chi-na Earthquake Emergency Search and Rescue Centre and the National Disaster Reduction Centre to understand how Beidou technology is utilised in disaster management.

In addition to the technical sessions, participants engaged in discussions on the broader applica-tion of Beidou technology in emergency medicine, big data analytics, and international scientific cooperation. The experience provided a platform for participants to present country profiles and share key takeaways from the training, fostering cross-cultural learning and knowledge exchange.
This article highlights the faculty’s active engagement in international workshops that are enhanc-ing their teaching, research, and application of cutting-edge technologies. The knowledge and skills acquired during these programmes will undoubtedly contribute to UNIVEN’s long-term goals in renewable energy, urban planning, and disaster management.

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Department Marketing, Branding and Communication
University of Venda
Tel: 082 868 2218 / 082 868 1811

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