The 18th of March 2025 will be remembered for a long time as that day when the University of Venda (UNIVEN) took bold steps towards becoming an indeed engaged institution, connecting academia and critical community leaders, namely traditional authority. A pivotal meeting was held in the Faculty of Health Sciences Boardroom, bringing together the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Postgraduate Studies, Prof Joseph Francis, and the Vhembe Local House of Traditional and Khoi-San leaders led by Hosi Bungeni, who is the Chairperson. This meeting marked a significant step towards integrating the voices of traditional leaders into the university’s core business. Accompanying Hosi Bungeni were two other members of the Executive Committee of the Vhembe Local House of Traditional Leaders, namely Thovhele Mulima and Thovhele Mphephu.

On the photo Front row L-R: Prof J. Francis, Hosi G. Bungeni, Thovhele Mphephu and Thovhele Mulima; Back row L-R: Ms M.S. Mafokwane, Mrs D. Mutobvu and Dr M.A. Mathaulula
In his opening remarks and purpose of the meeting, Prof Francis stressed that the university recognised its responsibility to extend beyond the confines of aca-demia and yield societal impact. He highlighted that the numerous challenges af-fecting the areas that UNIVEN served included land disputes, health crises, pover-ty, apathy towards development, poor leadership, apathy, dependency syndrome and environmental issues. “We are engaging you as our leaders so that we jointly de-fine how to work together to achieve lasting societal progress,” said Prof Francis.
Continuing with his welcome remarks, Prof Francis revealed that the universi-ty was reviewing its 2021-2025 Strategic Plan and simultaneously developing the 2026-2030 core focus. Student-centredness; entrepreneurial university; people, health and the environment; and internationalisation and partnerships are the pri-ority strategic thrusts that will anchor the 2026-2030 strategic plan. In this regard, he implored the Executive of the Vhembe Local House of Traditional and Khoisan Leaders to mobilise its membership and grassroots communities to actively partic-ipate in refining and recrafting the university’s strategic direction. In that way, the strategic plan would be truly an inclusive societal agenda and stakeholder-owned.
Continuing with his address, Prof Francis contended that traditional leadership pro-vided a form of continuity and stability that makes it a key strategic partner for the uni-versity. Apart from this, he emphasised the importance of inclusivity. Rather than dictating the terms of engagement, he stressed that the university sought to col-laborate with other community leaders beyond traditional authorities. The goal was to ensure most stakeholders’ voices shaped the university’s strategic plan.
The meeting also covered emerging opportunities for collaboration between the uni-versity and local traditional and Khoi-San leaders. Modalities of ensuring that tra-ditional leaders were part of the process towards establishing the Makhado and Nkuna Kraal campuses were discussed and agreed upon. The Executive of the Vhembe Local House of Traditional and Khoisan Leaders greatly appreciated the rare creation of such a platform to deliberate on matters of mutual importance.

In the photo, the Chairperson of Vhembe Local House of Traditional and Khoi-San leaders, Hosi G. Bungeni
Hosi Bungeni revealed that he was elated that his Executive was valued and recognised so highly that a platform of this nature could be created to discuss matters on an equal footing.
In his own words, “This is the first time that a platform had been created for us as traditional leaders to contribute ideas that might shape the strategic direction of the university and other structures of significant importance in the District.
This gives us a lot of hope for a better future as we work with our university.” Hosi Bunge-ni also indicated that the planned introduction of the Nkuna Kraal and Makhado campus-es was long overdue. He went on to point out that should there be any need for land for the Nkuna Kraal campus, the university should feel free to approach his Traditional Council.
Supporting the new emerging partnership, Thovhele Mulima pleaded for the devel-opment of a cocktail of courses specifically meant to make traditional leaders per-form better, a position that Thovhele Mphephu endorsed. Hosi Bungeni added that “Most of us as hereditary leaders are simply chosen but it does not mean we know how to lead, which makes it critical to offer such skills development programmes.”
Other resolutions of the meeting were:

On the photo: Prof Joseph Francis, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Postgraduate Studies at the University of Venda
As he closed the fruitful meeting, the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor was grateful that the en-gagement had taken place and paved the way for meaningful cooperation with the Vhem-be Local House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders. He reiterated that UNIVEN’s com-mitment to working closely with traditional and other community members should not be doubted or taken lightly. “Hopefully, better times are simply lying just ahead” concluded.
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Department of Marketing, Branding and Communication
University of Venda
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