UNIVEN and Limpopo Provincial Department of Transport and Community Safety host an eye-opening Crime Prevention Seminar
UNIVEN and Limpopo Provincial Department of Transport and Community Safety host an eye-opening Crime Prevention Seminar On Thursday, 03 October 2019, the University of Venda (UNIVEN)’s School of Law, Department of Criminal Justice in partnership with Limpopo...
UNIVEN confers a total of 56 Doctoral degrees during 2019 academic year PhD graduates
“Our doctoral degree output for this Spring graduation ceremony is the highest number of doctoral degrees ever produced by this University. We are very pleased about this achievement and would like to thank academic, administrative and service staff for their hard...
Black Lawyers Association Student Chapter paves way for UNIVEN Law students to legal fraternity
On Friday, 23 August 2019, the University of Venda (UNIVEN) Law students were privileged to be exposed to different career paths that they can pursue after completing their studies at UNIVEN. This happened during the Law Careers information session hosted by the Law...