Gender-Based Violence is a widespread problem in South Africa 

Gender-Based Violence is a widespread problem in South Africa 

The University of Venda’s School of Law, Ismail Mahomed Centre for Human and Peoples’ Rights (under the Faculty of Management, Commerce and Law) and Student Affairs in collaboration with Tshwane University of Technology’s Faculty of Humanities, Department of Safety...


1. Candidates must present themselves at least thirty minutes before commencement of the examination.  2. No student will be allowed into the examination room without presentation of his/her student I.D. card. Such cards must be presented on request at any time during...
Entrepreneurship is the creation of economic value 

Entrepreneurship is the creation of economic value 

With the cost of living becoming tougher each day, the School of Law staff members from the University’s Faculty of Management, Commerce and Law attended the Entrepreneurial Orientation Workshop to prepare staff members to start thinking Entrepreneurially for the...
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