Sustaining Quality Teaching and Learning in the COVID-19 era
CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION TEACHING AND LEARNING (CHETL) ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT (ADU) and E-LEARNING UNITS Sustaining Quality Teaching and Learning in the COVID-19 era In response to the unprecedented break that the University had to face due to the Covid-19...
UNIVEN scoops awards during SAAFoST Student Day Northern branch 2019
A total of sixty (60) third year students from UNIVEN’s Department of Food Science and Technology attended the South African Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST) Student Day which was held at the University of Pretoria (UP) on Friday, 25 October...
UNIVEN confers a total of 56 Doctoral degrees during 2019 academic year PhD graduates
“Our doctoral degree output for this Spring graduation ceremony is the highest number of doctoral degrees ever produced by this University. We are very pleased about this achievement and would like to thank academic, administrative and service staff for their hard...