Access previous examination question papers from UNIVEN Library Catalogue
Search previous question papers using either the course name or course code Click on the link to begin searching https://univen9.univen.ac.za/search Click here to go back to library homepage Related: Library Databases & Other eResources Library...
UNIVEN formalises its relationship with Vhembe Biosphere Reserve
The University of Venda (UNIVEN) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Vhembe Biosphere Reserve (VBR). This is one of the MoUs that would not gather dust because it is a journey that will be of great benefit to the VBR, UNIVEN, local, national, and...
Tips for successful ethical review by the Research Ethics Committee
Crucial documentation to be included in submission Completed Research Ethics Protocol Application (R7/R7a) Proof of Registration (Current year of application) Proposal endorsed by Schools Higher Degrees Committee (SHDC) Participant information letter(s) Participant...