We would like to hear from you! Nendila Newsletter
Nendila is your communication channel. Nendila editorial committee: Dr Takalani Dzaga, Chief editor Ms Welheminah Mabogo, Coordinator Mr Peter Mashishi, Contributor Ms Mushoni Mulaudzi, Preservation (Library) Send your contributions to: Welheminah Mabogo, Nendila...
University of Venda Professor Publishes a Book to Revolutionise the Study of Education in Africa
A University of Venda educational sociologist and former acting Dean of the School of Education, Professor Tawanda Runhare has published a book that should have an impact on the study of education in postcolonial Africa. The 424-page book, published by Oxford...
Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education organises a successful webinar to yield a multiple stakeholder owned Centre
Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education recently held a Webinar under the theme ‘Towards a Stakeholder-owned Centre for Legislative Research and Advocacy’. This webinar was designed to be a unique platform to engage Senior Managers of Parliament so that...