SARAO Call for Graduates in training applications

SARAO Call for Graduates in training applications

APPLY FOR A SARAO GRADUATE PROGRAMME STARTING IN JAN 2023 The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory, which includes the MeerKAT and the African SKA programme, is now recruiting bright and enthusiastic Engineering and Science-Honours graduates for its graduate...
A call to apply for MAECI bursaries academic year 2022-2023

A call to apply for MAECI bursaries academic year 2022-2023

We are pleased to inform you that the Italian government (MAECI) grants for academic year 2022-2023 has opened for applications. The purpose of the grants is to foster international cooperation in cultural, scientific, and technological fields, to promote Italian...
Research Ethical Clearance Applications

Research Ethical Clearance Applications

Kindly note the following regarding Research Ethical Clearance Applications. Revised Process flow of the Research Ethics Clearance application is as follows: Submissions and Presentation of the project proposal at the Departmental and Faculty colloquium/meeting to...
Young and New Associate Professor in Psychology

Young and New Associate Professor in Psychology

Prof Angelina Maphula is a Senior Lecturer attached to the Faculty of Health Sciences in the Department of Psychology at the University of Venda. She started her journey at Belemu Primary School, moved to Tshiwedza and completed her Grade 12 at Makakavhale Secondary...
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