Professor Natasha Potgieter Awarded Norwegian Partnership Programme For Global Academic Cooperation (Norpart)
An Interim Deputy Dean: Postgraduate students and Research in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture, Professor Natasha Potgieter has successfully applied and been awarded funding through the Diku call for applications for funding of projects between...
Application open for scholarships in integrated urbanism
EPOS scholarships by DAAD for the 2023 MSc Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design programme are open for application now! This interdisciplinary double-degree links perspectives from the South and North by studying the first year at University of Stuttgart,...
Grant for a Scientific stay in Flanders
The Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) strives to continuously invest in internationalization in order to live up to the demands of the Flemish research community and maintain the strong economic and scientific position of Flanders. As a result, we are happy to...