Elevating Research Standards: Empowering Ethics Committee Members for Integrity and Compliance
Members of the Research Ethics Committee and reviewers of ethics applications received two days of training on Research Ethics and Integrity. The University of Venda’s Directorate of Research and Innovation facilitated the training. The training occurred from 24 to 25...
Keeping our Campus Clean and Sustainable through Responsible Waste Management and Recycling Initiatives
The University of Venda in collaboration with Thulamela Local Municipality, Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET), Universal Greening Organization (UGO), Vhembe Biosphere Reserve (VBR), Vhembe TVET College and some companies involved in waste...
UNIVEN’s Research Open Day Ignites Innovation
On Friday, 19 July 2024, the University of Venda hosted an exciting Research Open Day. The event featured engaging presentations from esteemed postgraduate student researchers showcasing their groundbreaking work across various disciplines. Attendees were able to...