UNIVEN explores possible mutual collaboration with Hewlett-Packard

UNIVEN explores possible mutual collaboration with Hewlett-Packard

A delegation from Hewlett-Packard (HP) comprising Mr Yesh Surjoodeen and Ms Nazley Davies had a very fruitful exploratory meeting with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Corporate Services, Dr Robert Martin on Friday 03 December 2021. The meeting took place in the Deputy...
CHETL E-Learning Unit Service Satisfaction Survey for staff

CHETL E-Learning Unit Service Satisfaction Survey for staff

You are invited to participate in a short online survey conducted by the E-Learning Unit part of the Centre for Higher Education Teaching and Learning (CHETL). No personal or identifying information will be captured, your participation is purely anonymous. To access...
CHETL E-Learning Unit Service Satisfaction Survey for students

CHETL E-Learning Unit Service Satisfaction Survey for students

Dear students You are invited to participate in a short online survey conducted by the E-Learning Unit part of the Centre for Higher Education Teaching and Learning (CHETL). No personal or identifying information will be captured, your participation is purely...
2021/22 SRC Elections Voting Link

2021/22 SRC Elections Voting Link

Click here to access voting platform https://www.univensrcelection.co.za/ Related: Library Databases & Other eResources UNIVEN launches Voices Unite Project for Students/Youth Digital Active...
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