UNIVEN bids farewell to Prof Ntebogeng Mokgalaka-Fleischmann
In the evening of Thursday, 23 June 2022, Senior Management Committee led by the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Dr Bernard Nthambeleni held an event to bid farewell to the Executive Dean: Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture, Prof Ntebogeng...
First Announcement: Higher Education Conference
The Council on Higher Education will be hosting a Higher Education Conference in March 2023 under theme ‘Promoting access to, and success in postgraduate studies’. The Council on Higher Education (CHE) is pleased to invite high-qualityabstracts to be presented at its...
National Equipment Programme (NEP) Proposal Development Workshop – Session 1
The Call for Applications for the Infrastructure: National Equipment Programme (NEP) for funding in the year 2023 was published and opened on 09 June 2022. The NRF is therefore arranging a virtual proposal development workshop for applicants intending to submit...