Debt Settlement Offer To All Graduates Who Are Still Owing Study Fees
1. The Executive Management Committee of the University has decided to provide a 15 percent settlement discount to all students who are anticipated to graduate during the 2022 winter graduation ceremony scheduled to take place on 14 and 15 July 2022. Those who settle...
The Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture organises an Induction and Orientation workshop for first entering 2022 Masters and Doctoral students
From 20-22 June 2022, the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture held an Induction and Orientation workshop for new 2022 Masters and Doctoral students. The workshop took place at the Research Conference Centre. The main objective of this induction and...
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture organises a Faculty Research Celebration
On 27 and 28 June 2022, the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture held the Faculty Research celebration at the University’s Research Conference Centre. The purpose of the event was to showcase and celebrate research diversity within the faculty. The event...