Application open for scholarships in integrated urbanism

Application open for scholarships in integrated urbanism

EPOS scholarships by DAAD for the 2023 MSc Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design programme are open for application now! This interdisciplinary double-degree links perspectives from the South and North by studying the first year at University of Stuttgart,...
How to apply for tenders at UNIVEN

How to apply for tenders at UNIVEN

Tender documents can be downloaded from the University of Venda website A non-refundable tender deposit is a mandatory/eligibility requirement and deposit slip must be attached with the tender document. Banking details: are ABSA Bank, Branch Code...
Grant for a Scientific stay in Flanders

Grant for a Scientific stay in Flanders

The Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) strives to continuously invest in internationalization in order to live up to the demands of the Flemish research community and maintain the strong economic and scientific position of Flanders. As a result, we are happy to...
COVID-19, Monkey Pox and GBV Updates Webinar

COVID-19, Monkey Pox and GBV Updates Webinar

Due to a high demand we are repeating this consultation and capacity building webinar on COVID-19, Monkey Pox and GBV. Following the announcement by the Health Minister, Dr Joe Phaahla, that sections 16A, 16B and 16C of the COVID-19 Regulations Relating to the...
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