UNIVEN holds first ever virtual SRC Inauguration Ceremony

UNIVEN holds first ever virtual SRC Inauguration Ceremony

On Thursday, 09 July 2020, the University of Venda (UNIVEN) held its Inauguration Ceremony of 2019/2020 Student Representative Council (SRC) Cabinet members. This historic occasion was held virtually through Microsoft Teams from 14:30 and was also live on various...
Sustaining Quality Teaching and Learning in the COVID-19 era

Sustaining Quality Teaching and Learning in the COVID-19 era

CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION TEACHING AND LEARNING (CHETL) ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT (ADU) and E-LEARNING UNITS  Sustaining Quality Teaching and Learning in the COVID-19 era  In response to the unprecedented break that the University had to face due to the Covid-19...


You are invited to attend blackboard Trainings, tutoring and mentoring sessions during weekdays between 14:00-16:00 at ICT 2, you can come as an individual or a group. Iff a student needs assistance during any other time the helpdesk is open every day between 08:00 to...
Entrepreneurship plays a big role in job creation

Entrepreneurship plays a big role in job creation

The University of Venda (Univen) in partnership with Leuphana University of Luneburg, BASF Stiftung, Deutsche UNESCO and South African National Commission for UNESCO are officially hosting the Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion (STEP). This training is...
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