Tenders: Winning Bidders
Download Tenders Awarded Q2 2021 Project Name Project Ref No Awarded to Project Value Appointment of a Panel of three (3) Air Conditioner Maintenance Service Providers IN/001/2020 Kelotlhoko Property Services R10 333 826,40 Framework Agreement for the completion of...
Awarded Tenders
Click here to view awarded tenders notices Related: Vice-Chancellor recognises academic excellence Tenders: Winning...
Tender Cancellation: Road Infrastructure from University of Venda (Univen) to Punda Maria Road (R524)
TENDER NO: IN/010/2019 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Road Infrastructure from University of Venda (Univen) to Punda Maria Road (R524) REASON FOR CANCELLATION: Funds are no longer available to cover the total envisaged expenditure Related: Study Fees Department of Business...