About Us



Our vision is aligned to that of the University and the School of Law which is to be at the centre of legal education, training and research, and to promote rural and regional development in Southern Africa.


Inspired by the University of Venda vision and mission, the School of Law employs appropriate learning methodologies and research in offering a range of qualifications in law and criminal justice that is responsive to the development needs of the Southern African region.

To provide an opportunity to final year law students and Candidate Attorneys, and to provide quality legal services to the indigent thereby increasing access to justice

The Law Clinic provides legal services to the local indigent community and it gives support to the School of Law in the form of practical legal training and community outreach activities for senior law students.

The UNIVEN Law Clinic:

  • is statutorily recognised;
  • forms part of the Faculty of Law;
  • provides legal services free of charge;
  • is a member of SAULCA (South African University Law Clinic Association)
  • often enters into co-operation agreements with government agencies, professional bodies, NGO’s and paralegal advice offices.

Through the clinic, final year law students and candidate attorneys are offered a unique opportunity to practice law while being mentored by experienced clinic lawyers.

The main objectives of the Law Clinic are:

  • to provide free legal service to the indigent community in the surrounding area;
  • to provide practical legal education to final year students; and
  • to provide training opportunities for Candidate Attorneys.
The Law Clinic provides legal advice and legal representation to indigent clients those who qualifies in terms of the ‘means test’ determined by the Law Society of South Africa.

The following matters are handled by the Law Clinic:

  • General legal advice;
  • Divorces;
  • Other Civil litigation in the Lower Courts and High Court
  • Criminal cases;
  • Consumer matters
  • Delictual claims for example motor vehicle accidents;
  • Family Law matters;
  • Maintenance matters,
  • Labour matters.

Matters not dealt by the Law Clinic include the following:

  • Third Party Claims
  • Sequestrations
  • Liquidation
  • Transfer of Property
  • Commercial matters – for example the registration of a company or CC
  • Defamation (on behalf of the plaintiff)

Furthermore the Law Clinic does not charge any fees for professional services rendered to our clients.  The clients are only liable to pay for our disbursements such as sheriff’s fees.

Who benefits from integrating clinical legal education and community service?

Law students:

  • Acquire legal, transferable and personal skills,
  • Develop knowledge of legal rules and procedures in a real world setting;
  • Develop self confidence;
  • Engage with a range of ethical and professional practical considerations; and
  • Have the opportunity to apply acquired theoretical knowledge in a working context.

The School of Law and thus the University

  • Develops links with legal practitioners, government, other service providers and funders;
  • Improves teaching, learning and assessment strategies;
  • Raises its profile in the community;
  • Inherits better students in terms of ability, experience and values; and
  • Improves its image through pro bono work and funding.

The Community

  • Has improved access to legal services;
  • Goals set at national level for public interest are defined at a clinical level and put into effect; and
  • Members are trained through interacting with students and clinicians

The organised profession:

  • Inherits better students in terms of ability, experience and values; and
  • Improves its image through pro bono work and funding.

Government and its legal aid agencies:

  • Are assisted in achieving critical educational outcomes;
  • Are supported in providing legal aid;
  • Share in university resources through partnership; and
  • Benefit from the promotion of careers in the field of social justice.
The following is a list of staff members in the Department of Law Clinic

Name: Mrs Langanani Malungani
Designation: Typist Gr 1/Clerk Grd Ii
Telephone: 0159628000
Email: langanani.mbedzi@univen.ac.za
Office: SCHOOL OF LAW BUILDING Building, Office Number , Floor Number

Name: Mrs Tshifhiwa Grace Tshishonga
Designation: Secretary (Legal Aid)
Telephone: 0159628000
Email: tshifhiwa.tshishonga@univen.ac.za
Office: SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES BLOCK C Building, Office Number , Floor Number

Name: Ms Rotenda Matsenene
Designation: Assistant Head
Qualification: BA (null)
Telephone: 0159628000
Email: Rotenda.matsenene@univen.ac.za
Office: SCHOOL OF LAW BUILDING Building, Office Number , Floor Number

Name: Ms Tiyani Goodness Mashimbye
Designation: Assistant Head
Telephone: 0159628000
Email: tiyani.mashimbye@univen.ac.za
Office: SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES BLOCK C Building, Office Number , Floor Number

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