Tender: Upgrade of water pipeline to meet the University’s increased demand

Posted 6 years ago

TENDER NO. IN/009/2019

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Upgrade of water pipeline to meet the University’s increased demand


COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION: 01/08/2019, Univen Art Gallery, Time:  09h00

CLOSING DATE TENDER NO. & TIME 23/08/2019 Time: 12h00 midday

Tender documents will be available for collection as of the 29 July 2019 during working hours (09H00 to 16h00 Monday to Friday) at Procurement Office No. 43 Facilities Management Building, University of Venda, Thohoyandou.

A compulsory briefing session will be held as per the above table.

A non-refundable tender deposit of R932.80 is required on collection of the tender document, payable in cash at the New Student Administration Building University of Venda or deposited at ABSA

Bank, Account number 1000000538 and reference number 00015616.

Bids sealed in an envelope clearly indicating the bid number and the project name should be deposited in the tender box located at the University of Venda, Facilities Management Building not later than 12h00 midday as per the table above, where tenders will be opened in public.

Univen is not compelled to accept the lowest or any bid. No late, faxed or telephonic bids will be accepted. Bids submitted shall remain valid for a period of 120 (hundred and twenty days) days after the closing date.

Administrative and procurement enquiries can be directed to Mr CXS Ben-Mazwi (HOD: Supply Chain Management) at xhanti.benmazwi@univen.ac.za.

No enquiries will be entertained after the 16 August 2019  at 16h30.

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