List of Tender Projects Bidders

Posted 3 years ago

Framework agreement for the services of a Panel of  Electrical Engingineer Consultant  to support the delivery of infrastructure projects on the University of Venda’s

Tender No: IN/07/22
Closing Date: 30/06/22

  1. MJTConsulting Engineer Pty ltd
  2. Sekankoe Engineering. CC
  3. AES Consulting
  4. Maning Pty Ltd
  5. Realiant Consulting
  6. Lengoaf Projects Pty Ltd
  7. Zutari impact Pty Ltd
  8. Ukusa Innovation Pty Ltd
  9. Bakone Consulting Engineers
  10. Maanda Dimensions Consulting
  11. Glad Africa Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
  12. Kago Built Environment Consultant

Framework agreement for the services of a Panel of Health and Safety Consultant to support the delivery of infrastructure projects on the University of Venda’s

Tender No: IN/01/22
Closing Date: 30/06/22

  1. Latavha Pty Ltd .
  2. Mveledzo nvironment and Safety Solution
  3. Khangisa Sheq Consultancy & Projects
  4. Muditambi Holdings pty Ltd
  5. Diba BES Pty ltd
  6. Ngwanakekana Safety & Consultant
  7. Phaphama Developers Pty Ltd
  8. Ngwani Construction and She Consultant
  9. Myrtle art group PTY Ltd
  10. Continuers Safety Monitors Pty Ltd
  11. Maanda Dimension Consulting
  12. Vuwa Holding Pty Ltd
  13. Kago Built Environment Consultant
  14. KelethaboHoldings
  15. GA Environment Pty Ltd
  16. TT She and Fire Consultant
  17. Lerumo Lantate Training &Development services .
  18. Tshimbila Env Consulting Pty Ltd
  19. Shero Symposium Z Pty Ltd
  20. Nkhophele Holding
  21. Thumuwa Cleaning Services
  22. MJT Consulting Engineers .

Framework agreement for the services of a Panel of Environmental Consultant to support the delivery of infrastructure projects on the University of Venda.

Tender No: IN/06/200
Closing Date: 30/06/22

  1. Myrtle Art Group Pty Ltd
  2. Naledzi Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd
  3. MJT Consulting Enginees 02 Pty Ltd
  4. Muitambi Holding Engineers 01 Pty Ltd
  5. Renda Group JV.
  6. Ravele Environmemtal Consulting
  7. GA Environment Pty Ltd
  8. Mulondi Sheq Solutions Pty Ltd
  9. Latvha Pty Ltd
  10. Mveledzo Environmental Services Pty Ltd
  11. Nzz Environmental Services Pty Ltd
  12. Mamadi and Company Pty Ltd
  13. Kalahari Safety ,Health &Environment Consultants Pty Ltd
  14. Lengoaf Projects Pty Ltd
  15. Mokgadis Environmental and water System
  16. EFC Earth Free Environmental Consulting
  17. GLA Consulting Services Pty Ltd
  18. Nsovo Environmental Consulting
  19. Phaphama Developers
  20. Enviroxcellence Services
  21. Tshambila Env Consultant Pty Ltd

Framework agreement for the services of a Quantity Surveyor  Consultant to support the delivery of infrastructure projects on the University of Venda

Tender No: IN/02/22
Closing Date: 30/06/22

  1. Glad Africa Project managers Pty ltd
  2. SRSQS Quantity Surveyors Pty Ltd
  3. Maanda Dimension Consulting Pty Ltd
  4. Kago Built nvironment Consultants
  5. Quanto 2000 Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers cc
  6. Greenfield Resources Pty Ltd
  7. Enyuka Construction Consulting Pty Ltd
  8. Takglang Consulting
  9. MMQMace Consulting
  10. Hulley Africa
  11. LimGroup Consulting Services
  12. KC Maiwashe Ishe & Associates
  13. Nomaziya Holding Pty Ltd
  14. Mafanywa Mphage Quantity Surveyors & Project managers
  15. ExcelQuantity Surveyors
  16. Enumerate Consulting
  17. Lungi Afrika Quantity Surve Pty Ltd
  18. Quantum
  19. Triuphant ZoePTy Ltd
  20. LDM Quantity Surveyors (DBN)Pty
  21. Renda Group JV
  22. BMG Cost Consultants Pty Ltd
  23. Koor Dindar Mother Gauteng Pty Ltd
  24. Dag Consulting Excellence Beyond Limits
  25. Kubrot Holding Pty Ltd -Quantity Surveyors
  26. Virtual Consulting Engineers
  27. Tlowana Consulting and Engineering
  28. Joshua Maroge Quantity Surveyors Pty Ltd
  29. MJT Consulting Engineers

Replacement of Asbestos Roof Covering of Eight (8) Blocks at Riverside Residence at the University of Venda

Tender No: IN/03/22
Closing Date: 30/06/22

  1. BBBC Projects and Fencing
  2. Ntsakomak Trading Pty Ltd
  3. Dawaila Group
  4. Malingo Civil and Construction pty Ltd
  5. M2M Projects
  6. MCG Mafunwani Construction
  7. Mbidzo civil Construction cc
  8. Dalas Business Enterprise
  9. Mbeu Propeties jv Ishe Tradin and Projects
  11. Tshikobza Trading and Projects
  12. Mokhuthaone Trading Jv Teleyini Trading and Project
  13. Tarcron Project Pty Ltd
  14. Thaba and Sons Projects
  15. Mahlogo wa Pheladi Trading Pty ltd
  16. Pitsi paula Construction and Project
  17. Mveledzo Trading and Project
  18. DIBA BES Pty Ltd
  19. Muthathe Building Construction cc

Project  Name:Completion of The Fit Out of The Environmental Science Analytical Laboratory at the University of Venda

Tender No: IN/011/22
Closing Date: 30/06/22

  1. Soshangana Trading 241 CC.
  2. Mveledzo Trading and Projects
  3. Reneliwe Construction Projects
  4. BICS Engineering and Supply Pty Ltd
  5. Gerson Matamela Pty Ltd
  6. Mbeu Propeties Jv Ishe Trading
  7. Mafunwani Construction and General Supply
  8. Trencon Construction
  9. 777 MPS Logistics
  10. Tshikobza Trading and Projects
  11. Thaba and Son Projects
  12. Pitsi Paula Construction and Projects
  13. Masana -Mashold &Projects
  14. Tarcron Projects
  15. Ramashu Supply and Services

Project Name: Framework Agreement for the Panel pf three (3) Civil an Structural  Engineer to support delivery of Infrastructure projects

Tender No: IN/04/22
Closing Date: 29/06/22

  1. Morula Consulting engineer &Project Managers
  2. Limgroup
  3. Maanda Dimension Consulting
  4. Nevhutalu consulting Engineers.
  5. Virtual Consulting Engineers VCE
  6. Kago Built Environment Consultants
  7. GG and G Consultants Pty Ltd
  8. Phunga Consulting Engineers.
  9. Nkhophele holdings
  10. Christian Consulting
  11. Lwati Engineers Pty Ltd
  12. Celankobe engineering and architectural Consultants
  13. Kabe Consulting Engineers.
  14. GladAfrica Consulting engineers
  15. MSW Project managers &consulting.
  16. Africango
  17. MVE Conslting Engineers
  18. Navi Professional Consulting Pty Ltd
  19. Azron Consulting Engineers
  20. Lilibarat Projects Pty Ltd.
  21. 690 Signature group.
  22. MC Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd
  23. T2 Tech Engineers Pty Ltd
  24. Tangos Consulting Pty Ltd
  25. Nguyuza Masilana Engineering
  26. AES Consulting
  27. Tlowana Consulting and Engineering
  28. Makasela Consulting and Projects
  29. Map Africa Consulting
  30. MSBR Consulting Pty Ltd
  31. Greenfield Resources Pty Ltd
  32. Mont Consulting engineers
  33. Mont Consulting engineers
  34. Zutari Impact Engineering.
  35. MJt Consulting Engineers 01 Pty Ltd
  36. Muteo Consulting cc
  37. Endecon Ubuntu Pty Ltd
  38. Tshashu Consulting and Project managers
  39. Urbantech holding Pty LTd.
  40. Ayamah Tibaa Pty Ltd
  41. EKS Consulting engineers
  42. Melokuhle Management
  43. Khulanathi Consulting

Renovation and Upgrading of Bernard Ncube Residence at the University of Venda

Tender No: IN/23/2022
Closing Date: 25-07-2022

  1. Dawaila Group
  2. Afrika Related Mo Electrical Engineering
  3. Sejagobe Engineers CC
  4. Tshambila Env Consultant Pty Ltd
  5. Pitsi Paula Construction &Projects CC
  6. Thaba and Sons Projects CC
  7. Outdoor Sensatations Pty Ltd
  8. Archibolo Holdings
  9. Tarcron Projects pty Ltd
  10. Norezani Investment Projects
  11. KTN DevelopmentProjects
  12. Tshikobza Trading and Projects
  13. TM Junior Trading Pty Ltd
  14. Nduvho Construction CC
  15. Gramendo Projects
  16. Mahlogo Wa Pheladi Trading Pty Ltd
  17. Migeroni trading Enterprise
  18. Ramashu Supply and Services
  19. Harone Maintanance &JV Tshithu Construction
  20. Chelpro Bashomi Pty Ltd

Supply and Delivery of Stationery for five Years

Tender No: FIN/01/2022
Closing Date: 26-07-2022

  1. Nduvho Construction CC
  2. Rupa and Sis Trading
  3. Bringe lano Pty Ltd
  4. Bravorox 125
  5. Luranga Trading Enterprise
  6. BD It Solutions
  7. Lunane Trading
  8. The Communication Capital
  9. Ncanies General Trading
  10. The Reg Investment Holdings
  11. Bquest Trading Pty Ltd
  12. SDJ Computer technology Pty ltd
  13. Man on the move Business Enterprise
  14. Khanyi Kgabo Consulting
  15. Ethelino Ptojects
  16. True Joy Trading
  17. GH Stationers Pty Ltd
  18. Mahlogo wa Pheladi pty Ltd
  19. Khera environmental Specaiist
  20. Supreme stationery
  21. Tondi Enterprise
  22. Chixx N Sons
  23. Afrika Guda Pty Ltd
  24. 777 MPS Logistics
  25. Rwine General trading
  26. Stan Cow Security Service and Project
  27. JRJ Trading and Business Enterprise
  28. Thohoyandou office Machines
  29. Edo Solutions Bookshop CC
  30. Forms Media independent
  31. TFK General Srivices
  32. Denga Investments Pty Ltd
  33. Being the great trading and projects
  34. Hudi Construction
  35. Ludere Business Solution
  36. Mvudi Park Trading
  37. Bluepace Conulting and Project
  38. Migeroni Trading Enterprise
  39. Mubvumoni Media
  40. BCM Didgisol pty ltd
  41. Mufhakie General Trading
  42. Mashoapane Construction and Supply pty Ltd
  43. Outdoor Sensatations pty ltd
  44. Mavel Group Pty Ltd
  45. Ndisani Trading Enterprise
  46. Mabind Trading Enterprise Pty Ltd
  47. Bathibiza Trading Enterprise
  48. Yoanda Consulting
  49. Phokele Trading Enterprise
  50. Royston Trading CC
  51. TMH Fashion house Pty Ltd
  52. Mupo Washu
  53. Phei Thavis Construction and Supply
  54. Vhonani Wavhudi Trading enterprise
  55. Shukhuthi Pty Ltd
  56. NT Shadiki Enterprise Pty ltd
  57. Tusco Broacasting

Framework agreement for the services of a Panel of Architectural Consultant to support the delivery of infrastructure projects on the University of Venda’s

Tender No: IN/18/22
Closing Date: 01/07/22

  1. Iqhayiya Design Workshop
  2. KMS Architects Pty Ltd
  3. Muma Investments Pty Ltd
  4. Naren Mistry Architect cc NA the Creative Axis Architects
  5. KS Manyattela Architcts
  6. BTA Architect
  7. Renda Group Pty Ltd
  8. Timecraft Consultants
  9. MJT Consulting Engineers 01 Pty ltd
  10. MGM Architects
  11. Kago Built Environment Consultants
  12. IkeMemena Architects cc
  13. Phunga Consulting Engineers -Mzamasi Solutions pty ltd
  14. Celankobe Engineering @Architectural Consultant
  15. 690 Signature Group pty ltd
  16. JMA Architects Pty Ltd
  17. GAPP Archtects and Urban Designers
  18. KRMS Architects
  19. Maanda Dimension Consulting
  20. Aspire Architects Pty Ltd
  21. Mma Archictorspty ltd T/A Mma Design studion

Framework agreement for the services of a Panel of Mechanical Engineering Consultant to support the delivery of infrastructure projects on the University of Venda’s

Tender No: IN/05/22
Closing Date: 29/06/2022

  1. Mvulani Engineering
  2. Glad Africa Consulting
  3. Maninga Engineering
  4. Muteo Consulting cc
  5. Maanda Dimension Consulting
  6. Zutari Impact Engineerred
  7. Virtual Consulting Engineers Pty
  8. Kago Built Environment Consultant01
  9. MJT Consulting Engineers
  10. Phunga Consulting Engineers
  11. 690 Signatur Group pty
  12. AES Consulting

Project  Name:New Additions and Alterations to the Existing Nursing Science Simulation Building at the University of Venda

Tender No: IN/17/22
Closing Date: 29/06/22

  1. Tarcron Projects Pty Ltd
  2. Malindo Civil and Construction Pty Ltd
  3. Dawail Group
  4. Harone Maintanance JV Bringe Lano.
  5. Mahlogo Wa Pheladi trading Pty Ltd
  6. Ramatlanes Construction and Projects
  7. Diba BES Pty Ltd
  8. Trencon Construction
  9. Murangaphanda Projects PTY Ltd
  10. Gochi Trading
  11. Silidi Projects CC
  12. M2M Projects
  13. Chesterbury Trading  and Projects
  14. Thaba and Son Projects
  15. Ntsakomak Trading Pty Ltd
  16. Ramashu Suppy and Services CC
  17. Mafunzwani Construction and General Supply
  18. Mbeu Prropeties JV Ishe Trading and Projects
  19. BICS Engineering and Supply Pty Ltd

Upgrading of Kitchen Facilities at Lost City Male and Female Residences at the University

Tender No: IN/20/2022
Closing Date: 25-07-2022

  1. ChelproBashomi Pty Ltd
  2. Ramashu Supply and Services CC
  3. Sejagobe engineers CC
  4. Gramedo Projects CC
  5. Mahlogo wa Pheladi Trading Pty Ltd
  6. Archibold Holdings
  7. Thabel Trading &projects Pty Ltd
  8. outdoor Sensations Pty Ltd
  9. Sohlangana Trading Pty Ltd
  10. TM Junior Trading Pty Ltd
  11. Pisti Paula Construction & Projects
  12. Afrika Related Mo Electrical Engineering
  13. Shirinda Trading and Projects
  14. Migeroni Trading Enterprise
  15. Thaba and Sons Projects Cc
  16. Tshamila Env Consultant Ltd
  17. Tshikobza Trading and Projects
  18. KTN Development Projects
  19. Tarcron Projects Pty Ltd

Renovation and Upgrading of Bernard Ncube Residence at the University of Venda

Tender No: IN/23/2022
Closing Date: 25-07-2022

  1. Dawaila Group
  2. Afrika Related Mo Electrical Engineering
  3. Sejagobe Engineers CC
  4. Tshambila Env Consultant Pty Ltd
  5. Pitsi Paula Construction &Projects CC
  6. Thaba and Sons Projects CC
  7. Outdoor Sensatations Pty Ltd
  8. Archibolo Holdings
  9. Tarcron Projects pty Ltd
  10. Norezani Investment Projects
  11. KTN DevelopmentProjects
  12. Tshikobza Trading and Projects
  13. TM Junior Trading Pty Ltd
  14. Nduvho Construction CC
  15. Gramendo Projects
  16. Mahlogo Wa Pheladi Trading Pty Ltd
  17. Migeroni trading Enterprise
  18. Ramashu Supply and Services
  19. Harone Maintanance &JV Tshithu Construction
  20. Chelpro Bashomi Pty Ltd



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