Invitation to Tender: Panel of Service Providers for Masonry Work Services (Jobbing Contracts)
Bid No: IN/007/2020 Requirements: CIDB 1EB Only Deposit: R477.00 Closing Date: 23/08/2021 at 12h00 Briefing: COMPULSARY BRIEFING SESSION: 03/08/2021 on provided zoom link at 14h00. https://zoom.us/j/94677995026?pwd=VDVHaHRSVjQzUW9ieFZpcVFUWnFKZz09 Meeting ID: 946 7799...
Invitation to Tender: Panel of Service Providers for Electrical Services (Jobbing Contracts)
Bid No: IN/006/2020 Requirements: CIDB 1EB Only Deposit: R477.00 Closing Date: 23/08/2021 at 12h00 Briefing: COMPULSARY BRIEFING SESSION: 03/08/2021 on provided zoom link at 09h00. https://zoom.us/j/98626854648?pwd=YVoyREJpUmw4TDFhOHVuM09ObUk4dz09 Meeting ID: 986 2685...