Tenders: Pizza Outlet
BID NO. STS/001/2019/3 PO PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Request for Proposal: Pizza Outlet : As per the Tender Document TENDER DOCUMENT: R932.80 COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION : 26 September 2019 at 09h00 at the University of Venda Library Hall CLOSING DATE AND TIME: 11 October...Tenders: Pie Shop Outlet at the Student Centre
BID NO. STS/001/2019/2 PS PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Request for Proposal: Pie Shop Outlet at the Student Centre : As per the Tender Document TENDER DOCUMENT: R932.80 COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION : 26 September 2019 at 09h00 at the University of Venda Library Hall CLOSING...Tenders: Panel of Service Providers for Functions and Events (x3)
BID NO. STS/001/2019/1 F PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Request for Proposal: Turnkey Freshersball Event Management Services at the University of Venda for a period of 3 years MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS : As per the Tender Document TENDER DOCUMENT : R932.80 COMPULSORY...