Invitation to Tender: Panel of Service Providers for Welding and Steel Work Services (Jobbing Contracts)
Bid No: IN/011/2020 Requirements: CIDB 1GB Only Deposit: R477.00 Closing Date: 25/08/2021 at 12h00 Briefing: COMPULSARY BRIEFING SESSION: 05/08/2021 on provided zoom link at 14h00. https://zoom.us/j/93693246607?pwd=eE5oeTBGUXk2VnRwRmd3c0JpWFpyUT09 Meeting ID: 936 9324...
Invitation to Tender: Panel of Service Providers for Roof Repair Services (Jobbing Contracts)
Bid No: IN/010/2020 Requirements: CIDB 1GB Only Deposit: R477.00 Closing Date: 25/08/2021 at 12h00 Briefing: COMPULSARY BRIEFING SESSION: 05/08/2021 on provided zoom link at 09h00. https://zoom.us/j/94757456608?pwd=QzAwRm1sVWo0dTF2SU1yY0kxQThGUT09 Meeting ID: 947 5745...
Invitation to Tender: Panel of Service Providers for Plumbing Services (Jobbing Contracts)
Bid No: IN/009/2020 Requirements: CIDB 1GB/CE/SO Only Deposit: R477.00 Closing Date: 24/08/2021 at 12h00 Briefing: COMPULSARY BRIEFING SESSION: 04/08/2021 on provided zoom link at 14h00. https://zoom.us/j/97883554783?pwd=K1JncFUvNSsxWkJYVUpCN2pTa29OUT09 Meeting ID:...