The University of Venda (UNIVEN) invites applications for the 2025 Internal Bursary from students
pursuing Honours, Masters, and PhD degrees. This bursary is awarded based on academic merit
and subject to available funding.

 Applicants must be accepted into a full-time Honours, Masters, or PhD programme at
UNIVEN in any faculty.
 Must be entering postgraduate studies for the first time (students pursuing a second
Honours Degree/Postgraduate Diploma do not qualify).
 Must have obtained a minimum average of 65% in their final-year major for Honours ,
and Masters applications.
 International students must comply with the Department of Home Affairs

 Students who already hold other bursaries or funding will not be considered.
 Students with only a 70% chance of obtaining the bursary will also not be approved.

 Tuition fees
 On-campus accommodation
 Meals
Note: The bursary does not cover failed modules, historic debt, or additional
qualifications at the same NQF level.

1. Apply and gain acceptance into a UNIVEN postgraduate programme.
2. Complete the bursary application form (attached to this advert).
3. Submit the completed application with the following documents:
 Certified copy of ID or passport
 Letter of acceptance into a postgraduate programme
 Signed and stamped academic record
4. Send the completed application and supporting documents via email to:
Ms. Zama Nxumalo at

Closing Date: 28 February 2025
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

 Selection is based on merit, starting from the highest to the lowest academic average.
 Successful applicants will be notified individually by the Financial Aid Department.
 If awarded an external bursary (e.g., NRF, CSIR), students must choose between the
external bursary and the UNIVEN Internal Bursary.
 Withdrawal from studies may result in repayment of the bursary.
Kind Regards
Tshilidzi Ramulondi
Director: Revenue & Financial Aid
University of Venda

General Information
Only students accepted on the Honours Degree/Masters/PhD Programme within one of the faculties listed may
apply for the UNIVEN Honours Degree/Masters/PhD bursary. Students must be registered for the first time for a fulltime Honours Degree/Masters/PhD in the following faculties and disciplines:
Faculty of Health Sciences: All Honours Degree/Masters/PhD Specialisations.
Faculty of Humanities: All Honours Degree/Masters/PhD Specialisations.
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture: All Honours Degree/Masters/PhD Specialisations.
Faculty of Management, Commerce and Law: All Honours Degree/Masters/PhD Specialisations.

Minimum Criteria to Apply
• Students who are accepted or conditionally accepted in the specified department to study
full-time for an Honours Degree/Masters/ Doctoral Degree in 2025.
• Entering the Postgraduate level of study for the first time, Studentsstudying towards a second
Honours Degree/Postgraduate Diploma do not qualify.
• Students must have an average of 65% in the final year major to undertake an Honours Degree
to apply.
• Applying does not guarantee funding; Successful students are selected by the bursary
committee and bursaries are provided subject to the availability of funds.
• Students must first apply to be accepted for a postgraduate Programme within the specified
specific departments.
• If the student is accepted or conditionally accepted in the academic department, the
Postgraduate bursary application form may be obtained from the faculty representative and
• Completed forms with the required documents must be submitted to the faculty
representative. The documents to be attached are:
– A certifiedcopyof the applicant’sID or passport.
– A letter of acceptance intoa postgraduate Programme from the relevant department.
– A signed and stamped academic record to date. Results can be submitted after application.
• Application deadlines: To the discretion of the faculty.
• The selection process is coordinated by the financial aid department, successful students will be notified
• South African students: If a student is successful, the faculty representative submits the details of the
student to the Bursary Office for financial unblocking for registration.
• International students: If a student is successful, then he/she submits the form to the Division of
Internationalization with the required documentation for the Department of Home Affairs compliance. If
the documents meet the requirements, the student will be unblocked, and a clearance certificate will
be provided. The clearance certificate should be submitted to the relevant faculty contact person to
confirm that the international clearance is finalized. The faculty will include the name of the student on
the list to be submitted to the Student Finance office for the finance blocks to be lifted for registration.
• The student finance office unblocks students with no outstanding fees for them to register online.
• The bursary amount will be credited to the student’s statement of account.
Agreement and Application Form
Ref.No.(For office use only)

What does the bursary fund?
• The bursary covers tuition fees; accommodation (On-Campus accommodation ONLY); and Meals.
•The bursary does NOT cover failed/ repeating modules.
•The bursary does NOT fund additional or different NQF level 8 qualifications from the one previously funded.
•The bursary does NOT cover historic debt.
•Priority will be given to outstanding students with higher averages – awarding from highest to the lowest performing
student (e.g., from 100% average to 65% average) subject to the availability of funds, as per average calculation on the
entire undergraduate qualification/ three Honours modules (including supplementary, failed, etc. modules).

•I agree that the University, through its normal governance bodies, may amend any rule, regulation, policy, or procedure
relating to the bursary and that I shall be bound to any such amendment as soon as it takes effect. I, the bursary
applicant, acknowledge and understand that the University is obliged to collect and process personal information to
enable the execution of this agreement and the bursary.
•I acknowledge that, unless expressly changed in writing, all the terms of this agreement shall remain in force and shall
stand for as long as the student is a registered student at the University of Venda, irrespective of whether the student’s
studies may be suspended.
•I agree that the University has the right to cancel my bursary should I be awarded any bursary if I provide incorrect or
false information or documentation or if I fail to provide material information or documentation.
•Bursaries are paid subject to sufficient funds being available to award bursariesto candidates who are selected.
•Please note that upon cancellation of studies, the full bursary will be cancelled, and the student is liable for paying
back the bursary. Postgraduate students are expected to complete their studies (in the minimum time stipulated) to
avoid having to pay back the bursary.
•Students who are awarded external bursaries (e.g., NRF, CSIR) must choose one bursary. Students will not concurrently
hold any external bursaries in conjunction with the UNIVEN Postgraduate Diploma.
•Students with external bursaries that have contractual obligations towards the external bursary providers are not eligible
for the UNIVEN Postgraduate bursary.
•It isthe student’s responsibility to ensure that all the bursary conditions are adhered to

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