Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Faculty of Science, Engineering and AgricultureDepartment of Plant and Soil Sciences
The Department of Plant and Soil Sciences offers undergraduate and postgraduate training in agronomy through teaching, research and community engagement that is geared towards sustainable agriculture and rural development in Southern Africa.
Prof JBO Ogola
Head of Department
Tel: +27 15 962 9005
The following is a list of staff members in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
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AGR 1631 : Agriculture and Humankind |
AGR 2531 : Introduction to plant production |
AGR 3541 : Principles & application of plant production |
AGR 3641 : Introductory plant breeding and seed production |
AGR 3631: Dryland farming technology |
AGR 4532: Management of natural and cultivated pastures |
AGR 4531: Agronomy of selected commercial crops |
AGR 4631: Agronomy of selected oil seed, fibre & cereal crops |
AGR 4533: Bio-energy crops: Agronomy and post harvest processing |
AGR 4632: Agronomy of selected field crops |
AGR 4081: Project and seminar presentation |
AGR 5531: Agronomy of cereal crops |
AGR 5631: Agronomy of legumes and tuber crops |
PPR 2541/3541: Introduction to plant protection |
PPR 3631: Agricultural entomology |
PPR 3641: Weed science |
PPR 3542/4541: Plant pathology |
PPR 5621: Weed science |
PPR 5632: Disease and insect pest control |
PPR 5632: Research project and mini dissertation |
AGR 6531: Special topics in crop production |
AGR 6542: Special topics in plant breeding |
AGR 6631: Crop production systems |
AGR 6642: Advances in applied crop physiology |
PPR 6541: Advanced plant protection |
AGR 6099: Dissertation |
AGR 7099: Thesis |
The following is a list of staff members in the Department of Soil Science:
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Prof. Jude Julius Owuor Odhiambo is a Professor of Soil Science in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences. He holds a BSc (Hons) Agriculture and MSc Agriculture (Soil Science) degrees from the University of Nairobi, Kenya and a PhD degree in Soil Science from The University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He has worked for over 33 years in the higher education sector. Prof Odhiambo is a C2 NRF rated researcher and his specialization is in Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition. He has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals and among his recent publications are:
1) Ogola, J.B.O., Macil, P.J. & Odhiambo, J.J.O. (2021). Biochar Application and Rhizobium Inoculation Increased Intercepted Radiation and Yield of Chickpea in Contrasting Soil Types. Int. J. Plant Prod. 15, 219–229.
2) Rötter, R., Scheiter, S., Hoffmann, M., Pfeiffer, M., Nelson, W., Ayisi, K., Taylor, P., Feil, J.-H., Yazdan Bakhsh, S., Isselstein, J., Linstaedter, A., Behn, K., Westphal, C., Grass, I., Odhiambo, J., Twine, W., Merante, P., Bracho-Mujica, G., Bringhenti, T., Lamega, S., Abdulai, I., Lam, Q., Anders, M., Linden, V., Weier, S., Foord, S., Erasmus, B.F. (2021): Modelling the multi-functionality of African savanna landscapes under global change. Land Degradation and Development 32(6):2077-2081 DOI:10.1002/ldr.3925
3) Lusiba SG, Odhiambo JJO, Adeleke R and Maseko ST. (2021). The potential of biochar to enhance concentration and utilization of selected macro and micronutrients for chickpea (Cicer arietinum) grown in three contrasting soils. Rhizosphere Journal
Prof Odhiambo has also presented his research work at several national and international conferences and supervised several Honours, Masters and PhD students. Prof Odhiambo is the former Dean of the former School of Agriculture, having also served as a Vice Dean of the former School for a period of 8 years and former Head of the Department of Soil Science. He is currently the Interim Chair for Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture at the University of Venda. Prof Odhiambo is an active researcher and a reviewer for several journals, and an external examiner and assessor for several universities and organizations, both nationally and internationally. He is the current president of the Soil Science Society of South Africa (SSSSA), a member of the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), International Union of Soil Science (IUSS), and a registered natural science practitioner (Soil Science) by the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP).