School of LawEmail:
Office: FO6
i. Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (University of Zimbabwe)
ii. Master of Commercial Laws (LLM) (University of Cape Town) by coursework, dissertation title: Corporate Governance in Zimbabwe Banking System
iii. Master of Laws Social Justice (LLM) (University of Cape Town) by coursework, dissertation title: Interpreting section 29 (1) (a) of the South African Constitution
iv. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at the University of Zimbabwe, Faculty of Law Thesis title is: A Legal Analysis of the Right to Basic Education in Zimbabwe and in South Africa
Commercial Law, Corporate Governance, Human Rights, Constitutional Law, Police and Policing, Women and Children’s Rights, Gender and the Law
1. The scope and content of the right to basic education in Zimbabwe, CILSA Journal, 2020.
2. A hexagon Right: The Six components of the right to basic education in South Africa, Obiter 2018.
3. The Link between Fundamental, Primary, Secondary and Basic Education, ESR Review 2018.
4. The right to Basic Education, the South African Constitution, and the Juma Musjid Case: An unqualified Right and Minimum Core Standard, University of Western Cape Law Democracy and Development Journal 2014.
5. Defining the term Basic Education an International Approach published with the, University of Western Cape Law Democracy and Development Journal 2012
6. Living the Dream or Fighting Reality: Can the right based approach really fight all forms of exclusion? DE rebus Journal 2013.
7. New Zimbabwe.Com: On Makanaka Wakatama, Garikai Mazara, child marriage, the law, six ignorant points 2014
8. New Zimbabwe.Com: Dokora’s ignorance a shame: why it’s unconstitutional for government to demand school fees from parents 2014
Human Rights Advocacy interviews and collaborations with the media
Mixed Reactions over the Pristorius judgement: The Chronicle –
1. Call for legal protection of pregnant rape victims
2. Prostitution is a Choice, Not a Crime, ‘Prostitution a lifestyle, not criminal’ | The Herald
Conference Presentations
i. Attended the United Nations Convention on the Status of Women (CSW) representing Zimbabwe 2014.
ii. Beyond the dissertation to community Project for LLB students presented at the CLEA Conference in Durban April 2013
iii. The Provision of School Fees at Primary School Level In contravention of the CRC: paper presented at G20 Summit Russia in April 2013
iv. The Myth of Public Participation in the Law-making Process. Public Participation Conference March 2012 Emperors Palace, Johannesburg C Simbo and R Phooko
1. Best Preforming Lecturer 2012, North West University
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Designation: Senior Lecturer
Office: School of Law office F08
Tel: 015 962 8099
i. Bachelor of Arts (BA Law) (University of Stellenbosch) 1995
ii. Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (University of Stellenbosch) 1997
iii. Master of Laws (LLM) (University of Stellenbosch) 2001 Dissertation title: Like father, Like son. A natural father’s access to his child born out of wedlock: An argument to be made for both the father and his child
Law of Persons, Family Law, Legal Research Skills
i. C. Oliver, D. Kgosimore, G. Joubert: Criminology NQF Level 3 Student Book (2009) Department of Education, Further Education Training Colleges
ii. D. Kgosimore, G. Joubert: Criminology NQF Level 4 Student Book (2009) Department of Education, Further Education Training Colleges
iii. GJ Joubert, “Labour relations and unions” (book chapter 10) in Policing in South Africa: Past and Present, Roelofse & Gumbi (Eds), LexisNexis 2018, ISBN 978-0-6390-0256-9, pp 221-244
Conference Presentations
i. “How the Children’s Act impacts on the relationship of the unwed mother and her extra-marital child”, Law Week Conference at University of Limpopo, 2008
ii. “Transforming the boni mores measure in the South African Family law”, Family Law Colloquium at the University of Kwazulu- Natal, 2008
iii. “Do advertisements for abortion equate to legal abortions?” Limpopo Department of Health, Polokwane, 2009
iv. “After 10 years ROCMA is still not the answer for customary wives”, Family Law Colloquium , University of Western Cape, 2010
v. “The vuvuzela on trial?”, Society of Law Teachers of Southern Africa (SLTSA), University of Stellenbosch, 2011
vi. “The Impact of Constitutional Change on Intergenerational Obligations”, 14th International Society of Family Law (ISFL) Conference, Lyon, France, 2011
vii. “Ignorantia juris non excusat: Police without a defense”, All African Criminal Justice Conference, University of Limpopo, 2012
viii. “Culture and tradition in Family law: an essay into the morality of human rights developments in South African Family law”, 15th International Society of Family Law (ISFL) Conference, Recife, Brazil, 2014
ix. “The wrongful life claim: H v Fetal Assessment Center”, Family Law Colloquium, University of KwaZulu Natal, 2015
i. Award for best presenter at Limpopo Department of Health, Polokwane, 2009
ii. Recipient of the Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence award in 2012 as senior lecturer at University of Venda
iii. Recipient of the Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence award in 2015 as best overall lecturer at University of Venda
iv. Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture, Mr Nathi Mthethwa excellence award for South African athletics coach, 2021
Non-academic achievements
i. Recipient of South African national colours from South African Masters Athletics, 2015
ii. Athletics coach to South African Paralympic athlete, Sheryl James (since July 2018 to date) winning a bronze medal at World Championships in Dubai, 2019 in women’s 400m, class T37, and bronze medal at Paralympic Games in Tokyo, 2021, women’s 400m, class T37
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Designation: Senior Lecturer
Office: F05
Tel: 015 962 8295
i. PhD, University of Cape Town, 2019. Thesis Title: ‘Strengthening the regulation regimes for collecting societies in South Africa and Nigeria: any room for competition law?’
ii. LLM, University of Benin, University of Benin, Nigeria, 2014. By coursework and mini dissertation. Dissertation title: ‘Legal mechanism for enforcement and regulation of copyright in Nigeria: a comparative analysis’.
iii. LLB, University of Benin, Nigeria, 2007.
Intellectual property law, competition law, international trade law (interest in African regional trade law), artificial intelligence and law (focus on the intersection with intellectual property law), International human rights law
Publications (selected)
i. Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Africa (LexisNexis, 2022) (with CB Ncube, T Schonwetter and I Rutenberg [eds]) forthcoming: Edited Book.
ii. Copyright, Collective Management Organisations, and Competition in Africa: Regulatory Perspectives from Nigeria, South Africa and Kenya (Cape Town: JUTA, 2021): Book.
iii. Intellectual Property Law in Nigeria: Emerging Trends, Theories and Practice (Benin City: Paclerd Press, 2021) (with IA Olubiyi): Book.
iv. Guide to Graduate Research: Projects, Dissertations and Theses 2ed. (Benin City: Ambik Press, 2021) (with NE Ojukwu-Ogba, SO Oyakhire and NE Unuigbe [eds]): Edited Book.
v. ‘Access to the Internet as a Human Right’ in DM Chirwa and CB Ncube The Internet, Development, Human Rights and the Law in Africa (Routledge, 2022) (with DM Chirwa) forthcoming: Book chapter.
vi. ‘The Role of Regional Mechanisms for the Protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’ in M Langford and KG Young Oxford Handbook on Economic and Social Rights (Oxford University Press, 2022) (with D Chirwa) forthcoming: Book chapter.
vii. ‘Regulation of Collective Management Organisations in South Africa’ (2019) 10 WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers 171-187.
viii. ‘Negotiating the Intellectual Property Protocol under the African Continental Free Trade Agreement: Priorities and Opportunities for Nigeria’ (2022) 15(1) Law and Development Review 33-62 (with A Adewopo and CI Okorie).
ix. ‘DABUS gains territory in South Africa and Australia: revisiting the AI-inventorship question’ (2021) 9 South African Intellectual Property Law Journal 87-108.
x. ‘Posthumous control of copyright, its limitations and the public interest’ (2021) 8(2) Journal of Comparative Law in Africa 32-62 (with GK Adeola-Adedipe).
xi. ‘Multi-territorial Digital Copyright Licensing within the AfCFTA: Considerations for Appropriate Guiding Principles’ (2021) 43(11) European Intellectual Property Review 710-720 (with CI Okorie).
xii. ‘What if DABUS came to Africa? Visiting AI Inventorship and Ownership of Patent from the Nigerian Perspective’ (2021) 42(2) Business Law Review 89-99.
xiii. ‘Implications of the Nigerian Broadcasting Code on Broadcast Copyright and Competition’ (2021) 70(7) GRUR International – Journal of European and International IP Law 644-655 (with IA Olubiyi).
xiv. ‘Applying Competition Regime to Collective Management Organizations in Nigeria: Lessons from US and EU Law’ (2020) 1(1) Journal of Contemporary Commercial and Industrial Law 1-32 (UNIPORT).
xv. ‘Beyond the Marrakesh VIP Treaty: typology of copyright access-enabling provisions for persons with disabilities’ (2020) 23(3-4) Journal of World Intellectual Property 149-165 (with CB Ncube and BE Reid).
xvi. ‘Empowering rural women crafters in KwaZulu-Natal: the dynamics of intellectual property, traditional cultural expressions, innovation and social entrepreneurship’ (2020) 137(1) South African Law Journal 145-172.
Conference Presentations (selected)
i. Panel discussion on “Assets and Challenges for the Adoption of the Law on Geographical Indications in Nigeria” at the National Conference on Creating Legal and Institutional Frameworks for Geographical Indications in Nigeria, part of the EU and EU Intellectual Property (EUIPO) funded project – Intellectual Property Rights & Innovation in Africa (AfrIPI) on 17-18 February 2022 at the Conference Room, Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria.
ii. “Multi-territorial Digital Copyright Licensing within the AfCFTA: Considerations for Appropriate Guiding Principles” at the 10th Annual Conference of the African Society of International Law (AfSIL), 29-30 October 2021 (virtual). Co-presentation, with CI Okorie.
iii. “Overcoming the Challenges of Intellectual Property and Promoting Cultural Heritage Through Social Entrepreneurship in South Africa” at the 5th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, 26-30 October 2020: University College London, United Kingdom (virtual).
iv. “Working around the Gender Gap in Intellectual Property Regimes: Empowerment of Women Beadworkers through Open, Inclusive Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa” at the 4th annual conference of the Law and Development Research Network (LDRN), 25-27 September 2019: Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
v. “Regulation of Collecting Societies in South Africa: Exploring the Interface Between Copyright and Competition Law” at the World Intellectual Property Organisation – World Trade Organisation 16th Colloquium for Teachers of Intellectual Property, 17-29 June 2019: Geneva Switzerland.
vi. “Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge, Gender Equality and Benin Bronze Casting Art: Setting a Research Agenda” at the International Conference of the Commission on Legal Pluralism, 22-24 August 2018: University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.
Awards (selected)
I. Arcadia Project on the Right to Research in International Copyright supported by the Arcadia Foundation – a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin. The project is managed by the Academic Network on the Right to Research in International Copyright convened by the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (PIJIP) of the American University of Washington College of Law (AUWCL): July 2021.
II. University of South Carolina, USA – Electronic Information for Libraries’ (eIFL): Arcadia Project on the right to research in international copyright: June 2021.
III. Research grant by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) through the Open African Innovation Research (Open AIR) Network: March – November 2020.
IV. University of Cape Town’s Dean of Law Postdoctoral research fellowship: May 2019 – March 2021
V. Queen Elizabeth (Advanced Scholars) Scholarship awarded by the Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Program through the Open African Innovation Research (Open AIR) Network: July 2018 – April 2019.
VI. University of Cape Town, Law Faculty Doctoral Scholarship: 2017 and 2018
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Designation: Lecturer
Office: F004
Tel: 015 962 8326
i. Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (University of Limpopo) 2007
ii. Master of Laws (LLM) (University of Limpopo) 2014, dissertation title: A legal analysis of the application of corporate governance principles in Musina Local Municipality.
Law of Contract, Law of Delict, Commercial Law
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Dr Benjamin T Kujinga
Office: L013
Tel: 015 962 8217
i. Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (University of Fort Hare) 2006
ii. Master of Laws (LLM) (University of Fort Hare) 2008 by full and independent research in Corporate Law, dissertation title: The Auditor’s Duty of Reasonable Care and Skill and the Expectation to Detect Fraud.
iii. Doctor of Laws (LLD) at the University of Pretoria 2014, Faculty of Law with research in Tax Law. Thesis title is: A Comparative Analysis of the Efficacy of the General Anti-Avoidance Rule as a measure against Impermissible Income Tax Avoidance in South Africa.
Income Tax Law, Value Added Tax Law, International Tax Law
i. BT Kujinga “Fraud and the Auditor” (July 2009) AccountancySA 21.
ii. BT Kujinga “The Auditor’s Legal Responsibilities in the Detection of Fraud” (2010) vol 22 (4) South African Mercantile Law Journal 541.
iii. BT Kujinga “The Misuse or Abuse Analysis in terms of the South African General anti Avoidance Rule – Lessons from Canada” (2012) vol 45 (1) Comparative and Internatinal Law Journal of Southern Africa 42.
iv. BT Kujinga “Factors that Limit the Efficacy of General Anti-Avoidance Rules in Income Tax Legislation: Lessons from South Africa, Australia and Canada” (2014) vol 47 (3) Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa 429.
v. BT Kujinga “The Economic Substance Doctrine Against Abusive Tax Shelters in the United States: Lessons for South Africa” (2015) vol 27 South African Mercantile Law Journal 218.
vi. BT Kujinga “The UK General Anti-Avoidance Rule; Lessons for Australia?” 2016 vol 14 (3) E-journal of Tax Research 624.
vii. BT Kujinga “Searching for Certainty” (2017) March/April Issue 63 TaxTalk 42.
viii. BT Kujinga “The UK Judicial Approach to Impermissible Tax avoidance: Lessons on Interpreting Certain Aspects of the Commercial Substance Provision in the South African General Anti-Avoidance Rule” South African Mercantile Law Journal (forthcoming).
Conference Presentations
i. “Factors that Limit the Efficacy of General Anti-Avoidance Rules in Income Tax Legislation: Lessons from South Africa, Australia and Canada.” Society for Law Teachers of Southern Africa Conference 13 – 16 January 2014 University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
ii. “An Analysis of the South African Experience with a General Anti-Avoidance Rule in Income Tax Legislation” 26th Australasian Tax Teachers Association Conference 20 – 22 January 2014 Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. This presentation was recognised as the best PhD Presentation and an award in this regard was given.
iii. “The New General Anti-Avoidance Rule in the UK; Any Lessons on GAAR Design for South Africa?” Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law, Vienna University of Economics and Business Conference on 3-5 July 2014, Vienna, Austria
iv. “The UK and Australian GAARs, Is it time to change the Threshold in Australia”? 27th Australasian Tax Teachers Association Conference 19 – 21 January 2015 University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
v. “Can Transfer Pricing Manipulation and Base Erosion and Profit Shifting be Curbed by Reference to Company Law and Lifting the Corporate Veil”? Corporate and Financial Markets Law Conference North West University, Potchefstroom, 24-25 October 2019.
i. Winner of the 2014 version of the Norton Rose Fulbright and South African Institute of Professional Accountants Doctoral Tax Thesis of the year award for the best PhD in Tax Law in 2014; value: R25 000.
ii. University of New South Wales (UNSW) School of Business: Australian School of Tax (ATAX) Research Fellow in 2015.
iii. International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) Visiting Researcher, in 2010 and 2016
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Designation: Lecturer
Office: Office F018
Tel: 015 962 8248
i. Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (University of Venda) 2013
ii. Master of Laws (LLM) (University of Johannesburg) 2019, dissertation title: Non-compliance with the criteria for business rescue resolution of the Companies Act, 2008: Panamo Properties (Pty) Ltd v Nel
iii. Master of Business Administrations (MBA) (Management College of Southern Africa) 2021, dissertation title: An exploratory study into the impact of performance appraisal on employee commitment: A case study of the Road Accident Fund, Johannesburg.
Company Law, Insolvency Law, Commercial Law, Corporate Finance Law, Operation systems, Human Resource Management, Corporate Strategy, Information Systems, Strategic Management, Financial Management and Managerial Economics.
i. Postgraduate diploma in Higher Education (UKZN-with Distinction) 2020
ii. Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (University of Fort Hare) 2003
iii. Master of Laws (LLM) (University of Fort Hare) 2005 by full and independent research in International Trade Law, dissertation title: International Trade and Environmental Governance in the WTO and NAFTA: Selected Thematic Lessons for SADC in Transition.
iv. Doctor of Laws (LLD) at the University of South Africa 2014, research in Intellectual Property Law. Thesis title: Access to Medicines under The WTO TRIPS Agreement: A Comparative Study of Select SADC Countries
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Prof Lonias Ndlovu, Director School of Law
1. Title and name
Prof Lonias Ndlovu
2. Email, Landline and Office Number
Office F017
Tel: 015 962 8311/8512
3. Qualifications
i. Postgraduate diploma in Higher Education (UKZN-with Distinction) 2020
ii. Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (University of Fort Hare) 2003
iii. Master of Laws (LLM) (University of Fort Hare) 2005 by full and independent research in International Trade Law, dissertation title: International Trade and Environmental Governance in the WTO and NAFTA: Selected Thematic Lessons for SADC in Transition.
iv. Doctor of Laws (LLD) at the University of South Africa 2014, research in Intellectual Property Law. Thesis title: Access to Medicines under The WTO TRIPS Agreement: A Comparative Study of Select SADC Countries
4. Expertise
International trade law, intellectual property law, intellectual property and public health, corporate law
5. Professional and Academic Affiliations
Advocate of the High Court of South Africa, member of the Society of International Economic Law, member of the African International Economic Law Network, member of the South African Association of Intellectual Property Law and Information Technology Law Teachers and Researchers.
6. Publications (selected)
Lonias Ndlovu and P.C Osode, “Sexual Harassment and Employer Vicarious Liability: Grobler v Naspers Beperk en Samuels” (2004) 18 no.2 Speculum Juris 330.
Lonias Ndlovu “The E-C Asbestos Dispute and Its Implications for a Transforming SADC: Is the Dust Refusing to Settle?” (2006) 21 SA Public Law 246.
Lonias Ndlovu “An Assessment of the WTO Compliance of the Recent Regulatory Regime of South Africa’s Dumping and Anti-Dumping Law” (2010) Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology 29.
Lonias Ndlovu “Assessing the WTO Compliance of Selected aspects of South Africa’s International Trade Administration Amendment Bill” (2010) 31 Obiter 310.
Lonias Ndlovu and D. Iyer “Protecting Child Witnesses and Victims from ‘Undue’ Stress and Suffering in Criminal Trials: S V Mokoena” (2010) 1 Speculum Juris 124.
B.Mutanga, P.Mudali, I.Z Dlamini, S.S Xulu, Lonias Ndlovu, and M.O Adigun, “Challenges of Evidence Acquisition in Wireless Ad hoc Networks” (2010) IST-Africa Conference Proceedings 1-8.
Lonias Ndlovu, “Land Reform and Investment Protection after the Campbell Litigation: Can SADC Learn from NAFTA?” in Sylvia M. Kierkegaard and Patrick Kierkegaard (eds) (2010) Private Law: Rights, Duties and Conflicts 856 – 877 ISBN: 978-87-991385-8-6, Copenhagen: International Association of IT Lawyers.
Lonias Ndlovu “Following the NAFTA Star: SADC land reform and investment protection after the Campbell litigation” (2011) 15 Law, Democracy and Development.
Lonias Ndlovu, “The SADC Tribunal Review: Does the Tribunal Require Appellate Status?” in Sylvia M. Kierkegaard and Patrick Kierkegaard (eds) (2011) Law Across Nations: Governance, Policy and Statutes 901 – 910 ISBN: 978-87-991385-9-3, Copenhagen: International Association of IT Lawyers.
Lonias Ndlovu, “Land Reform and Investor Protection in the SADC Region” (2012) 15 (1) International Journal of Private Law 79-100.
Lonias Ndlovu and D. Iyer, “Protecting the Child Victim in Sexual Offences: Is there a Need for Separate Legal Representation?” (2012) 33 (1) Obiter 72.
Lonias Ndlovu, “Effects of the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement on South African Case Law” in Sylvia M. Kierkegaard and Patrick Kierkegaard (eds) (2012) Law, Governance and World, Policy 502 – 514 ISBN: 978-87-994854-2-0, Copenhagen: International Association of IT Lawyers.
Lonias Ndlovu, “Remedying a Pedagogy of the historically disadvantaged: A case study of Law Teaching” (2013) 15 (1) The Anthropologist 1-11.
Lonias Ndlovu “South Africa and the World Trade Organisation Anti-Dumping Agreement Nineteen Years into Democracy” (2013) 28 South African Public Law 281-309.
Lonias Ndlovu, “South African Patent Law and access to Medicines” in Sylvia M. Kierkegaard and Patrick Kierkegaard (eds) (2013) Law and Practice: Critical Analysis and reasoning 687–696, Copenhagen: International Association of IT Lawyers.
Lonias Ndlovu, “Effects of the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement on South African Case Law” (2014) 4 International Journal of Public Law and Policy 147-160.
Lonias Ndlovu “South African Patent Law and Access to Medicines 20 Years into Democracy” (2014) 28 (2) Speculum Juris 70-99.
Lonias Ndlovu “Lessons for the SADC from the Indian case of Novartis Ag v Union of India” (2015) Vol 18 no.3 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal 783-815.
Lonias Ndlovu and Amos Saurombe “Theories of Intellectual Property and access to Medicines in the Southern African Development Community (SADC)” (2016) 37 Obiter 599-616.
Lonias Ndlovu “Why South Africa Should Introduce Patent Searches and Substantive Examinations to Improve Access to Essential Medicines” (2016) Research Papers from the 2015 WIPO-WTO Colloquium for Teachers of Intellectual Property Law 73-80.
Lonias Ndlovu “Domesticating World Trade Organisation (WTO) Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Flexibilities to Access Essential Medicines: Any Lessons for the SADC from Botswana?” (2017) 1 The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa 347-372.
Lonias Ndlovu and Amos Saurombe “Patient Rights vs Patent Rights: Access to Medicines Lessons for South Africa Seventeen Years after Doha” (2017) 31 (1) Speculum Juris 60 – 95.
Hezekiel Oira and Lonias Ndlovu, “The dichotomy between signal and content as basis of broadcast copyright: a Kenyan and South African perspective” (2018) 39 (2) Obiter 399 –429.
Hezekiel Oira, Lonias Ndlovu, Desan Iyer and Ben Sihanya “A Commentary on Broadcast Copyright Protection in Kenya and South Africa Against the Prism of WIPO Negotiations on The Rights of Broadcasters” (2020) South African Intellectual Property Law Journal 80-108.
Lonias Ndlovu “Enhancing the value of Patents as Corporate Assets in South Africa: How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assist?” Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal (PELJ) 2021(24) – DOI
Nqobizwe Mvelo Ngema and Lonias Ndlovu “The Custody of Minor Children during the Dissolution of Marriages: A Comparison of Child Custody in South African Islamic Law and Common Law” (2021) 10 Perspectives of Law and Public Administration 102-114.
Lonias Ndlovu and Itumeleng Clarence Tshoose “COVID-19 and Employment Law in South Africa: Comparative Perspectives on Selected Themes” (2021) 33 SA Mercantile Law Journal 25-54.
Lonias Ndlovu “Options for the Procurement of Patented Essential Medicines by SADC Member States After TRIPS Article 31Bis” (2021) WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers, 2018 Africa Edition 114-123.
Musiiwa Mahangwahaya and Lonias Ndlovu “The economic costs of restraint of trade agreements: Modest lessons for South Africa from Germany and other selected jurisdictions” (2021) International Journal of Private Law 1-18.
5. Conference Presentations (selected)
Lonias Ndlovu “The EC-Asbestos Dispute and Its Implications for a Transforming SADC,” Presented at the Congress of the Society for Law Teachers of Southern Africa, University of Cape Town, 3 -7 July 2006.
Lonias Ndlovu “Land Reform Challenges in the New South Africa: to Expropriate or not to Expropriate?”, presented at the Conference on Law and Transformative Justice in Post – apartheid South Africa, University of Fort Hare, East London, 3-6 October 2006.
Lonias Ndlovu “International Trade and Public Health in the WTO: A Pessimistic View”, presented at the Second Law Conference, Universities of the Eastern and Western Cape, NMMU, Port Elizabeth, 5-7 February 2007.
Lonias Ndlovu “Towards Interactive Law Teaching: the Case of Fort Hare University in Alice, South Africa”, presented at the International Colloquium on the Teaching of Law in Africa hosted by the African Academy of Legal Theory [Academie Africaine De Theorie Du Droit] and the Faculty of Law, University of Namibia, Windhoek 24 – 28 March 2008.
Lonias Ndlovu “Africa’s Participation in the WTO Dispute Settlement System: A Decade of Procrastination?” presented at the fourth Law Conference, Universities of the Eastern and Western Cape, NMMU, Port Elizabeth, 26-29 January 2009.
Lonias Ndlovu “Integrating HIV/AIDS into the undergraduate Law Curriculum: Possibilities and Envisaged Challenges”, presented at the University of Fort Hare/HEAIDS Symposium on HIV and the Curriculum, held at the University of Fort Hare, East London Campus, 15-16 May 2009.
Lonias Ndlovu “An investigation into the WTO Consistency of Selected Recent Amendments to the South African International Trade Administration Act of 2005” presented at the Annual Congress of the Society of Law Teachers of Southern Africa [SALTSA], held at the University of KwaZulu Natal, Pietermaritzburg from 13-16 July 2009.
Bethel Mutanga, S Xulu, IZ Dlamini and Lonias Ndlovu “Problems of Evidence Acquisition in Wireless ad Hoc Networks” presented at the IST Africa Conference, held at the Durban ICC, Durban 7-9 April 2010.
Lonias Ndlovu “South Africa and the WTO Dispute Settlement System” presented at the Annual Congress of the Society of Law Teachers of Southern Africa [SALTSA], held at the University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, from 17-21 January 2010.
Lonias Ndlovu “The Real Interests in the SADC Tribunal Review” paper presented at the Inaugural African International Economic network regional Conference hosted by the Mandela Institute, Faculty of Law, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg South Africa 3-5 May 2011.
Lonias Ndlovu “Using the Moot Court Competition as a Teaching and Assessment Tool: The UNIZULU Experience” paper presented at the second African International Economic Law network, School of Law, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 7-8 March 2013.
Lonias Ndlovu “South African Patent Law and access to Medicines Twenty Years into Democracy” paper presented at the Conference on 20 Years of Democracy and the Bill of Rights in South Africa, School of Law, University of Fort Hare, East London October 2013.
Lonias Ndlovu “The Theory and Practice of WTO Public Health TRIPS Flexibilities in the SADC Region”, paper presented at the Congress of the Society of Law Teachers of Southern Africa, School of Law, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg January 2014.
Lonias Ndlovu “Caught between Pre-and Post-grant Patent Opposition: Whither South Africa and Access to Medicines?”, paper presented at the Congress of the Society of Law Teachers of Southern Africa, School of Law, Varsity College, Durban, July 2015.
Lonias Ndlovu “Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat”: Can we Register shapes of Products as Trade marks in South Africa? Paper presented at the MBALI conference hosted by the University of Zululand, Richards Bay, August 2016.
Lonias Ndlovu “Patient Rights vs. Patent Rights: Access to Medicines Lessons for South Africa Fifteen Years after Doha”, paper presented at the Centenary Conference hosted by the University of Fort Hare, Alice, August 2016.
Lonias Ndlovu “Options for the Procurement of Patented Pharmaceuticals by SADC Member States after TRIPS Article 31 bis”, paper presented at the Inaugural WIPO/WTO Colloquium for Teachers of IP in Africa, held at the UNISA Muckleneuk Campus, Pretoria from 9-12 April 2018.
Lonias Ndlovu “The law of Dumping and anti-dumping in South Africa” paper presented at the International Trade and Law Conference, hosted by the International Association of IT Lawyers, Sliema, Malta 3-6 November 2009.
Lonias Ndlovu “Land Reform and the Protection of Investors” paper presented at the International Trade and Law Conference, hosted by the International Association of IT Lawyers, Barcelona, Spain 3-5 November 2010.
Lonias Ndlovu “SADC Tribunal Review: Does the Tribunal Require Appellate Status?” paper presented at the International Trade and Law Conference, hosted by the International Association of IT Lawyers, Nicosia, Cyprus 19-22 September 2011.
Lonias Ndlovu “South Africa and the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement” paper presented at Society of International Economic Law Conference held at the National University of Singapore, Bukit Timmah Campus July 2012.
Lonias Ndlovu “Exactly when does the Imposition of anti-dumping duties commence?” paper presented at the International Trade and Law Conference, hosted by the International Association of IT Lawyers, Athens, Greece 28 September to 3 October 2012.
Lonias Ndlovu “South African Patent Law and Access to Medicines” paper presented at the International Trade and Law Conference, hosted by the International Association of IT Lawyers, Bangkok, Thailand 28 November 2013.
Lonias Ndlovu “Will the introduction of Patent Searches and Examinations Improve Access to Essential Medicines in South Africa?” paper presented at the 23rd WIPO/WTO Colloquium for Teachers of Intellectual Property, WTO Headquarters, Geneva, June 2015.
Lonias Ndlovu “Zimbabwe’s Control of Goods Notice 2016: Justified Trade Measure or Disguised Restriction on International Trade?”, paper presented at the Congress of the Society of Law Teachers of Southern Africa, hosted by the University of Namibia, Swakopmund, Namibia, from 16-20 January 2017.
Lonias Ndlovu “The Ebola Epidemic, Public Health and the Politics of IP & Access to Medicines in Africa”, paper presented at the International Conference on Law and Politics, hosted by the Council of Researchers, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, from 11-15 December 2017.
7. Awards
i. PPS & Attorneys Fidelity Fund Bursary for LLM research at Fort Hare in 2004.
ii. Govan Mbeki NRF Research award for LLM Research at Fort Hare in 2005.
iii. Winner of the UNISA Barney Pityana Prize in African Law for best thesis (LLD) in 2014.