Staff Profiles
Department of Professional Studies and Curriculum Studies Faculty of Humanities, Social Science and EducationDesignation: Senior Lecturer
Qualifications: BSc, DipEdu (Makerere University); DipScEduc; Ma (Science Education) (King’s College London); DipHE (Rhodes University); PhD Physics Education
Phone: +27 15 962 9095
Office No: FF07, New Education Building
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Dr ‘Mamotena Mpeta is a senior lecturer and HOD of the Department of Professional and Curriculum Studies. With a specialisation in science education, she teaches Life Sciences (Biology) methodologies in the initial teacher education programmes, Biodiversity and Evolution as well as Philosophy, History and Nature of Science in the Bachelor of Education Honours programmes. She has been supervising postgraduate research at Honours, Masters and Doctorate levels. As a coordinator of teaching practice in the past, her work has included training of mentors in schools. She has been actively involved in recurriculation of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the School of Education, particularly in science education specialisations for secondary education and in curriculum studies. Her research interests include science education, teacher education, curriculum implementation and the recent addition of social justice in education.
Designation: Senior Lecturer and Head of Department
Qualifications: BSc, PGCE, MSc, PhD, PGDip(HE), PGCert (Entrepreneurial Management and Leadership).
Phone: +2715 962 9177
Office No: FF13, New Education Building
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Dr Ndivhudzannyi Michael Michael is a Lecturer in the Department of Professional and Curriculum Studies. He has worked for over seven (7) years in the higher education sector. He specialises in English Language Teaching and has published in the field. He has supervised Honours and master’s students. Dr Nndwamato is the current Co-Chairperson of the Timetable Committee in the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda.
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: Secondary Teachers Diploma (VECO), BA (Univen), BAHELT Hons (Univen), MA (Univen), PhD in English
Phone: +2715 962 9106
Office No: FF30, New Education Building
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Designation: Senior Lecturer
Qualifications: PhD(UL), BAHons & MPhil Lexicography (SUN), BA & UED (Univen).
Phone: +2715 962 9176
Office No: FF14, New Education Building

Dr Shumani Leonard Tshikota
Dr Shumani Leonard Tshikota is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Professional and Curriculum Studies. He has worked for over 18 years in the higher education sector. He specialises in languages in education. He has supervised Honours, Masters and PhD students. Dr Tshikota is the current Teaching Practice Coordinator in the School of Education, Chairperson of a WIL and Teaching Practice committee in the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda. He published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals and has written books and book chapters. Among his recent publications are:
1) Tshikota, S.L. and Musehane, N.M., 2020. An evaluation of Tshivenḓa orthography of adoptives with special reference to Pan South African Language Board spelling rule booklets. South African Journal of African Languages, 40(2), pp.223-227. 2)
2) Mphasha, L. E., Tshikota, S. L., & Mantsha, A. V. (2021). The Cultural Forms of Expression in Northern Sotho. Gender and Behaviour, 19(1), 17549-17564. 3)
3) Tshikota, S. L., Mantsha, A. V., & Mphasha, L. E. (2019). A critical analysis of the orthographic data in the lemmatization of nouns in dictionaries: a case of Tshivenḓa. Gender and Behaviour, 17(3), 13746-13755.
Designation: Senior Lecturer
STD(RMTC), ACE, Educational Leadership (Unisa), BA, BED (HONS), MEDCS (Univen), D.Ed (Univen)
Phone: +2715 962 9078
Office No: GF29, New Education Building
Designation: Senior Lecturer
STD(RMTC), ACE, Educational Leadership (Unisa), BA, BED (HONS), MEDCS (Univen), D.Ed (Univen)
Phone: +2715 962 9078
Office No: GF29, New Education Building
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: Secondary Teachers’ Diploma (STD) (Soweto College of Education), Honours in economics (Univen), MBA (MANCOSA)
Phone: +2715 962 9099
Office No: FF08, New Education Building
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: Secondary Teachers’ Diploma (STD) (Soweto College of Education), Honours in economics (Univen), MBA (MANCOSA)
Phone: +2715 962 9099
Office No: FF08, New Education Building