Faculty Staff
Faculty of Health SciencesFull name: Tshitimbi Tshilidzi Olgah
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BASW (Hons) (Univen), MPH (Univen), EAP (University of Pretoria)
Email address: tshilidzi.tshitimbi@univen.ac.za
Office No: Mobile Offices, Faculty of Health Sciences
Ms Tshilidzi Olgah Tshitimbi is a Lecturer in the Department of Public Health. She has 15 years of professional working experience. She specializes in Occupational and Environmental Health and has published in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
- Ramakulukusha, T.O., Babalola, S.S., and Mashau, N.S., 2022. “Interventions to promote rehabilitation programmes for youth with violent behaviours in the Limpopo Province: A systematic literature review”. The Open Public Health Journal,15 (1)
- Ramakulukusha, T.O., Babalola, S.S., and Mashau, N.S., 2021. “Contributing factors to violent youth behaviours: A study in the Limpopo Province, South Africa”. The Open Public Health Journal,14 (1).
She is currently supervising 06 master’s students.
Mrs Magadani Hulisani Bridget is a Lecturer and Registered counsellor in the Department of Psychology. She has worked for over ten years in the higher education sector. She is a registered counsellor who specialises in Child and adolescent development and psychological assessment. She has supervised Honours and Masters research projects. Mrs Magadani Hulisani is a level 1 Co-ordinator in the Department of Psychology. Member of Social Welfare Committee in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Venda.
Links to other profiles:
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=JxtPTjoAAAAJ&hl=en
Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4053-3453
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: Bpsych (Univen), Master of Arts (Psychology) (Univen), PGDHE (UKZN)
Email address: hulisani.magadani@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 07- Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Building
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Prof Maria Sonto Maputle is a Professor in the Department of Advanced Nursing Science. S/he has worked for over 25 years in the higher education sector. She specialised in Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing; and has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
- Makhado F., Davhana-Maselesele M., Lebese, RT & Maputle, MS (2020). Factors facilitating trained NIMART nurses’ adherence to treatment guidelines: a vital matter in the management of TB/HIV treatment in South Africa. BMC Nursing. 19:77 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-020-00470-6.
- Ramavhoya, IT., Maputle, MS., & Lebese RT. (2020). Can women’s lives be saved from hypertensive disorders during pregnancy? Experiences of South African Midwives. (Afr J Reprod Health 2020; 24[2]: 152-163);
- Maputle, M.S., Ramavhoya, I.T., Ramathuba, D.U., Lebese, R.T. & Netshikweta, L.M., (2020). ‘Managers’ support on implementation of maternal guidelines, Limpopo province, South Africa’, Curationis 43(1), a1949. https://doi.org/10.4102/ curationis.v43i1.1949.
She has also written 6 book chapters. Since 2009 to date, she has successfully supervised/ mentored 55 Honours students, Masters 25 and 7 as a co-supervisor. Promoted 19 PhDs and 6 as a co-promoter. Prof Maputle is a C3 NRF rated researcher (2021-2026). Prof Maputle was an Acting HOD in 2020 in the Department of Advanced Nursing, Chairperson of the of Research Ethics Human and Clinical Subpanel within the Research and Innovation Unit at the University of Venda and the Chairperson of the Limpopo Provincial Research Committee in the Premiers’ office, Limpopo Province and a Research Committee member of the Department of Health, Limpopo Province.
Links to other profiles:
Google Scholarhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=iiML8BUAAAAJ&hl=en
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sonto-Maputle
Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2027-0601
Full name: Maria Sonto Maputle
Designation: Professor
Qualifications: BA (Cur) degree (UNISA), Major courses Nursing Education and Community Nursing Science (Occupational Health Nursing); M.Cur (Advanced Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing Science) (RAU); Diploma in Advance Nursing Science (Health Service Management) (UNISA); Advanced Research Methodology (RAU); D.CUR in Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing (UJ).
Email address: sonto.maputle@univen.ac.za
Office No: Office 1- Health Science Building
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Prof Mutshinyalo Lizzy Netshikweta is a Professor of Nursing in the Department of Advanced Nursing Science. She has worked for over 25 years in the higher education sector. She specialises in Midwifery and Nursing Education and has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
- Mothapo, K.E., Maputle, M.S., Shilubane, H.N. and Netshikweta, L., 2020. Challenges Midwives in Limpopo Province Encounter when Implementing Saving Mothers Recommendations. The Open Nursing Journal, 14(1).
- Mangena-Netshikweta, L., Maluleke, M., Tshililo, A.R. and Nemathaga, L.H., 2019. Challenges of primary healthcare nurses regarding the integration of HIV and AIDS services into primary healthcare in Vhembe district of Limpopo province, South Africa. Curationis, 42(1), pp.1-6.
- Netshikweta MLOlaniyi FC Tshitangano TG. Reproductive Health Choices Among Adolescents in Secondary Schools: A Case Study of Selected Schools in Limpopo, South Africa. The Open Public Health Journal. DOI: 10.2174/1874944501811010319.
She has also written book chapters. She has supervised Honours, Masters and PhD students. Chairperson of Engaged Scholarship, member of Human and Clinical Trails Research Ethics Committee in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Venda.
Links to other profiles:
Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4053-3453
Full name: Mutshinyalo Lizzy Netshikweta
Designation: Professor
Department of Advanced Nursing Science
Qualifications: RN (Kalafong College of Nursing) (SANC), Clinical Nurse Education (GA – Rankuwa College of Nursing (SANC), BA (Cur), BA Cur (Hons), (Unisa) Masters Dip.Research (RAU) MA.Cur, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
Email address: lizzy.netshikweta@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 4 Faculty of Health Sciences
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Ms. Masia Tirhani Asnath is a Lecturer in the Department of Nutrition in the Faculty of Health Sciences. She has worked for over ten years in the higher education sector. She specializes in Maternal and Child Health, Infant Feeding and Food Safety. She has published in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications is Masia, T.A., Mushaphi, L.F., Mabapa, N.S. and Mbhenyane, X.G., 2020. Nutrition knowledge and care practices of home-based caregivers in Vhembe District, South Africa. African Health Sciences, 20(2), pp.912-922. She has supervised several undergraduate and master research projects. Masia is one of ten academics that enrolled for the University Staff Development Programme (USDP). Forming part of the University Capacity Development Programme (UCDP), this initiative, among others, seeks to transform academic expertise in the field of global health.
Links to other profiles:
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=WHIqfrsAAAAJ&hl=en
Department of Nutrition – https://www.univen.ac.za/faculties/health/nutrition/
University of Venda (Univen) – https://www.univen.ac.za
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/tirhani-masia-8b113b55
ORCID – https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9016-0651
Full name: Masia Tirhani Asnath
Designation: Lecturer
Department of Nutrition
Qualifications: BSc. (Nutrition) (UNIVEN), MSc. (Public Nutrition) (UNIVEN), Postgraduate Diploma in Health Professional Education (UCT), Postgraduate Program in Pediatric Nutrition (University of Boston, USA)
Email address: Tirhani.masia@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 176-School of Maths Building
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Ms Ofhani Musekwa is a teaching assistant in the Department of Psychology. She has worked for over six years in the higher education sector. Her research interests include Neuropsychology, Intervention studies, Attitudes and Behaviour change, Positive Psychology, and rehabilitation.
Among her recent publications are:
1.Musekwa, O.P., Mulaudzi, T.M., Takalani, J.F. and Makhado, L., 2021. Correctional rehabilitation programmes’ effectiveness: A phenomenological study of recidivists in a South African setting. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 31(1), pp.102-106.
2. Musekwa, O.P., Makhado, L., Maphula, A. and Mabunda, J.T., 2020. How Much Do We Know? Assessing Public Knowledge, Awareness, Impact, and Awareness Guidelines for Epilepsy: A Systematic Review. The Open Public Health Journal, 13(1).
She is currently supervising Honours and Masters students within the Department. She serves on the following committees: The Southern African Association of Health Educationists (SAAHE) 2022, Faculty of Health Sciences Research office capacity building workshops and planning, and University of Venda and University of Limpopo SDG conference. She is working on the following collaborative projects: GladAfrica University of Venda Epilepsy Research Project.
Links to other profiles:
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6422-6004
Full name: Ms Ofhani Prudance Musekwa
Designation: Teaching assistant
Department of Psychology
Qualifications: BA Psychology (University of Johannesburg), BAHons Psychology (University of Venda), MA (University of Venda).
Email address: ofhani.musekwa@univen.ac.za
Office No: Office number 7 Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Building
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Dr Violet Kankane Moselakgomo is a Lecturer in the Department of Biokinetics, Recreation & Sport Science. In her academic career spanning thirteen years in the higher education sector, Dr Moselakgomo was involved in teaching and pioneered several Research Projects funded by National Research Foundation and published extensively in national and international accredited journals. Her passion for research and innovation led to numerous awards, achievements, grants and international recognition. Some highlights include projecting her groundbreaking work at different international conferences as honorary speaker, including recently published articles, Moselakgomo VK, Toriola AL, & Onagbiye S. (2020) Relationship between aerobic fitness cardiometabolic disease risk in South African children. Journal: Gazzetta Medica Italiana (Minerva Edizioni), DOI 10.23736/S0393-3660.18.03955-4-
Moselakgomo VK & Van Staden M (2019). Diagnostic accuracy of the tri-ponderal mass index and body mass index in estimating overweight and obesity in South African children. Journal: African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine (AJPHCFM), DOI:https://doi.org/10.4102/phfm v11:1.1949. Moselakgomo VK & Van Staden M (2018). Physical activity and cardiometabolic disease risks in South African children. Journal: Asian Journal of Scientific Research (AJSR) DOI: 103923/ajsr.2018.) Pages 498-505. Dr VK Moselakgomo currently serves on Asian Journal for Scientific Research in Nursing & Health and International Society for Physical Education and Sport Science (ISPESS) as Editorial Board Member. Other recognitions include the International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport (ISCPES) based in China and the International Society for Childhood Obesity (ISCO), Portugal, of which she has been a member since the year 2010. She also serves at Research Committees on both advisory capacity and as board member, which includes the Research Publication Committee (RPC), Research Ethics Committee (REC), Executive School/Faculty/ Higher Degree Committee (ES/FHDC & S/FHDC) at University of Venda.
Full name: Dr Violet Kankane Moselakgomo
Designation: Lecturer
Department of Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science
Qualifications: BA. (Kine & Phy Ed); BA.Hons (Kine & Phy Ed) (UL), MTech (Clinical Technology) (TUT); PhD (Human Movement Studies) (NWU).
Email address: violet.moselakgomo@univen.ac.za
Office Address: Office No. 14- Sport Hall
Mrs. Funzani Takalani is a Laboratory Technician in the Department of Advanced Nursing Sciences. She has worked for over 8 years in the higher education sector. She has vast knowledge of Medical Science, especially Anatomy and Physiology. She specializes in Biostatistics and Epidemiology and has published in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
- Nkosi, V., Rathogwa-Takalani, F. and Voyi, K., 2020. The frequency of fast food consumption in relation to wheeze and asthma among adolescents in Gauteng and North West Provinces, South Africa. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(6), p.1994.
- Nkosi, V., Rathogwa-Takalani, F. and Voyi, K., 2020. Non-allergic rhinitis and associated risk factors among the elderly in communities close to gold mine dumps in Gauteng and North West provinces in South Africa: a cross-sectional study. International archives of occupational and environmental health, pp.1-7.
- Nkosi, V., Shirinde, J., Rathogwa-Takalani, F. and Voyi, K., 2021. High blood pressure and exposure to dust from gold mine dumps among the elderly in South Africa: A cross-sectional study. Public Health in Practice, 2, p.100146.
Full name: Mrs Funzani Takalani
Designation: Laboratory Technician
Department of Advanced Nursing Science
Qualifications: BSc (Medical BioScience) (UWC), BSc Hons (Medical BioScience) (UWC), MSc (Public Health) (UP).
Email address: funzani.takalani@univen.ac.za
Office No: Office 16- New Nursing Simulation Laboratory
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Mr. Rhulani Caswell Chauke is a Lecturer in the Department of Nutrition. He has worked for over ten years in the higher education sector. He specializes in chronic disease of lifestyles and food service management. His recent publications are 1) Netshiheni, Khavhatondwi Rinah , Chauke, Rhulani C, Ramashia, Shonisani Eugenia and Mashau, Mpho Edward. (2020). Nutritional composition, potential health benefits, utilization and technological processing techniques of Moringa oleifera. Nova Science Publishers. He has supervised Honours and Master’s students in the Department of Public Health, Nutrition, and Dietetics. He has worked on various nutrition guidelines for the national department of health and reviews and developed of human resources policies in three Universities, South African.
Links to other profiles:
Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8178-5943
Full name: Rhulani Caswell Chauke
Designation: Lecturer
Department of Nutrition
Qualifications: BSc (Dietetics) (UL,MEDUNSA campus), MPH (SMU), Postgraduate Diploma in Tertiary Education(DTE, UNISA)
Email address: rhulani.chauke@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 02 Foundation building 01
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Mr Manganye Leslie is a Lecturer in the Department of Psychology. He has worked for over 13 years in the higher education sector. He specialises in psychological counselling, developmental psychology, psychopathology, social psychology and ethics, Professional and Practice issues and has published in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
1. Mudhovozi, P., Manganye, L. and Mashamba, T., 2013. Mentors’ views of supervising post-graduate students undertaking research at an institution in Zimbabwe. Journal of Social Sciences, 37(3), pp.293-300.
2. Manganye, L., 2014. The relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol use: a qualitative study of out-patients in Thulamela hospitals in Vhembe District Municipality of Limpopo Province (Doctoral dissertation).
He has supervised Honours and co-supervised Masters students. Mr Manganye is involved in the departmental Community engagement committee, Quality assurance committee and serves as the Psychology Department’s secretary in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Links to other profiles:
Full name: Mr Manganye Leslie
Designation: Lecturer
Department of Psychology
Qualifications: BPsych (Univen), MA (Psychology) (Univen), PGDHE (UCT)
Email address: leslie.manganye@univen.ac.za
Office No: 06 Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Building
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Dr Valeria Baloyi is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology. She has worked for over five years in the higher education sector. She specialises in Clinical Psychology, Gender and sexuality, adolescent reproductive health, social psychology, mental health and personality studies.
She has supervised Honours and Masters students. Dr Baloyi is the current co-ordinator for the Honours programme and Deputy head of the Psychology Department, a member of the Senate, Quality and Assurance Committee, Community engagement committee in the Department of Psychology and an SRC Constitutional Committee member at the University of Venda. She is also a co-ordinator for working group 2 in the Ikudu project in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Venda.
Links to other profiles:
Full name: Dr Valeria Baloyi
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Department of Psychology
Qualifications: BPSYCH (UNIVEN), MA Clinical Psychology (UL), PhD Psychology (UL)
Email address: valeria.baloyi@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 14-Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Building
Dr. Takalani Rhoda Luhalima is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Advanced Nursing Science. She has worked for over 13 years in the higher education sector. She has also worked as a professional nurse for 8 years and as a nurse manager over 13 years before being appointed at UNIVEN. She specializes in Health Science Management, Nursing Education, Community Nursing Science, General Nursing Science and has published in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among his/her recent publications are:
1) Luhalima, T.R. and Mulovhedzi, S.A., 2021. The Role of School Management Teams in Managing Curriculum Delivery During and After COVID-19. In Investigating the Roles of School Management Teams in Curriculum Delivery (pp. 15-32). IGI Global.
2) Mulovhedzi, S.A. and Luhalima, T.R., 2021. Role of School Management Teams in Planning of Curriculum Delivery During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Investigating the Roles of School Management Teams in Curriculum Delivery (pp. 215-231). IGI Global.
She has also written book chapters. She has supervised Honours, Masters, and PhD students. Dr Takalani Rhoda Luhalima is the current member of UNIVEN wellness, Research Ethics, and Library committee member and Risk champion at the University of Venda.
Links to other profiles:
Google Scholarhttps://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=EvRmZ0EAAAAJ&hl=en
Orchid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1866-6068
Full name: Takalani Rhoda Luhalima
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Department of Advanced Nursing Science
Qualifications: Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (Venda Nursing College) SANC, BA Cur (Nursing Education and Community Nursing Science) and Diploma in Nursing Administration (UNISA), Honours BCur (Nursing Administration), MCur of Nursing Science (UNIVEN), PhD in Nursing Science (UP) Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education PGDHE (UKZN)
Email address: Takalani.luhalima@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 02 Foundation Building
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Dr Asihel Solomon G. is a lecturer in the Department of Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science. He has worked for over 20 years in higher education sector. He is Sport Sociologist who critically examines the role, function, and meaning of sport in the lives of people and the societies they form, including the emergence and diffusion of sport over time and across different societies. He also has extensive knowledge and experience in Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) – an international movement that began with the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals (ran from 2000 to 2015), and continues through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a second global development plan (2015 to 2030). He has published in peer-reviewed and accredited journals, written academic books and book chapters. Among his publications are:
- Solomon Asihel (2009). ‘Perception of constraints to Recreational Sport Participation: A Case Study of Female students in Tertiary Institutions’. Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), German, ISBN: 978-3-8383-0309-3
Chapters in Books
- Asihel, S., & Keim M. (2016) Theory of Change, Conflict Transformation, and Sport Intervention Programs in Post-conflict Societies: Perspectives on Post- apartheid South African Sports (Ed) Karbo,T. et al. From a Troubled Past to a Meaningful Future: Discerning the Trends in Sustainable Peacebuilding in Karamoja. UPEACE, Costa Rica
- M. Keim, C. Ley, G. Jordan, M. R. Barrio, C. Chikwanda, T, Grover, L. Bouah, S. Asihel & J. Cabral (2011). Sport and Development from a University perspective – in Sport Und Internationale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Theorie- Und Praxisfelder. In K. Petry, M. Groll & W. Tokarski (Ed.). Publications of the German Sports University of Cologne, Vol 17. ISBN: 978-3-86884-090-2
- Solomon Ghebremedhin Asihel (2009). The role of sport in conflict transformation and reconciliation: The post-apartheid South African context. The 16th Postgraduate Proceeding, Olympia, Livani Publishing, Athens, Greece, ISBN: 978-960-14-2121-6, p533-550
Journal Articles
- Jones, Bester, Ghebremedhin-Asihel and Humphres (2007). We know what makes us vulnerable: Female Learners, their Health and its Relationship to Physical Education and School Sport. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Vol. 13, NO. 2, p173-183
- Asihel Solomon. G. (2005). Perception of constraints to Recreational Sport Participation: A Case Study of Female Undergraduate Students at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). International Institute for Sport and Human Performance, University of Oregon and Kinesiology Publication, Volume 18, 2 pp33, RC 588, Eugene, Oregon, USA
Dr Asihel presented research papers at national and international conferences and he supervised Honours and Masters students. He also serves in different Departmental and Faculty’s committees and currently coordinates the Advanced Diploma in Sport Management Program.
Links to other profiles:
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=Solomon+Asihel&btnG=
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/295606027
LinkedIn: https://za.linkedin.com/in/solomon-asihel-17b45bb
Full name: Dr Solomon G. Asihel
Designation: Lecturer
Department of Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science
Qualifications: Doc. Phil.; MA SRES (Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science); BA SRM (Sport and Recreation Management), University of the Western Cape/UWC – Cape Town; PGD (HE/Pedagogy), Kottobe College of Teachers Education – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; PGD Olympic Studies – International Olympic Academy, Athens, Greece
Email address: Solomon.asihel@univen.ac.za
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Dr Raliphaswa Ndidzulafhi Selina is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Advanced Nursing Science. She has worked for over 6 years in the higher education sector. She specializes in Peadiatrics/ Children and has published in peer reviewed and accredited journals. She has supervised six (6) Honours and two (2) Masters students. Dr Raliphaswa is a member of Human and Clinical Trails Research Ethics Committee in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Venda.
Link to other profile:
Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6713-2863
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Qualifications: Diploma in General in (Community, Psychiatry) and Midwifery Science (Venda Nursing College, Diploma in Child Nursing Science (Baragwanath Nursing College, (SANC)), BCur, Diploma in Advanced Nursing Education, Post Graduate Dip in Public Health (Unisa), BCur (Hons), MCur, PhD (Univen)
Email address: ndidzulafhi.raliphaswa@univen.ac.za
Office No: 07- Faculty of Health Sciences: Foundation Phase
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Dr Netshisaulu Khathutshelo Grace is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Advanced Nursing Science. S/he has worked for over 9 years in the higher education sector. S/he specialises in Reproductive and Sexual Health and has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among his/her recent publications are:
- Simane-Netshisaulu, K.G. and Maputle, M.S., 2021. Exploring supportive relationship provided to newly qualified midwives during transition period in Limpopo province, South Africa. African Journal of Reproductive Health, 25(5).
- Simane-Netshisaulu, K.G. and Maputle, M.S., 2019. Clinical Practice of Midwifery Graduates During Community Service Placement, Limpopo Province South Africa. Global Journal of Health Science, 11(10), pp.1-97.
- Thendo Mahwasane, Maria S. Maputle, Khathutshelo G. Simane-Netshisaulu &
Thivhulawi Malwela. (2020). Mahwasane, T., Maputle, M.S., Simane-Netshisaulu, K.G. and Malwela, T., 2020. Provision of Care to Preterm Infants at Resource Limited Health Facilities of Mopani District, South Africa. Annals of global health, 86(1).
Links to other profiles:
Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2897-7134
Department: Department of Advanced Nursing Science
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Qualification: Diploma in General Nursing (Venda Nursing College), Diploma in Midwifery (Venda Nursing College) BCur (Unisa), B Cur Hons( Unisa), MCur (Univen) (Univen), PhD (Univen)
Telephone: 0159628000
Email: khathu.netshisaulu@univen.ac.za
Office: New Nursing Skill Lab Office No. 8
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Miss Khavhatondwi Rinah Netshiheni is a NGAP Lecturer in the Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics she has worked for over 4 years in the higher education sector. She specialises in Human and Food Nutrition and has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are: 1 Cebisa, N. Nesamvuni., Khavhatondwi R. Netshiheni., Akinmoladun O. F (2022). Improved technological processes on nutritional quality of maize. InTech. Croatia. Maize – Recent Advances, Applications and New Perspectives for Crop Improvement, 2) Khavhatondwi R. Netshiheni, Rhulani C. Chauke, Shonisani, E. Ramashia, Mpho, E. Mashau. (2021). Nutritional composition, potential health benefits, utilisation, and technological processing techniques of Moringa oleifera with Nova Science Publishers, 3) Khavhatondwi R. Netshiheni, Adewale O. Omolola, Tonna A. Anyasi and Afam I.O. Jideani. (2019). Banana bioactives: absorption, utilization and health benefits. Banana kinetics. 1st edition. InTech. Croatia., 4) Netshiheni, K.R., Jideani, A.I.O. (2018). nutritional and sensory properties of instant-maize porridge as influenced by the addition of Moringa oleifera leaves and termite powder. International journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences. 5) Jideani, A.I.O., Netshiheni, K.R. (2017). Selected edible insects and their products in traditional medicine, food, and pharmaceutical industries in sub-Sahara Africa: utilization and prospects. Future foods. 1st edition. InTech. Croatia. She has also written book chapters. She has supervised Honours and Masters students.Miss Netshiheni Registered Nutritionist with Health Professional Council of South Africa (HPCSA) and is also affiliated with South African Association of Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST).
Links to other profiles:
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=EvRmZ0EAAAAJ&hl=en
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dominique Santos
Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4053-3453
Designation: Ngap Lecturer (Nutrition)
Telephone: 0159628000
Email: khavhatondwi.netshiheni@univen.ac.za
Office: SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES. Building, Office Number , Floor Number
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Full name: Dr Mushaphi Lindelani Fhumudzani
Designation: Senior Lecturer and Head of Department
Qualifications: Bachelor of Science in Dietetics (MEDUNSA); Master in Nutrition (University of the North); Doctor of Philosophy in Nutrition (University of Free State)
Tel: 015 962 8334
Email address: Lindelani.mushaphi@univen.ac.za
Office No: 04; Biokinetics building
Dr. Mushaphi Lindelani Fhumudzani is a Senior Lecturer in community nutrition. She is serving as Head of Department. She has worked in the institution of higher learning for 19 years. Her research interest is maternal and child nutrition, indigenous food system, micronutrients nutrition and non-communicable diseases. Her recent publications: (1). Mbhenyane, X.G., Seanego, A.M., Amey, A.K., Mabapa, N.S., Mushaphi, L.F., Mbhatsani, H.V. and Mandiwana, T.C., 2017. Dietary patterns and BMI status of adult women in greater Letaba municipality, South Africa. Journal of Consumer Sciences. (2). Mushaphi, L.F., Mahopo, T.C., Nesamvuni, C.N., Baloyi, B., Mashau, E., Richardson, J., Dillingham, R., Guerrant, R., Ambikapathi, R. and Bessong, P., 2017. Recommendations for infant feeding policy and programs in Dzimauli region, South Africa: results from the MAL-ED birth cohort. Food and nutrition bulletin, 38(3), pp.428-440. (3). Mokganya, M.G., Mushaphi, L.F. and Tshisikhawe, M.P., 2019. Indigenous preparation and preservation methods of selected indigenous wild edible vegetables of the Vhembe District Municipality. Indilinga African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, 18(1), pp.44-54.
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lindelani-Fhumudzani-Mushaphi
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/lindelani-mushaphi-40853b55/
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8148-6118
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Full name: Selekane Ananias Motadi
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BSc (Nutrition) (UNIVEN), MSc (Public Nutrition) (UNIVEN), PGDHE (UCT)
Email address: selekane.motadi@univen.ac.za
Office No: 6-Nursing Science Building 1
Mr. Selekane Ananias Motadi is a Lecturer in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. He has worked for ten (10) years in the higher education sector. He specializes in micronutrients, Overweight and obesity, and has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. His recent publications are (1) Motadi, S.A., Veldsman, T., Mohlala, M. and Mabapa, N.S., 2018. Overweight and obesity among adults aged 18–45 years residing in and around Giyani town in Mopani district of Limpopo province, South Africa. J Nutr Heal Sci, 5(1), p.102. (2) Motadi, S.A., Malise, T. and Mushaphi, L.F., 2019. Breastfeeding knowledge and practices among mothers of children younger than two years from a rural area in the Limpopo province, South Africa. South African Journal of Child Health, 13(3), pp.115-119. (3) Motadi SA, Matsea Z, Mogane PH, Masidwali P, Makwarela M, Mushaphi L. Assessment of Nutritional Status and Dietary Intake of Pregnant Women in Rural Area of Vhembe District, Limpopo Province. Ecology of food and nutrition. 2019 Nov 22:1-4. He has supervised Honours and master’s students. He presented his research, at national and international conferences. He is currently studying for his PhD at Stellenbosch University.
Links to other profiles: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/selekane-motadi.
Click here to view full profile
Full name: Muyahavho Beauty Koko
Designation: Lecturer
Department: Department of Psychology
Qualifications: Masters Clinical Psychology
Email address: beauty.koko@univen.ac.za
Office No: 11 FHS building
Mrs Muyahavho Beauty Koko has worked in higher education for 11 years. She is a registered clinical psychologist who specialises in neuropsychology, psychometric assessment, personality theories and mental health promotion. She has supervised honours, Bachelor of Psychology and Masters students in research and Bachelor of Psychology students for clinical practical. She is currently a Bachelor of Psychology co-ordinator. She is a member of the community engagement committee in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Links to other profiles:
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6578-4270
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Full name: Mr Phumudzo Khangwelo Mulibana
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BSc (Recreation and leisure studies) (Univen), MPhil (Sport management) (UJ).
Email address: phumudzo.mulibana@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 003 sport hall building
Mr. Phumudzo Khangwelo Mulibana is a Lecturer in the Department of Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science. He has worked for over seven years in the higher education sector. He specialises in recreation programming and sport management and has published extensively inpeer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among his/her recent publications are: (1) Mugwedi N.P & Mulibana P K (2014) Constraints faced by University of Venda students in sport and recreation participation. African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance.
(2) Matshovhana K & Mulibana PK (2014) Challenges faced by learners with albinism in active recreation activities at Tshilidzini Special School, Thohoyandou, South Africa. African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance. Mr. Mulibana has supervised Honours students.
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Full name: Dr Sam Chenjerai Mugandani
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Qualifications: Teachers Cert (Phys.Ed) (Umtali), Cert Ed (Phys.Ed) (UZ), BEd (Biology)(UZ), MEd (Teacher Education) (UZ), MSc (Sport Science) (Nust),PhD (Sport Science) (Unizulu)
Email address: sam.mugandani@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 03- Sports Hall
Dr Sam Chenjerai Mugandani is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science. He has worked for over thirty years in the higher education sector. He specialises in Sport and Exercise Science and has published considerably in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. His recent publications are: (1) Mathunjwa, M., Djarova-Daniels, T., Shaw, I. Mugandani, S. and Shaw, B. (2020). Short duration high-intensity interval taekwondo training substantially improves body composition and physical fitness in previously trained individuals: a proof-of-concept study. Archives of Bubo – Science of Martial Arts, 16, 221-226. (2) Mugandani, S. C. (2019). Athletic performance-enhancing ACE, ACTN3, AMPD1 genetic markers, fitness characteristics, C-reactive protein and uric acid of Cricket, Netball, Rugby and Soccer players: A review. Journal of Applied Sports Sciences,1:131-149. doi: 10.37393/jass.2019.01.13. (3) Mugandani, S. & Djarova-Daniels, T. (2017). Difference in the distribution of selected blood variables among athletes during a competition period. Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 2: 65-69. doi: 10.37393/jass.2017.02.7. He has supervised many Honours students. Dr SC Mugandani is a member of the following committees in the Faculty of Health Sciences: Research and Publications committee, Faculty Higher Degrees Committee, Faculty Examination committee and Faculty representative on the Joint committees of the senate.
Links to other profiles:
Google Scholar: https://Scholar.google.co.za
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sam-Mugandani-3
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0588-6360
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sam-chenjerai-mugandani-a9a65a59
Click here to view full profile
Full name: Angelina Maphula
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Qualifications: BA Degree(Vista University), Honours in Psychology (Univen), MA Soc Science in Clinical Psychology (North-West University, Mafikeng Campus) PhD in Psychology (Univen)
Email address: angelina.maphula@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 09- Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Building
Dr Angelina Maphula is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology. She has worked for over 11 years in the higher education sector. She specialises in Clinical Psychology and has been registered with HPCSA since 2006. She has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
1. Ruan-Iu, L., Pendergast, L.L., Rasheed, M., Tofail, F., Svensen, E., Maphula, A., Roshan, R., Nahar, B., Shrestha, R., Williams, B. and Schaefer, B.A., 2020. Assessing early childhood fluid reasoning in low-and middle-income nations: validity of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence across seven MAL-ED sites. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 38(2), pp.256-262.
2. Scharf, R.J., Rogawski, E.T., Murray‐Kolb, L.E., Maphula, A., Svensen, E., Tofail, F., Rasheed, M., Abreu, C., Vasquez, A.O., Shrestha, R. and Pendergast, L., 2018. Early childhood growth and cognitive outcomes: Findings from the MAL‐ED study. Maternal & child nutrition, 14(3), p.e12584.
3. Maphula, A. and Mudhovozi, P., 2012. Suicide ideation: A study of secondary school learners in Limpopo province, South Africa. African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 18(sup-3), pp.104-116.
She has co-authored a book chapter as follows:
Scharf, R. J., Maphula, A., Pullen, P. C., Shrestha, R., Matherne, G. P., Roshan, R., & Koshy, B. (2017). Global disability: empowering children of all abilities. Pediatric Clinics, 64(4), 769-784.
She has supervised Honours, Masters and PhD students. Dr Maphula is the Vice Chairperson of the Division for Research and Methodology Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) and was an executive member from 2019, a member of Human and Clinical Trails Research Ethics Committee in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Venda, contributes to clinical supervision of students in training. She serves as an external examiner for various universities nationally and internationally, a reviewer for different journal houses. She is a renowned presenter both in the research fraternity and the community through research and SABC radio talk expert presentations on social, health and life skills related topics.
Links to other profiles:
Google Scholar:
Research gate:
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/angelina-maphula-16486037
Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8208-6618
Click here to view full profile
Dr. Tshifhiwa Cynthia Mandiwana is a trained Nutritionist working as an academic in the Department of Nutrition. She has worked for over ten years in the higher education sector. She spent most of her time training students to become Nutritionists. She specializes in maternal and child health and has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. She has served in collaborative research and committees such as the conference organizing committee and as a secretariat organized by the faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Venda. She has obtained several certificates and a Post Graduate Diploma in teaching and learning with Rhodes University. Dr. Mandiwana has supervised undergraduate and postgraduate students. She has presented her research at national and international conferences. In 2013, she was a visiting scholar at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA. Among her recent publications are (1) Mbhenyane, X.G., Seanego, A.M., Amey, A.K., Mabapa, N.S., Mushaphi, L.F., Mbhatsani, H.V. and Mandiwana, T.C., 2017. Dietary patterns and BMI status of adult women in greater Letaba municipality, South Africa. Journal of Consumer Sciences. (2) Mandiwana, T.C., 2017. Knowledge and compliance of lactating mothers on exclusive breastfeeding in village of Vhembe district, South Africa. Gender and Behaviour, 15(4), pp.10502-10510. (3) Mandiwana, T.C., 2017. Traditional preparation and storage methods of indigenous foods among elderly women of Muwaweni village, Makhado Municipality, Vhembe District–a case study. Gender and Behaviour, 15(4), pp.10490-10500.
Links to other profiles:
Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4053-3453
Full name: Dr Mandiwana Tshifhiwa Cynthia
Department: Department of Nutrition
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BSc (Nutrition) (Univen), MSc (Public Nutrition) (Univen), PGDHE (UCT), PhD (UKZN)
Email address: tshifhiwa.mandiwana@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 171- Old School of Math Building
Click here to view full profile
Full name: Miss Baloyi Brenda
Designation: Junior Lecturer
Qualifications: BSc (Nutrition) (Univen), MSc (Public Nutrition) (Univen)
Email address: brenda.baloyi@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 02 Nursing building Foundation
Miss Baloyi Brenda is a Junior Lecturer in the Department of Nutrition. She has worked for over five years in the higher education sector. She specializes in Obesity among children and adolescents. Her recent publication is: Mushaphi, L.F., Mahopo, T.C., Nesamvuni, C.N., Baloyi, B., Mashau, E., Richardson, J., Dillingham, R., Guerrant, R., Ambikapathi, R. and Bessong, P., 2017. Recommendations for infant feeding policy and programs in Dzimauli region, South Africa: results from the MAL-ED birth cohort. Food and nutrition bulletin, 38(3), pp.428-440. She has supervised Honours students.
Links to other profiles:
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Brenda-Baloyi
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/baloyi-brenda-53138085
Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5651-3110
Click here to view full profile
Full name: Hlekani Vanessa Mbhatsani
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BSc (Nutrition) (Univen), MSc (Public Nutrition) (Univen), PGDHE(Rhodes)
Email address: vanessa.mbhatsani@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 170-School of Math Building
Full name: Hlekani Vanessa Mbhatsani
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BSc (Nutrition) (Univen), MSc (Public Nutrition) (Univen), PGDHE(Rhodes)
Email address: vanessa.mbhatsani@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 170-School of Math Building
Ms. Hlekani Vanessa Mbhatsani is a Lecturer in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. She has worked for over ten years in the higher education sector. She specializes in indigenous foods and their role in nutrition and health, child health, and micronutrients. She has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are: (1). Mbhatsani, V.H., Mbhenyane, X.G. and Mabapa, S.N., 2017. Development and Implementation of nutrition education on dietary diversification for primary school children. Ecology of food and nutrition, 56(6), pp.449-461. (2). Mbhenyane, X., Mandiwana, T., Lindelani, F., Mbhatsani, V., Mabapa, S., Motadi, S., Mabasa, E. and Masia, T., 2017, January. The influence of breastfeeding hospital initiative on nutrition knowledge of mothers and feeding practices of children in Limpopo province, South Africa. In annals of nutrition and metabolism (vol. 71, pp. 501-502). Allschwilerstrasse 10, ch-4009 basel, switzerland: karger. (3). Magadze, A.A., Obadire, O.S., Maliwichi, L.L., Musyoki, A. and Mbhatsani, H.V., 2017. An assessment of types of foods consumed by individuals in selected households in South Africa. Gender and Behaviour, 15(4), pp.10610-10626. She has also contributed as a co-author of a book chapter. Mbhenyane XG, Makuse SHM, Ntuli SM, Mbhatsani HV, and Sayed N. Chapter six for a book titled ‘’Community Nutrition for South Africa: A Right Based Approach’’. edited by Steyn NP and Temple N coordinated by the MRC and funded by FAO.ISBN: 978-1-920014-55-1. Printed by CREDA communications and published FAO and MRC. She has supervised Honours and Masters students.
Links to other profiles:
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=EF0bwkkAAAAJ&hl=en
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hlekani-Mbhatsani
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-mbhatsani-05809219
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2812-6230
Full name: Prof Makondelele Makatu
Designation: Associate Professor Qualifications: BA, UED, Hons, B.SocScie (EAP), D.Phil (Psychology (University of Pretoria), Master of Science (Health Professions Education) (University of Maastricht) Phone: Email address: makonde@univen.ac.za Office No: office 13 Faculty of Human and Social Sciences BuildingClick here to view full profile
Qualifications: BA, UED, Hons, B.SocScie (EAP), D.Phil (Psychology (University of Pretoria), Master of Science (Health Professions Education) (University of Maastricht)
Email address: makonde@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 13 Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Building
Prof. Makondelele Makatu received her Doctoral Degree from the University of Pretoria. Currently, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Venda. She has worked for 20 years in the higher education sector. She specialises in Social Sciences Research in Psychology and has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
1 Radzilani-Makatu, M. and Chauke, K.N., 2019. Gender-based violence: exploring the concept through the eyes of abused married women. Gender and behaviour, 17(3), pp.13455-13468.
2 Sadiki, M.C., Radzilani-Makatu, M. and Zikhali, M.P., 2018. Acquired physical disability: Personal meanings in a rural South African setting. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 28(6), pp.514-517.
3 Bassey A.I., Radzilani-Makatu M., Zikhali P.T. & Makgopa, M. 2018. The role of socio-cultural factors and parenting practices on the prevalence of teenage pregnancy in Vhembe District, Limpopo Province. Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, 9(3), 69-79.
Prof. Makatu has extensively supervised Honours, Masters and PhD students and is the current co-ordinator Teaching and Learning, and Quality Assurance co Ordinator in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Venda.
Google scholar:
Orchid ID: 0000-0002-1503-3273
Click here to view full profile
Full name: Tjale Cloupas Mahopo
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BSc (Nutrition) (Univen), MSc (Public Nutrition) (Univen), PGDHE (UCT)
Email address: tjale.mahopo@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 174-School of Math Building
Mr. Tjale Cloupas Mahopo is a Lecturer in the Department of Nutrition. He has worked for ten years in the higher education sector. He specializes in maternal and child health and food security. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among his recent publications are (1) Antiporta, D.A., Ambikapathi, R., Bose, A., Maciel, B., Mahopo, T.C., Patil, C., Turab, A., Olortegui, M.P., Islam, M., Bauck, A. and McCormick, B.J.J., 2021. Micronutrient intake and the probability of nutrient adequacy among children 9–24 months of age: results from the MAL-ED birth cohort study. Public health nutrition, 24(9), pp.2592-2602. (2) Drago, F., Scharf, R.J., Maphula, A., Nyathi, E., Mahopo, T.C., Svensen, E., Mduma, E., Bessong, P. and McQuade, E.T.R., 2020. Psychosocial and environmental determinants of child cognitive development in rural South Africa and Tanzania: findings from the mal-ed cohort. BMC public health, 20(1), pp.1-8. (3) Mushaphi, L.F., Mahopo, T.C., Nesamvuni, C.N., Baloyi, B., Mashau, E., Richardson, J., Dillingham, R., Guerrant, R., Ambikapathi, R. and Bessong, P., 2017. Recommendations for infant feeding policy and programs in Dzimauli region, South Africa: results from the MAL-ED birth cohort. Food and nutrition bulletin, 38(3), pp.428-440. He has supervised Honours and Master’s students. He has worked on an Etiology, Risk Factors and Interactions of Enteric Infections and Malnutrition and the Consequences for Child Health and Development.
Links to other profiles:
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=4FGEx50AAAAJ
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tjale-Mahopo-2
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tjale-mahopo-a786a754/
Click here to view full profile
Full name: Dr Cebisa Noxolo Nesamvuni
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Qualifications: BS (Dietetics) (Oklahoma State University), MSc (Nutrition), (Unin/UL), IMScHPE (Maastricht University), PhD (Nutrition) (UFS)
Email address: cebisa.nesamvuni@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 004 Sport Hall
Dr. Cebisa Noxolo Nesamvuni is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Nutrition. She has worked for over 20 years in the higher education sector. She specializes in child and maternal health and has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Her recent publications are (1) Mushaphi, L.F., Mahopo, T.C., Nesamvuni, C.N., Baloyi, B., Mashau, E., Richardson, J., Dillingham, R., Guerrant, R., Ambikapathi, R. and Bessong, P., 2017. Recommendations for infant feeding policy and programs in Dzimauli region, South Africa: results from the MAL-ED birth cohort. Food and nutrition bulletin, 38(3), pp.428-440. (2) Gumbo JR and Nesamvuni C.N. (2017). A review: Spirulina a source of bioactive compounds and nutrition. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10(3):1317-1325. (3) Mbhenyane, X.G., Tambe, B.A., Phooko-Rabodiba, D.A. and Nesamvuni, C.N., 2020. Dietary pattern, household hunger, coping strategies and nutritional status of children in Sekhukhune District of Limpopo Province, South Africa. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 20(3), pp.15821-15836. She has supervised Honours, Masters and Ph.D. students. Dr. Nesamvuni is a former Head of the Department in the Centre for Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science in the School of Health Sciences at the University of Venda.
Links to other profiles:
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Qualifications: RN (Venda Nursing College) (SANC), BA (Cur), BA. Cur Hons,(Unisa), MCur,(Univen) PhD (Univen)
Email address: thivhulawi.malwela@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 03 Health Sciences foundation building no. 2
Dr Malwela Thivhulawi is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Advanced Nursing. She has worked for over 15 years in the higher education sector. She specializes in Maternal, Women and Child Health (MWCH) and has published in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
1) Mahwasane, T., Maputle, M.S., Simane-Netshisaulu, K.G. and Malwela, T., 2020. Provision of Care to Preterm Infants at Resource Limited Health Facilities of Mopani District, South Africa. Annals of global health, 86(1).
She has supervised Honours, Masters and PhD students. Dr Malwela Thivhulawi is the current deputy Head of the Department of Advanced Nursing Science. Member of Transvers committee attending to the University of Venda business of the day, deputy chairperson in the Covid-19 response committee.
Links to other profiles:
Google scholar
Research gate
linked in: www.linkedin.com/in/thihulawi-malwela-88b80b71
Orchid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3741-8542
Click here to view full profile
Full name: Fhatuwani James Takalani
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Qualifications: BA ED, BAHPSY, MA, PHD
Email address: james.takalani@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 31-Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Building
Dr Fhatuwani James Takalani is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology. He has worked for over 17 years in the higher education sector. He specialises in IKS, bereavement, psychological assessment, social issues and has published in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among his recent publications are:
1. Musekwa, O.P., Mulaudzi, T.M., Takalani, J.F. and Makhado, L., 2021. Correctional rehabilitation programmes’ effectiveness: A phenomenological study of recidivists in a South African setting. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 31(1), pp.102-106.
2. Baloyi, T. and Takalani, F., 2017. Coping resources of psychological stress utilised by orphans in Magona village of Malamulele community in Limpopo Province, South Africa. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 9(04), pp.341-348.
3. Maxwell, G.M., Radzilani-Makatu, M. and Takalani, J.F., 2016. Awareness of prevention of teenage pregnancy amongst secondary school learners in Makhado municipality. African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine, 8(2), pp.1-5.
He has supervised Honours, Masters and PhD students. Dr FJ Takalani is the current Head of the Department of Psychology, Project Head of Ubuntu Mental Health and Covid-19 Sub-committees in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Venda. Dr Takalani is currently serving as a co-opted member of the Education, Training and Registration Committee in HPCSA under the Board of Psychology. He is an additional member of the African Journal of Psychological Assessment. He is currently serving as an external examiner for Masters and PHDs for different universities in South Africa and a reviewer for African Health Sciences Journal. Dr Takalani has served as a reviewer for NRF proposals for funding.
Links to other profiles:
Academia edu: James Takalani (researchgate.net)
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Mrs Zelda Livhuwani Ratshilivha is a Junior Lecturer in the Department of Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science. She has worked for over eight years in the higher education sector and has research work experience from Armscor company. She specializes in teaching Biokinetics modules from 1st to 3rd year and is responsible for 3rd and 4th year honors research supervision. She is responsible for 4th-year work-integrated learning supervision. She is currently completing her masters.
Full name: Zelda Livhuwani Ratshilivha
Department: Department of Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science
Designation: Juniour lecturer
Qualifications: BSc in Biokinetics (Univen), PGDHE (UCT)
Email address: zelda.ralubuvhi@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 14/17 Sport hall
Full name: Nkhensani Precious Golele
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BSc (Biokinetics) (Univen), MSc (Medicine) (Wits)
Email address: precious.golele@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 05-Sports Hall Building
Miss Nkhensani Precious Golele is a Lecturer in the Department of Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science. She has worked for over 6 years in the higher education sector. She specialises in Orthopaedic injuries, Sports performance, wellness and rehabilitation and has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are: (1) P. J. Gradidge, Precious Golele & Emmanuel Cohen (2020): Body weight perceptions and obesity amongst university employed South African women, Women & Health, DOI: 10.1080/03630242.2020.1758287. (2) Gradidge P J-L, Golele PN. Walking as a feasible means of effecting positive changes in BMI, waist, and blood pressure in black South African women. African Journal of Health Science. 2018;18(4): 917-921. https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ahs.v18i4.10. She has supervised Honours students. Miss Golele is a member of the Social Welfare committee in the Department of Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science under the faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Venda.
Links to other profiles:
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Precious-Golele
Designation: Professor In Psychology
Qualification: UED (University of Venda Production), BA (University of Venda Production), BAHON (RAND AFRIKAANS UNIVERSITY), MSC (FOREIGN PSE INSTITUTIONS), HRD (RAND AFRIKAANS UNIVERSITY), MAA (UNIVERSITY OF STELLENBOSCH), BAHON (null), PHD (University of Venda Production)
Telephone: 0159628173
Email: tshilidzi.mashamba@univen.ac.za
Office: SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES BLOCK C Building, Office Number, Floor Number
Full name: Khathutshelo Edith Mphephu
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: Bpsych (Univen) M.A (Univen) PGDip (Rhodes)
Email address: khathutshelo.semise@univen.ac.za
Office No: Office 10 Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Building
Mrs Mphephu Khathutshelo Edith is a Lecturer in the Department of Psychology. She has worked for over 14 years in the higher education sector. She is a registered counsellor specialising in youth mental health, Personality and Indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) and has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
1. Semise, K.E., Radzilani-Makatu, M. and Nkoana, S.E., 2015. Identification of Causes of Criminal Behaviour among Youth of Muledane Village, Vhembe District Municipality. Journal of Social Sciences, 44(1), pp.46-52.
2. Mphephu, K., Madzhie, M., Mashamba, T., Raselekoane, N., Tshifhumulo, R. and Mulaudzi, T., 2015. Knowledge, perceptions and preferences of first-year male university students regarding medical and traditional male circumcision. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation & Dance.
3. Madzhie, M., Mphephu, K., Mashamba, T., Raselekoane, N., Tshifhumulo, R. and Mulaudzi, T., 2015. Traditional healers’ methods of treating HIV/AIDS and their preventative strategies against being affected during treatment in Vhembe district, South Africa. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation & Dance.
She has supervised Honours students since 2014 and Masters students since 2019. She coordinated the Psychology honours programme from 2015 to 2018 and the Bpsych programme from 2019 to 2020. She taught the modules Psy 3541, Psy 5532, Bps 2842, Bps 3844 and Bps 4841. Mrs Mphephu is the current level 4 co-ordinator in the Department of Psychology and a UNIVEN Covid-19 response team member.
Links to other profiles:
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khathutshelo-edith-mphephu-2a5620a8/
Academia edu: https://independent.academia.edu/khathutshelosemise
Click here to view full profile
Full name: Fatima Peters
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BPsych (UWC), MA Psych (UWC), PGDHE (UCT)
Email address: Fatima.peters@univen.ac.a
Office No: 8 Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Building
Ms Fatima Peters is a lecturer in the Department of Psychology. She has worked for over twelve years in the higher education sector. She is a registered counsellor specialising in Ethics, Research Methodology, and Community Psychology and is passionate about human rights, sexuality and gender, higher education, decolonisation, and climate and environmental psychology. She has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
- Olukoga, A., Tewari, D., Folayan, M., OsungbadE, K., Onajole, A. and Peters, F., Healthcare workers’ perception of human resources management in Nigeria. African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance, (Supplement), pp. 289-300.
- Olukoga, A., Anyanwu, F.C., Peters, F., Tewari, D., Oyesola, R. and Osungbade, K., 2014. Texting and driving among drivers in Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies. African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 20(21), pp.399-408.
She has supervised research projects/thesis for fourth-year Bachelor of Psychology, Honours, and Masters students. She serves as an external examiner for multiple universities and is a reviewer for multiple journals. Ms Peters was the level four Bachelor of Psychology degree co ordinator from 2017-2018. She is the current second-year level co-ordinator for Psychology, a member of the departmental Community engagement committee and Quality assurance committee in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Venda.
Links to other profiles:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fatima-peters-0a54a422/
Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1448-6211
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Mr. Ngoako Solomon Mabapa is a Lecturer in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. He has worked for over 14 years in the higher education sector. He specializes in micronutrients and has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among his recent publications are (1) Ramugondo, M., Mushaphi, L.F. and Mabapa, N.S., 2021. Salt Used for the National School Nutrition Program (NSNP) in Rural Schools of Limpopo Province, South Africa, has Adequate Levels of Iodine. Biochemistry Research International, 2021. (2) Kekana, M.J., Mbhenyane, X.G. and Mabapa, N.S., 2020. Impact of the child support grant on the diet and nutritional status of children under 5 years old in Mogalakwena Municipality, Limpopo Province, South Africa. South African Journal of Child Health, 14(1), pp.15-19. (3) Mabasa, E., Mabapa, N.S., Joosteb, P.L. and Mbhenyane, X.G., 2019. Iodine status of pregnant women and children age 6 to 12 years feeding from the same food basket in Mopani district, Limpopo province, South Africa. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 32(3), pp.27-28. He has supervised Honours and Master’s students. He has collaborated on manuscripts with Prof MB Zimmermann of ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, and Prof PL Jooste of MRC entitled “Vitamin A supplementation in iodine-deficient African children decreases thyrotropin stimulation of the thyroid and reduces the goiter rate” and “Treatment of Iodine Deficiency in School-Age Children Increases Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-I and IGF Binding Protein-3 Concentrations and Improves Somatic Growth”.
Links to other profiles:
Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3188-852X
Full name: Ngoako Solomon Mabapa
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: BSc (Human Physiology) (UP), BSc Hons (Community Nutrition) (UNIVEN), MSc (Public Nutrition) (UNIVEN)
Email address: solomon.mabapa@univen.ac.za
Office No: 7-Nursing Science Building 1
Full name: Khuliso Matshovhana
Designation: Junior Lecturer
Qualifications: BSc (Recreation and Leisure Studies) (Univen) PGDip (Higher Education Teaching and Learning (University of Stellenbosch) Advanced Diploma in Sport Management (Univen) Sport Massage Training (ETA college),
Email address: khuliso.matshovhana@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 0-12 Sport Hall building

Miss Khuliso Matshovhana
Ms. Khuliso Matshovhana is a Junior Lecturer in the Department of Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science. She has worked for over 09 years in the higher education sector. She specializes in Recreation, Leisure, and Sport Management and has published in peer-reviewed, peer-reviewed, and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are (1) Matshovhana, K. & Mulibana, P.K. (2014). Challenges faced by learners with albinism in active recreation activities at Tshilidzini Special School, Thohoyandou, South Africa. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, December (Supplement 1:1), 1-9. (2) Rasifudi, A.D., Goon, D.T, Makhabane, N. & Matshovhana, K. (2014). Body composition of children with disabilities in Tshilidzini and Fulufhelo special school, Vhembe District, South Africa. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, December (Supplement 1:2), 400-411. (3) McNaughton, L., Drew, K., Ebert, J., Caia, J., Fox, J., Stevens, C., … & Matshovhana, K. An assessment of the role of media in the development of sports at the University of Venda. Tuesday, 27 March 2018 5: 00pm–6: 00pm Presentations. ISBN: 978-0-9925842-2-1 Exercise & Sports Science Australia ABN: 14 053 849 460. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324550410. She has supervised undergraduate students in the Department of Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science. Ms. Matshovhana is a member of World Leisure Organization (WLO) and also a member of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical education(ICSSPE)(Regional coordinator, Africa)
Links to other profiles:
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Khuliso-Matshovhana
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matshovhana-khuliso-13750355/
Email address: seani.mulondo@univen.ac.za Office No: office 06, Foundation area, Building number 3 Click here to view full profile
Full name: Seani Adrinah Mulondo
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Qualifications: BA (Cur) (UNISA), (Hons), (UNISA), MCur (UNIVEN), PhD (UNIVEN), GDHE (UKZN)
Email address: seani.mulondo@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 06, Foundation area, Building number 3

Dr Seani Adrinah Mulondo
Dr Seani Adrinah Mulondo is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Advanced Nursing Science. She has worked for over ten years in the higher education sector. She specialises in midwifery and has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
1) Mulondo, S.A., 2020. Factors associated with underutilisation of antenatal care services in Limpopo, South Africa. British Journal of Midwifery, 28(11), pp.788-795.
2) Thabethe, L.R., Mulondo, S.A. and Tugli, A.K., 2020. Psychological experiences of pregnant students at the University of Venda, Limpopo Province, South Africa. African Journal of Reproductive Health, 24(3), pp.18-23.
She has supervised Honours, Masters and PhD students. Dr Seani Adrinah Mulondo is a member of a Professionalisation of Undergraduate Academic Teaching in Multiple Disciplines committee in the Centre for Higher Education and Learning (CHETL) at the University of Venda.
Links to other profiles:
Email address: julia.mafumo@univen.ac.za Office No: office C4-Foundation Block 4
Full name: Julia Langanani Mafumo
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: Diploma in General Nursing (Lebone College of Nursing), Diploma in Midwifery (Venda Nursing College), BCur, Diploma in Nursing Administration, Advanced, Diploma in Nursing Science, (UNISA), BCur (Hons)MCur, DCur (UNIVEN)
Email address: julia.mafumo@univen.ac.za
Office No: office C4-Foundation Block 4
Dr. Mafumo JL is a Lecturer in the Department of Advanced Nursing Science. She has worked for over 20 years in the higher education sector. She specialises in General Nursing Science and Nursing Education. She has published in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
- Mafumo, J.L., Netshandama, V.O. and Netshikweta, L., 2017. Clinical supervision as an integral part in training for bridging course learners at selected hospitals of Vhembe district, Limpopo province, South Africa. J Nurs Care, 6(392), pp.2167-1168.
She has supervised Honours, and Masters students.
Links to other profiles:
Email address: hilda.shilubane@univen.ac.za Office No: 03 - Block 107 Health Sciences
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Click here to view full profile
Prof Nwamuhohova Hilda Shilubane is a Professor in the Department of Advanced Nursing Science. She has worked for over 19 years in the higher education sector. She specialises in Nursing Education, and her research interests include child and adolescent health and mental health and has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
1) Shilubane H, Mazibuko N. 2020. Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder and coping mechanism by parents: an explorative study. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 7(4):413-418. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnss.2020.08.003
2) Mgolozeli SE, Shilubane HN, Khoza LB. 2019. Nurses’ attitudes towards the implementation of the Mother-Baby-Friendly initiative in selected primary healthcare facilities at Makhuduthamaga Municipality, Limpopo province, Curationis 42(1), a1929. https://doi.org/10.4/curationis.v42i1.1929
3) Shilubane HN, Bos AER, Ruiter RAC, Reddy PS, Van den Borne B. 2015. High School Suicide in South Africa: Teachers’ knowledge, views and training needs. BMC Public Health, 15:245 DOI 10.1 186/s 12889-015-1599-3.
She has supervised Honours, Masters and PhD students. Prof Shilubane is a member of the Research and Publication Committee in the Faculty of Health Sciences and the member of the same committee at university level, for the University of Venda.
Links to other profiles:
Google Scholar:
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hilda-Shilubane
Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6121-0488
Full name : Prof Nwamuhohova Hilda Shilubane
Designation : Professor
Department: Department of Advanced Nursing Science
Qualifications : RN (Giyani college of nursing) (SANC), BA (Cur), BA (Cur) (Hons), MA Cur (UNISA), PhD (Maastricht University, The Netherlands), PG Dip in Health Professional Education (UCT)
Email address: hilda.shilubane@univen.ac.za
Office No : 03 – Block 107 Health Sciences
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Full name: Takalani Ellen Mbedzi
Designation: Junior Lecturer
Qualifications: BCur, BCur (Hons) Advanced Psychiatric Nursing (Sefako Makgato Health Sciences University), Diploma in Nursing Education (Unisa) Health Service Management (Unisa) MCUR (Univen)
Email address: takalani.mbedzi@univen.ac.za
Office No: office NO.C4 Foundation Phase Building
Mrs Takalani Ellen Mbedzi is a Junior Lecturer in the Department of Nursing S/he has worked for over 13 years in the higher education sector. Her area of research focus is mental health. Co-authored a recent publication:
- Lavhelani, N.R., Maluleke, M., Mulaudzi, M.P., Masutha, T.C., Makhubele, T.E., Manyuma, D., Nemathaga, M., Makhavhu, N.A., Kharivhe, M.L., Mbedzi, T.E. and Ramovha, M.R., 2020. How do family members perceive re-integration of male state patients into their families in South Africa? A qualitative analysis. South African Journal of Psychiatry, 26(1), pp.1-7.
Mrs T.E is currently a member of UNIVEN mental health team representing the faculty of Health Sciences.
She has supervised undergraduate final year nursing student mini dissertations and 1 Masters students.
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Dr Malindi F.C is a Junior Lecturer in the Department of Health Science She has worked for over one year and 11 months in the higher education sector. She specializes in Midwifery and HIV and has published in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
1) Malindi, F.C., Lebese, R.T. and Ramakuela, N.J., 2014. Challenges experienced by pregnant women living with HIV/AIDS in rural Vhembe District of Limpopo Province, South Africa. African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 20(sup-1), pp.244-254.
She is supervising Masters student.
Full name: Dr Fhulufhedzani Constance Malindi
Department: Department of Advanced Nursing Science
Designation: Junior lecturer
Qualifications: B Cur (Univen), MSc (Nursing Science) (Univen), PHD (Univen)
Email address: Fhulufhedzani.Malindi@univen.ac.za
Office No: office no 4 C Block. Foundation
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Full name: Ramathuba Dorah Ursula
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualifications: DU Ramathuba, RN, Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery-Groothoek College) SANC, BA (BCur), Diploma in Nursing Administration, Post graduate Diploma in Nursing (Unisa), BCur (Hons) Univen, BTech Oncology (TUT), MCur (Univen), PhD (North West)
Email address: dorah.ramathuba@univen.ac.za
Office No: office no 5, Foundation Building.
Prof Ramathuba Dorah Ursula is an Associate Professor in the Department of Advanced Nursing Science. She has worked for over twenty-four years in the higher education sector. S/he specializes in General Nursing Science, Health System management and Oncology nursing and has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among his/her recent publications are:
- Ramathuba, D.U. and Makhado, L., 2021. Support model for nurses caring for people living with HIV and AIDS in the Limpopo province, South Africa. curationis, 44(1), pp.1-8.
- Mushasha, M.P., Mashau, N.S & Ramathuba, D.U. The Knowledge of Female Students Regarding the Human Papilloma Virus and Vaccines at a Selected University in South Africa. The Open Public Health Journal, 2021, Volume 14. DOI: 10.2174/1874944502114010257, 2021, 14, 257-263
- Ramathuba, D.U., Ramashala, M.R., & Mashau, N.S Contributory factors that lead to increase of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Capricorn district of Limpopo Province, South Africa. HIV AIDS Rev 2021; 20, 1:
She has supervised Honours, Masters and PhD students. Prof DU Ramathuba is a member of the University Higher Degrees Committee and Faculty of Health Science Executive Research Committee and Acting head of department of Advanced Nursing Science.
Orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7571-4767
Click here to view full profile
Full name: Meriam Mohlala
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Qualifications: BSc (Biokinetics) (Univen), MA (Biokinetics) (NWU), PhD (Human Movement Science) (NWU)
Phone: 015 962 8150
Email address: meriam.mohlala@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 12 Sport Hall Building
Dr Meriam Mohlala is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport science has worked for over 12 years in the higher education sector. She specializes in physical activity, health and wellness, non-communicable diseases, fitness and conditioning for different populations in the community and has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Her recent publications are: Motadi SA, Veldsman T, Mohlala M, Mabapa NS (2017) Overweight and Obesity among Adults Aged 18-45 Years Residing in and around Giyani Town in Mopani District of Limpopo Province, South Africa. J Nutr Health Sci5(1): 102. Mabapa, N.S., Motadi, S.A., Mohlala M., Mbhatsani, H.V. & Monyeki, M.A. (2019). Muluvhu, T.C., Monyeki, M.A., Mohlala M. & Strydom G.L. (2015). Physical activity and selected Health risk factors profiles among local government employees in Vhembe district, Limpopo province of South Africa. South African journal of sports medicine, (sup) 27:30. Mohlala, M. & Ramalivhana, F.W. (2015). Anthropometric and physical activity profiles of University of Venda students, South Africa. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 20(1): 35. She has supervised over 30 undergraduate and 4 Masters’s students. Dr. Mohlala is the current Head of the Department of Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Venda. Dr. Mohlala is a member of the Faculty of Health Sciences committees: Research and Publications Committee (RPC), Faculty Higher Degrees Committee, Faculty Examination Committee. She also serves on the Research Ethics Committee (REC).
Links to other profiles:
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Meriam Mohlala
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/meriam-mohlala-5350a643
Full name: Dr Tshivhase Shonisani Elizabeth
Department: Department of Public Health
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: Diploma in General Nursing Science, Diploma in Midwifery Science (Venda Nursing College), Diploma in Ophthalmological Nursing (Elim Nursing School), BA (Cur) (Unisa), BA Cur (Hons), MPH (Univen), PhDPH (Univen)
Phone: +27 15 962 8927
Email address: shonisani.tshivhase@univen.ac.za
Office No: Office no 07 -Faculty of Nursing Old Building
Dr. Shonisani Elizabeth Tshivhase is a Lecturer in the Department of Public Health. She has worked for over 05 years in the higher education sector. She specializes in community nursing, Ophthalmic nursing, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, International community Health issues and has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
1) Tshivhase, S.E., Khoza, L.B. and Tshitangano, T.G., 2021. Application of the information-motivation-behavioral skills model to strengthen eye care follow-up amongst glaucoma patients. African Vision and Eye Health, 80(1), p.8.
2) Tshivhase, S.E., Khoza, L.B., and Tshitangano, T.G., 2020. Loss to follow-up amongst glaucoma patients in selected hospitals of the Limpopo Province, South Africa. African Vision and Eye Health, 79(1), pp.1-7.
3) Tshivhase, S.E. and Khoza, L.B., 2020. Challenges Contributing to Loss to Follow-up as Experienced by Glaucoma Patients in the Vhembe District of Limpopo Province, South Africa. The Open Public Health Journal, 13(1).She has co-supervised Masters’s (5) students.
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Dr Azwinndini Mudau is a senior lecturer in the department of Public Health. She worked for over 8 years in the higher sector. She specialized in Women, Adolescences and child health. She is a Primary Health care nurse and IMCI Trainer. She has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
- Mudau AG. (2022) Enabling, predisposing, and reinforcing factors influencing implementation of exclusive breastfeeding among lactating mothers in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Obstet Gynecol Int J. 2022;13(1):8‒ DOI:10.15406/ogij.2022.13.00618
- Mudau AG,K. Tugli & J. Mabunda (2016) Knowledge of Cervical Cancer Screening among Women Attending a Rural Hospital in Limpopo Province of South Africa, Journal of Human Ecology, 55:3, 135-140, DOI: 10.1080/09709274.2016.11907017
- Mudau AG, Tugli AK, Mabunda J. (2017) Women’s Attitudes and Beliefs Regarding Cervical Cancer prevention at Rural Health Care Facilities in Limpopo Province of South Africa. Int J Nur Care. 2017; 1-4.
She has supervised Masters and PhD students. Dr Mudau serves as an external examiner for various Universities, and a reviewer for a journal house.
Research Gate
Qualifications: BCur (Nursing) Univen, Bcur (Hons) Univen; Advance dip (Nursing Education) North West University, Advance dip in Clinical, Nursing Science, Health Assessment, treatment and care (PHC) North West University; Master’s in Public Health (MPH) Univen, PhD In Public Health (PHDPH) Univen.
Phone: 079 493 2339
Email address: azwinndini.mudau@univen.ac.za
Office No: 14 Biokinetic building
Email address: bumani.manganye@univen.ac.za Office No: Office 03(Building 230)-Faculty of Health Sciences
Click here to view full profile
Full name: Dr Bumani Solomon Manganye
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: Bcur (Hons), (Univen), MPH (Master of Public Health) (Univen), PG Dip DHSM- Executive Leadership (University of Pretoria), PhD in Public Health (UNIVEN)
Email address: bumani.manganye@univen.ac.za
Office No: Office 03(Building 230)-Faculty of Health Sciences
Dr. Manganye Bumani Solomon is a Lecturer in the Department of Public Health. He has worked for over five years in the higher education sector. He specializes in mental health and occupational and environmental health and has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among his recent publications are:
1) Mazibuko, N., Shilubane, H., & Manganye, S. (2020). Caring for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: caregivers’ experiences. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 22(2), 14 pages-14 pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/2520-5293/6192
2) Base, K. L., Njabulo, N. W., Elizabeth, T. S., Pfungwa, M., Janet, R. N., Manganye, B. S., & Nthomeni, N. (2020). Survey on prevalence of cataracts in selected communities in Limpopo Province of South Africa. Scientific African, e00352
3) Khoza, L. B., Nunu, W. N., Ndou, N., Makgopa, J., Ramakuela, N., Manganye, B. S., . . . Murwira, T. S. (2019). Barriers related to the uptake of cataract surgery and care in Limpopo province, South Africa: Professional Ophthalmic Service Providers’ perspective. He has co-supervised Masters and taught honors students.
Full name: Prof Tshitangano Takalani Grace
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualifications: Bcur(UNISA), MPH (Univen), MBA (MANCOSA) PhD (UNIVEN)
Email address: Takalani.Tshitangano@univen.ac.za
Office No: Office 3 Health Sciences Caravans
Prof Takalani Grace Tshitangano is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health. She has worked for over ten years in the higher education sector. She specializes in health promotion and has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
1) Nthanyiseni Rangolo, Takalani Grace Tshitangano, Foluke Comfort Olaniyi. Compliance of Professional Nurses at Primary Health Care Facilities to the South African Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines. Nursing Reports. 2021; 11(4): 741-749.
2) FC Olaniyi, JS Ogola, TG Tshitangano. Challenges of effective management of medical waste in low-resource settings: perception of healthcare workers in Vhembe district healthcare facilities, South Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, 2021, Vol. 76(1), 81-88.
3) Tshivhase SE, Khoza LB, Tshitangano TG. Application of the information-motivation-behavioral skills model to strengthen eye care follow-up amongst glaucoma patients. Africa Vision Eye Health. 2021;80(1), a642. https://doi. org/10.4102/aveh. v80i1.642.
Prof Tshitangano has never written books and book chapters. She has supervised to graduation 34 Masters and 7 PhD students. Prof Tshitangano is the former head of the public health department and currently Chairperson of the COVID-19 response team at the University of Venda.
Full name: Professor Lufuno Makhado
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualifications: BCur NS-Hons (Bachelor of Nursing) (Univen), MSc (Community Nursing Science) (NWU), Ph.D. in Nursing (Community Nursing Science) (NWU), Post Doctoral Fellowship (UCLA, USA)
Email address: lufuno.makhado@univen.ac.za
Office No: office 4 – health sciences Caravans
Prof Lufuno Makhado is an Associate Professor/Professor in the Department of Public Health. He has worked for over 11 years in the higher education sector. He specializes in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, HIV and AIDS research, Epilepsy, TB/HIV/NCDs integrated services, sexual and reproductive health, and trauma-related research and has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among his recent publications are:
1) Lufuno Makhado, Mashudu Davhana-Maselesele, Rachel Tsakani Lebese and Sonto Maria Maputle, (2020). Factors facilitating trained NIMART nurses’ adherence to treatment guidelines: a vital matter in managing TB/HIV treatment in South Africa. BMC Nursing (2020) 19:77 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-020-00470-6
2) Mboweni, S. H., & Makhado, L. (2020). Challenges influencing nurse-initiated management of antiretroviral therapy training and implementation in Ngaka Modiri Molema District, North West province. Health SA Gesondheid (Online), 25, 1-11.
3) Mboweni, S. H., & Makhado, L. (2020). Conceptual framework for strengthening nurse-initiated management of antiretroviral therapy training and implementation in North West province. Health SA Gesondheid, 25, 10.
He has supervised Masters’s students and Ph.D. candidates. Prof Makhado is a Y2 NRF rated researcher. Prof Makhado is currently a member of the Research and Publication Committee, Higher Degrees Committee, and Executive Higher Degree in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Venda. Prof Makhado is also an elected member of the Senate.
Links to other profiles:
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=lHg7PX8AAAAJ&hl=en
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lufuno-Makhado
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dr-lufuno-makhado-phd-5441457b
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1689-9308
Click here to view full profile
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Qualifications: Diploma in General Nursing Science, Diploma in Midwifery Science (Venda Nursing College), Diploma in Nursing Science (Primary Health Care, Diagnosis and Treatment) (RAU), BA (Cur) (Hons) (Unisa), MCur, Ph.D. (Univen)
Email address: ntsieni.mashau@univen.ac.za
Office No: 03, Old Admin Block, Ground Floor
Dr. Ntsieni Stella Mashau is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Public Health. She has worked for over ten years in the higher education sector. She specializes in Community-Based Health Promotion and Disease prevention and has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
1) Mushasha MP., Mashau NS, and Ramathuba D.U. 2021. The Knowledge of Female Students Regarding the Human Papilloma Virus and Vaccines at a selected University in South Africa. The Open Public Health Journal, (14) 257-263 http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1874944502114010257.
2) Tshivhase, S.E. and Mashau, N.S. 2020. A Case of Household Waste Management in a Rural Village in the Limpopo Province, South Africa. The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, 46(4), pp.572-579.
3) Makhado, L., Makhado, T.G., Lebese, R.T., Maphula, A., Maputle, M.S. Mabunda J.T and Mashau, N.S. 2020. “GladAfrica Epilepsy Research Project (GERP): Initiation, Launch and Community Interest Report.” Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 22 (2), five pages. https://doi.org/10.25159/2520-5293/7552
She has supervised Masters and Ph.D. students. Dr. NS Mashau is the current Head of the Department of Public Health in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Venda.
Links to other profiles:
Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7104-6768