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Services Seta in collaboration with the University of Venda’s Department of Human Resources and Financial Aid Office as well as the SRC hosted an induction session for students who are beneficiaries of the Services SETA for the academic year 2017 in the Univen Auditorium on Monday, 17 July 2017.

“Services SETA is a public entity created in terms of the Skills Development Act and focuses on providing bursaries, learnerships, internships and facilitating skills development in the country. Our primary mandate is to ensure that the economy has the right skills for especially among the youth in order for them to be employed after obtaining their qualifications”, says Basani Sithole, Bursary Manager at Services SETA. She encouraged the beneficiaries to take their studies seriously and make sure they pass all their modules. Ms. Sithole urged students to aim high when it comes to academic performance and study hard as it will pay off when they are done with their degrees, she said “we will give awards to best students of Services SETA and then try to find a job for those students”.

Basani Sithole: Bursary Manager at Services SETA addressing Services SETA beneficiaries about the conditions of the Services Seta bursary.

She further stated that the bursary funds for students at all study levels, from undergraduate to Doctoral Degree (PhD) for the entire duration of their studies. The bursary covers tuitions fee, books, accommodation and meals. Ms. Sithole explained that the funding is a full bursary and beneficiaries will not be required to pay it back.

Munzhelele Pandelani, a funded Univen student by Service Seta engaging with Service Seta representative.

“Now I know that this funding is a full bursary not a loan”, says Munzhelele Pandelani, a Univen student funded by Services Seta who is doing her third level in Bachelor of Environmental Sciences as she expresses her gratitude regarding what she has learned in the induction.

Overall 750 Univen students are funded by the Services Seta through this bursary scheme in 2017. The funding ranges from R35 000-R120 000 depending on the level of study and employment status.

Some of students who attended the Services SETA Induction Session.

Representatives and management from participating stakeholders posing for a photo.

L-R: Mr Lindelani Sinthumule(Univen Financial Aid), Mr Patrick Rachidi (Univen HR); Nicholas Mulaudzi(SRC); Ms Basani Sithole (Services Seta); Mr Lusani Lavhengwa (SRC); and Ms Mmapitsi Semenya (Services Seta).

Issued by: Department of Communications and Marketing
University of Venda
Tel: 015 962 8525
Date: 21 July 2017