The University of Venda’s International Relations and Partnerships Directorate, in collaboration with the Department of Marketing, Branding, and Communication, proudly participated in the prestigious 2024 International Conference for Education and Fairs (ICEF) Africa event held in Kigali, Rwanda. This specialist networking event, hosted at the state-of-the-art Kigali Convention Centre from 1-4 July 2024, connected international educators and esteemed representatives from differ-ent universities worldwide. ICEF Africa stands as a beacon for the exceptional growth in internation-al education within Sub-Saharan Africa. This gathering also featured ICEF-accredited recruitment agents from over 25 countries on the continent and around the world. On 5 July 2024, Worldview held an education fair for graduates and grade 12 high school learners from 25 high schools in the Kigali region, wherein the UNIVEN representatives engaged with prospective international stu-dents, providing insight into the University offerings.

Participating in ICEF Africa 2024, gave the University of Venda unparalleled access to these dynamic student markets. This event was a unique opportunity to forge connections with high-quality, pre-screened recruitment partners and universities across the continent. The focus was on discussing alliances, exchange agreements, and transnational education opportunities, as well as providing career exhibitions to participating learners, all of which are pivotal for expanding UNIVEN’s inter-national footprint. As part of the world-renowned ICEF events, known for fostering productive and long-lasting professional relationships, our participation underscored the University of Venda’s un-wavering commitment to international collaboration and student mobility. This engagement will enhance our global network and position the University of Venda as a critical player in the interna-tional education landscape, instilling confidence in our global presence.

On the left Photo: Mphinyana Nemasitoni interacting with participants during the Worldview Educational Fair
“The University of Venda proudly showcased its academic excellence and vibrant campus life at ICEF Africa 2024, receiving an enthusiastic response from prospective students and partners. This successful event underscored our institution’s appeal and has led to promising collaborations and opportunities. We remain committed to delivering world-class education and fostering global connections,” said Mphinyana Nemasitoni, Schools Liaison Officer.
The University of Venda’s unwavering commitment to advancing international education and fostering global partnerships is not just a source of reassurance and confidence, but also an inspiration for students and professionals across the African continent and beyond.

This dedication is a driving force behind UNIVEN’s mission to contribute to the academic and pro-fessional growth of students and the development of the global education landscape, inspiring others to join this noble cause.


2024 ICEF Pavilions of educators and universities

Issued by:
Department Marketing, Branding and Communication University of Venda
Tel: 082 868 2218 / 082 868 1811

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