The Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) strives to continuously invest in internationalization in order to live up to the demands of the Flemish research community and maintain the strong economic and scientific position of Flanders. As a result, we are happy to announce to you the launch of a new initiative for individual incoming mobility.

With this ‘Grant for a scientific stay in Flanders’ the FWO aims to keep on stimulating international scientific collaboration by givingpostdoctoral researchers, regardless of their nationality but affiliated to a non-Belgian research institution, the opportunity to visit a research group in Flanders for a period of min. 1 month up to max. 3 months and bringing as such excellent and necessary expertise to Flanders.

The FWO will pay the foreign researchers their travel expenses (one-time return trip to Belgium) and a daily allowance of 66 EUR (with a max. budget of 1,650 EUR per month). For each visit the scientific added value for Flanders should be clearly demonstrated in the application: Why does the Flemish research group want to welcome this specific foreign researcher?

The foreign researcher has to directly submit an application through the FWO e-portal, in English, at least 3 months before the date of departure. It is crucial that the following obligatory documents are uploaded in the online application:

  • A short scientific CV.
  • A letter of the institution (employer) of the applicant including a confirmation that the applicant complies to Art. 2 §2 of the regulations;
  • An official invitation letter, signed by the inviting researcher (host), in which the exact period and necessity of the planned scientific stay is clearly motivated as well as the scientific added value of this stay for the research group in Flanders.

For all details regarding the eligibility, application- and evaluation procedure, we kindly refer to the following specific webpages:

We are convinced that this new channel will be a useful instrument to boost the collaboration between both our research communities. Therefore we kindly ask you to distribute this information as widely as possible within your organisation and research community.

In case of any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

Tinne Jacobs
Advisor International Affairs
T: + 32 (0)2 550 15 44
E: Isabelle Verbaeys
Head International Affairs
T: +32 (0)2 550 15 31

Dr Gregory Absillis
Science Policy Officer International Affairs
T: +32 (0)2 550 15 29

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