Full name: Julia Langanani Mafumo
Designation: Lecturer
Qualifications: Diploma in General Nursing (Lebone College of Nursing), Diploma in Midwifery (Venda Nursing College), BCur, Diploma in Nursing Administration, Advanced, Diploma in Nursing Science, (UNISA), BCur (Hons)MCur, DCur (UNIVEN)
Email address: julia.mafumo@univen.ac.za
Office No: office C4-Foundation Block 4
Dr. Mafumo JL is a Lecturer in the Department of Advanced Nursing Science. She has worked for over 20 years in the higher education sector. She specialises in General Nursing Science and Nursing Education. She has published in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications are:
- Mafumo, J.L., Netshandama, V.O. and Netshikweta, L., 2017. Clinical supervision as an integral part in training for bridging course learners at selected hospitals of Vhembe district, Limpopo province, South Africa. J Nurs Care, 6(392), pp.2167-1168.
She has supervised Honours, and Masters students.
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