Prof Tawanda Runhare is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Studies; he has worked for over 20 years in the higher education sector. He specialises in educational sociology and education policy studies. He has contributed 7 book chapters and co-edited the following book: Runhare, T & Gwirayi, P. (Eds) 2021. Sociological Foundations of Education in Africa. Perspectives, Contexts and Contemporary Issues. Cape Town: Oxford University Press. He has supervised 6 Honours, 15 Masters and 9 PhD students. Prof Runhare is currently Deputy Dean, Teaching and Learning and Chairperson of Teaching and Learning, Examinations and Programmes Accreditation committees. He has published extensively in peer reviewed and accredited journals. Among his recent publications are:
1) Runhare, T. Ouda, JB, Vele, MT, Mudzielwana, N (2021). School–community interventions to curb learner dropout: The perceptions of key education stakeholders in a rural South African school neighbourhood. International Review of Education.
2) Runhare T, Kanaga-Majanga, E & Mathebula, RN. (2021). Resilience of pregnant and parenting learners to pursue educational aspirations within a stigmatising school setting in rural South Africa. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (AJIS), 10(4), 163-173.
3) Mathebula, RN. & Runhare T. (2021). The knowledge landscape of School Disciplinary Committees on disciplinary policies in Mopani education district, Limpopo Province, South Africa. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (IJLTER), 20(4), 320-339
Links to other profiles
Orcid number:
Designation: Associate Professor
Office: Teaching and Learning Office
Qualifications: PhD. Education Policy Studies (UP); M.Ed. Educational Sociology B.Ed. (UZ); History and Sociology of Education (UZ); Ed, (UZ); Cert. in Personnel & Training Management (Institute for Personnel Management of Zimbabwe).
Phone: +2715 962 9490
Office No: FG13, New Education Building